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China is a big country with a large number of agricultural populations. Chinese three-dimensional rural issue is one of the main contradictions in today’s China. In the background of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and building a new socialist countryside, there are great value of theory and the aim of practice. This paper is supported by the Key National Natural Science Foundation(40535025),“Research on the Coordinated Development between farmer household and geographical environment in central part of rural area”.In research process of this dissertation, a lot of field investigation was taken in Huaxian county Henan province. A series databases were established for the purpose of this study. One database has 296×6 records include the information about the people who going out for a non-farming job. One database has 226×44 records relate with the personal information of the people who going out for a non-farming job. One database has 170×65 records relate with the family information of the people who going out for a non-farming job. A number of theory and knowledge were used in the processing of research, such as location theory, farmer flow theory, regional development theory, system theory and the theory of game. The method of quantity and quality combination was used to do the following research:
     The scale of farmers going out for a non-farming job in the rural area of Henan province.The affection factors of the farmer going out for a non farming job related with farmer’s income.The affection of location difference related with the economy of rural area in Henan province.
     Base on the analysis and modeling, we got the following conclusion:
     ⑴The scale of farmers going out for a non-farming job is an synthetically result worked by the factor of economic environment, the factor of family environment, the factor of geographical environment and the factor of regional environment.
     ⑵Farmer’s income is related with several factors, the aim location is one of the prominent factors.
     ⑶There are significant difference in the personal characters and family characters based on the analysis of income grade of farmers going out for a non-farming job.
     ⑷There are remarkable positive feedback in the process of farmers going out for a non-farming job. These behaviors improved farmer’s income, expense construction, living condition and agriculture production. Even though, some farmers brought technical and information back to their home, starting their pioneering work.
     There are eight parts of this dissertation:
     Forward, introducing the background and purpose of my dissertation, including the research work flow, research structure, methods and the main innovation. For a long time, the human geography has not focused on the field of farmer household. There are few people discuss the feedback of farmer going out for a non-farming job to the rural area economy from the aspect of human geography. In this paper, the micro-economy unit, farmer household is the research subject, discuss the behavior characters of farmer going out for a non-farming job and the how it effect the economy of rural area.
     Literature review and summary. Based on the theory of labor transfer in foreign countries, a point of view of research and content was lay out. Nowadays, there are plenty of discussions about the rural labors going out for a non-farming job. Some of these researches focus on the theory analysis, and some of them do the case study. Most of these researches come from the field of economy, agriculture economy, sociology, population statistics, management, philosophy, anthropology, agriculture, psychology and mathematics. They talk about the drive strength, motivation, process, status and the result of the issue about farmer going out for a non-farming job. In the field of geographical and human geographical there are little related researches.
     Selection of research region and its description. In this part, research area was introduced, questionnaire design, data investigation and the farmer behavior was shown. In the rural area of central China, farmers have a strongest drive motivation that is improve their income, to get the largest feedback. In these areas, young and manhood male people with middle school degree are the main part of going out for a non-farming job. They usually married and do the basic work in factory. Every year these farmers will go out for a non-farming work over nine months. The neighbor provinces and developed provinces are the favorite location that they want to go.
     The scale analysis of out going for non-farming job. In this part of dissertation, the environment effect and location differences were discussed and study on how they modify the scale. Firstly, economic environment, family environment and the geographical environment are the better breakthrough point. Using these aspects we analysis the number and scale factors, synthetic with other factors a linear model with several variables was established. Then, this research focused on the following five aspects: distance, azimuth, economic zone, spatial type and city grade to talk about the location difference of scale of going out for non-farming job. The general linear model disclosed that the scale of going out for non-farming job has a remarkable difference in the aspects of distance, azimuth, spatial type and city grade in general.
     Income analysis of going out for non-farming job. In the research another linear regression model was established. It estimated that the location province, stay time, income per month got a prominent level.
     The feedback analysis of farmer going out for non-farm job. From two different aspects (ie. Farmer household economy and village-level economy) to discuss the feedback of farmer’s going out for non-farm job. The effect of farmer’s going out for non-farm job has main influence on the farmer household economy, which shows that income of going out for a non-farm job is the main resource of farmer household family, and these people have a low level of income. The income level varies directly with the possession of consumer durables. The behavior of going out for a non-farming job improved the living condition greatly. In the mean time, from this research, we find that there are great differences between different villages, especially between the different families. The effect of going out for a non-farming job behavior reflected in many aspects, such as investment in agriculture, crop production and back to business.
     Conclusion. Got a main conclusion of this research. Some deficiency and prospective research are brought forth here.
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