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本课题以Mr10 000的羊胎盘免疫调节因子GPIF(goat plancenta immunoregulatory factor,GPIF)为免疫生物活性评价样品材料,对GPIF免疫生物活性进行了评价方法的比较筛选、免疫生物活性评价方法的优化,并在此基础上对GPIF进行了免疫生物活性评价,确立了GPIF免疫生物活性剂量效应曲线,探讨了不同工艺方法及处理因素对GPIF免疫生物活性的影响,与同类药品免疫生物活性进行了对比。
     对GPIF E玫瑰花环实验在不影响SRBC活性的基础上用神经氨酸酶处理,经此法处理后E玫瑰花环形成率明显提高;对传统的ConA诱导的人外周血淋巴细胞增殖BrdU-ELISA实验,进行了方法学改进。采用PHA诱导的人外周血淋巴细胞增殖BrdU-ELISA实验效果远远优于ConA诱导增殖效果。
    性都呈现了稳定的剂量效应关系。表现为低浓度(0 .125mg/m1)免疫生物活性较
In this paper, the preparation of goat plancenta immunoregulatory factor(GPIF) avivity samples, the comparison among several methods for evaluating immunobiologic activity and the choosing of optimum methods have been systematically studied. On the base of these, we have evaluated the immnobiologic acitivity of GPIF, finded the dose-effect activity curve of GPIF; and analyzed influencing factors of different grafts, disposal means on GPIF immunobiologic activity. Further, we compared GPIF immunobiologic activity with the similar drugs.
    1.The preparation of GPIF avivity evaluation samples: By identifling the physiochemistry items, UV spectrum data, Chromatographic Fingerprints test and safty evaluation, we found GPIF activity evaluation samples were eligible.
    2.The comparison of methods of immunobiologic activity evaluation: In this paper, we primitivily selected two kinds of morphologic methods to evaluate GPIF immunobiologic activity: E rosettes experiment, Lymphocyte transformation experiment, and two kinds of optic colorimetry immunobiologic activity evaluation methods: cell proliferation MTT assay, cell proliferation BrdU-ELISA assay. And further studied E rosettes experiment and lymphocyte proliferation BrdU-ELISA assay. Finally, we ensure immunobiologic activity evaluation methods of GPIF wre T cells from pigs thymus of E rosettes experiment and PHA inducing lymphocyte proliferation BrdU-ELISA assay.
    3.The choosing of optimum evaluating methods of immunobiologic activity: If we disposed sheep blood red cells with neuraminic acid enzyme, the E rosettes forming ratio remarkbly increased; We improved the conventional method of BrdU-ELISA assay on lymphocyte proliferation induced by ConA. The results showed that lymphocyte proliferation induced by PHA was better than by ConA.
    4. Immunobiologic activity evaluation of GPIF: Both E rosettes experiment and lymphocyte proliferation assasy showed that immunobiologic activity of GPIF steadily exited dose-effect relations, namely, the low concentration (0.125mg/ml) activity was lowwer, with the concentration increasing, immunobiologic activity of GPIF gradually increased, when it was at the 0.5mg/ml, immunobiologic activity of GPIF reached summit. After that, the immunobiologic activity gradually weakened. The immunobiologic activity of GPIF curve was normal school.
    5.Analyse of influencing factors for immunobiologic activity of GPIF: The analyse results of influencing factors of high temperature diposaling virus, freezy-dry craft, choose of excipents, different Mr interception, preparation graft on GPIF indicated that high temperature diposaling virus, freezy-dry craft, choose of excipents, different Mr interception did not exited any influencing factors on GPIF. But, when preparation graft changed, the GPIF immunobiologic activity also changed with it. Activity evaluation assay proved that ultrafilter graft was better than dialysis.
    6.The comparison of GPIF immunobiologic activity with the similar drugs. When we compared the immunobiologic activity of GPIF to thymopolypeptides solution, thymopolypeptides enteric-coated tablets and tansfer factor solution, the checking results indicated that immunobiologic activity of GPIF was higher than the similar drugs, which were produced and saled in Chongqing.
    In conclusion, the results of checking of physiochemistry items, UV spectrum data, Chromatographic Fingerprints test and safty evaluation indicated that GPIF avivity evaluation samples were eligible. Through the comparison of methods for evaluating immunobiologic activity and the choosing of optimum methods to evaluating immunobiologic activity, we created assay methods evaluating immunobiologic activity for quality standard of GPIF.The research of dose-effect of GPIF can also supply theoretical materials for pharmacology. That the experiments on the factors which affect the immunobiologic activity of GPIF and the comparison with similar drugs demonstrated that GPIF was a kind of cellar immunoregulating drug with stable and high immunobiologic activity. At
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