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     溃疡性结肠炎(ulcerative colitis,UC)是一种慢性非特异性结肠炎性疾病,在我国的发病率日益升高,并以慢性复发型最为多见。该病病因仍然不清,目前的研究认为精神因素、环境因素、遗传易感性、免疫反应及肠道局部微环境协同参与了本病的发病。最新的治疗策略是诱导、维持临床症状和黏膜炎症的缓解,重建肠黏膜屏障平衡,减少复发和并发症,改善患者的生活质量。由于病因的尚不明确,治疗方法仍以支持疗法和控制炎症改善症状为主,疗效并不满意。但是我们拥有中医中药这一宝贵资源,近年来中医药治疗溃疡性结肠炎的研究取得了显著进展。相对于西医,中药具有高安全性和作用的多向性的特点,在控制患者不良反应,减少复发,改善患者生存质量方面有明显优势。但目前,中医药治疗本病的研究尚存在许多问题,如可重复性差,缺乏循证医学证据等。
     临床综合疗效:舒肝健脾颗粒组优于对照组(P<0.05);两组总有效率(95.65% vs 69.57%)比较有统计学意义;两组完全缓解率比较无统计学意义。中医证候疗效:舒肝健脾颗粒组疗效优于对照组(P<0.05),而两组总有效率(95.65% vs 73.91%)比较亦有统计学意义。
     舒肝健脾颗粒组主要症状腹泻、便血、腹痛的总有效率分别为95.65%、82.61%、95.65%,其中腹泻、便血的疗效优于对照组( P<0.05),而两组腹痛疗效比较无差别(P>0.05),但从数值上看,有高于SASP组的趋势。对患者血小板计数(PLT)的影响:治疗后,两组PLT值均降低,两组治疗后PLT值比较无显著性差异(P>0.05)。两组PLT下降值比较亦无显著差异(P>0.05)。
1. Objective
     Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a nonspecific inflammatory disease of rectum and colon, chronic recurrent type is most commonplace. Pathogenesis of the disease is not very clear. Environment, microorganism, heredity and immune factors may have relationship with it, among all of above, immune factors have been seriously concerned. Modern therapy strategy has been changed into inductive and maintenance care based on evidencebased medicine, but the side effects of western medicine restrict its clinical using, there are no positive appraisal for some brand-new treatment and medicine. Traditional Chinese Medicine shows its superiority in improving quality of life, lowering recurrence rate, but there are still many problems need to be resolved, lacking in the evidencebased medicine.
     My tutor Professor Zhang Yansheng considers UC active phase of chronic recurrent type has specific characteristic syndrome type of TCM, that is: deficiency of spleen yang, retention of damp-heat and blood are common. Thus, I selected UC active phase of chronic recurrent type as the research objective, observing its treatment effects and inquiring its pathology mechanism.
     2. Methods
     The UC of liver stagnation and spleen deficiency rats model was induced by TNBS and ties, and divided 6 groups: normal group; model group; SASP treatment group; 3 variant SGJP treatment group included large dose group, medium and little dose group. The study was strictly designed under the guidance of“Guide line for New Drugs Clinical Trials”Guidelines for Treatment of Chronic Unspecific Ulcerative Colitis with Chinese Materia Medica. In combination with actual clinical situation, adopting random positive control method, on the basis of diagnosis criterion established on Inflammatory Bowel Disease Seminar at Chengdu in 2000, 46 cases of chronic recurrent type in UC active phase was selected from out-patient clinic (OPD) and wards of Dongfang Hospital. Therapeutic effect includes clinical general effect, change of TCM syndrome, change of emotional handicap ,change of main clinical symptom (diarrhea, hematochezia, abdominal pain).
     3. Results
     DAI of SGJP is lower than that of SASP. There is statistic significant difference, implying that SGJP can reduce clinical symptom and that its effect is better than SASP. CMDI of SGJP is lower than that of SASP. There is statistic significant difference.
     IL-10 of each group is reduced and IL-1βof each group is increased. The effect of SGJP is better than that of SASP. Therefore, SGJP can efficiently control UC of liver stagnation and spleen deficiency rats.
     VIP of UC of liver stagnation and spleen deficiency rats is increased. SGJP can obviously improve the VIP of UC of liver stagnation and spleen deficiency rats. Clinical general therapeutic effect of treated group is better than control group ( P<0.05); total effective percentage of two group (95.65% vs 69.57% ), there is no statistic significant difference.
     Therapeutic effect of TCM syndrome treated group is superior to control group ( P<0.01), full recovery or significant effect percentage of TCM syndrome was obviously better than control group.
     The change of main clinical symptom (diarrhea, hematochezia) had significant difference between the tow group, and the therapeutic effect of SGJP group is better.The change of abdominal pain of both group had no significant difference, but considering the numeric figure, the control group was potentially higher than treated group. Before treatment, PLT of each group has no obvious difference (P>0.05). After treatment, PLT of each group has lowered, there is still no statistical diference in PLT between SASP group and SGJP group ( P>0.05 ).
     Before treatment, HAMA and HAMD of each group have no obvious difference (P>0.05). After treatment, HAMA and HAMD have lowered. The descending value of HAMD has statistical diference between SASP group and SGJP group (P<0.05).
     4. Conclusion
     The SGJP made from Chinese herbs which have the effects of dispersing stagnated liver qi for strengthening spleen and activating blood, can increase the IL-10 and reduce the IL-1β, VIP level of local colon tissue. Compared with western medicine, the therapeutic effect is better, espcially in the Depressive disorder and TCM syndrome, and it had no obvious ill-effect.
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