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Irrigation area water measurement, which is the basal means of optimized collocation and modern management of water resource in irrigation area, is getting hold of recognition. In these years, along with experimental units and extension of self-financing irrigation and drainage district, the assignment of water measurement becomes heavier. At the same time, the request to structures of water weasurement is higher.
     According to agricultural irrigation and water used to industry and living, the precision of water measurement in open channel is needed to be advanced, the same as measuring range and silt discharge capacity of establishment. Basing on the designment and application of usual measuring flume to Nan Chong Channel, which is one of channels of Sheng Zhong irrigation district in Sichuan, a new measuring flume of V-shape straight wall type, which is used to rectangular channel, is put forward. The new measuring flume is studied by theory, experimental investigation and numerical simulation. The main contents and conclusions are as follow:
     (1)The current fruit of measuring establishment is concluded by the numbers.
     (2) The application of long gorge water measuring flume and gorgeless water measuring flume to Nan Chong Channel of Sheng Zhong irrigation district is studied.
     (3) Making use of critical water depth theory and energy equation, the principle of new measruing flume is analyzed theoretically, and the formula used to calculate
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