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此项研究通过红掌(Anthurium andraeanum)几个新品种的组织培养、栽培及应用,采用传统与现代技术手法,对其组织培养、栽培基质、肥料及环境条件、鲜切花的保鲜等方面,进行了全面系统的研究探讨,得出红掌组培最合适的培养基配方及安达地区红掌栽培最合适的施肥方案,以及红掌鲜切花保鲜方案。
The research studied tissue culture and culture medium and fertilizer and environmental conditions and cut flowers preservation of Anthurium andraeanum by adopting traditional and modern techntc and acquired suitable medium formulation for Anthurium andraeanum and optimal fertilizer scheme for culturing Anthurium andraeanum in Anda and preservation scheme for cutting flowers of Anthurium andraeanum.
    First ,the project acquired complete technical route of tissue culture of Anthurium andraeanum and medium formulations of callus inducement from leaf and callus multiplication and fast-growth bud propagation and rooting and transplant.
    Secondly,improved technology of Anthurium andraeanum tissue culture and simple technics make the cost of sprout production reduce and increase market competition ability.The project adopted out test-tube rooting instead of inside test-tube rooting.The method unites rooting and seedling stress.saving 20 days to root inside test-tube and one third of the seeding cultivation cost.
    Thirdly,the matrix of planting Anthuriwn andraeanum should have the following characters:good water-retention;good drainage:no rot;great supporting capability;no poisonous component .Fertilization technique parameter of Anthuriwn andraeanum and light temperature control parameter and other related techntc make Anthurium andraeanum plant grow strong with mean growing and sturdy rhizome and much flower and long flowering and good sight.
    Fourthly,the project has discussed emphatically picking and grade and pretreatment of Anthurium andraeanum cutting flowers and preservation during transortation about the application of Anthurium andraeanum.
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