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Under the background of aging population, economic globalization, and socio-economic transformation, how to establish social security system to adapt to the market economy and the development of times lacks clear pointing on value targets, institutional arrangements, and specific operations. The much controversy on "Social Insurance Law" and its difficult publish are the most realistic portrayal to this situation. As the second pillar of old age security, the strategy meanings of enterprise annuity no matter how emphasized are not overstated. This is not only reflected in the generated huge economic and social benefits of the establishment of enterprise annuity, but also the coordinated development between basic old age insurance and enterprise annuity to solve the worries of retired workers, but also a demonstration effect for occupational pension.
     It has been nearly 20 years since "The State Council on Decisions about Workers'Old Age Insurance of Enterprises" (Guo Fa [1991]33) first proposed "the nation promotes and encourages enterprises to implement supplementary old age insurance". During the past 20 years, it has basically formed the institutional framework and initially established the market-oriented operation mechanism. However, the coverage is low and the development is uneven. Enterprise annuity is still in early stage.
     As the supplementary of basic old age insurance, enterprise annuity only maintain good returns that can attract more enterprises and workers to join enterprise annuity plans. Compared with basic old age insurance, enterprise annuity has wider investment area and more tools, therefore, more complex investment decisions. Investment faces risk, however, it is impossible to avoid investment risks completely. To some extent, the level of risk management determines the role of enterprise annuity. Although enterprise annuity of China is still in early stage, recognizing the importance of enterprise annuity risk management is impetus for enterprise annuity fund institutions standing out in the fierce market competition and protecting the interests of the beneficiaries.
     In ongoing rapid development of economic globalization and financial integration, the risks faced by enterprise annuity are increasing and influencing with each other. At the same time, the risks cover a wider field and exceed boundaries. Since the second half of 2007, financial crisis triggered by subprime mortgage of America has brought a great impact on global pension. The financial crisis shows that loss is no longer caused by a single risk, but by various risks. Under the context of post-crisis, it is inaccurate to measure the total risk using a simple summation of different types of risks, because it ignores risk interactions. Generally, risk interactions show some correlations. These correlations are usually not simple linear, but dynamic nonlinear. How to measure risk correlations is the key to manage the risks. However, subject to the lagged situations of theories and applications, enterprise annuity risk management has not formed scientific standards and sound system.
     ERM emphasizes risk correlations on the basis of managing market risk, credit risk, and operational risk separately. ERM has made some progresses in foreign countries and causes our attention, but few people in China study ERM systematically and the application of ERM in enterprise annuity of China is still in early stage. This paper tries to construct enterprise annuity ERM of China according to the characteristics of enterprise annuity and national conditions.
     Based on the detailed interpretations of ERM theories, this paper constructs preliminarily Chinese enterprise annuity ERM framework according to the situations of enterprise annuity risk management. Then, this paper goes into the core of enterprise annuity ERM which is risk measurement and risk integration. Finally, this paper constructs the implementation mechanism of enterprise annuity ERM, including institutions, government supervision, and market discipline.
     The main innovations of this paper are as follows:
     First, drawing on the current mainstream of international ERM theories, aiming at the defects of enterprise annuity risk management of China, this paper constructs preliminarily an enterprise annuity ERM framework of China. Enterprise annuity is a new thing no matter for the supervision authority, the enterprises having established enterprise annuity plans, or enterprise annuity fund management institutions. Therefore, at the early stage of the development of enterprise annuity, it is important to establish a relatively complete enterprise annuity ERM framework.
     Second, this paper merges enterprise annuity ERM, governance and internal control. Enterprise annuity ERM has inseparable link with governance and internal control, therefore, reasonable relationship definition is the right research basis for enterprise annuity ERM. The paper holds that enterprise annuity governance includes enterprise annuity ERM, while enterprise annuity ERM includes enterprise annuity internal control. This paper argues that enterprise annuity governance structure deficiencies restrict the exertion of enterprise annuity ERM level. Therefore, complete enterprise annuity ERM first needs define the responsibilities of the parties in the governance structure. Enterprise annuity governance is very important for enterprise risk ERM. Only enterprise annuity governance is relatively complete that enterprise annuity ERM can develop healthily.
     Third, under the unified framework of correlation measurement and integration model construction, this paper analyzes risk measurement and risk integration together. Enterprise annuity risk measurement and integration covers two different layers of portfolio. First is between the same risks, while second is between different types of risks. Risk measurement and risk integration both involve correlation measurement and integration model construction. On the basis of measuring enterprise annuity market risk and credit risk, this paper integrates both of them.
     Fourth, analyze the application of enterprise annuity ERM in China in the unified framework of institution, technique and culture. From the development state of Chinese enterprise annuity, although the implementation conditions are not yet mature, recognizing ERM as an advanced management concepts, rather than specific risk management methods or techniques points out the application direction. Culture is important than institution, while institution is important than technique. This development idea tells us that when drawing on western ERM institution and technique, we should not ignore culture soil relied by institution and technique.
    5 Kent D. Miller。A Framework for Integrated Risk Management in International Business。Journal of International Business Studies,1992,23 (2)。
    8 Jerry Miccolis, Samir Shah。Creating Value Through Enterprise Risk Management:A Practical Approach for the Insurance Industry。Tillinghast-Towers Perrin Monograph,2001:3-10.
    9 Lisa Meulbroek。The Promise and Challenge of Integrated Risk Management。Risk Management and Insurance Review,2002,5(1):1.
    10 William H.Panning. Using Enterprise Risk Management to Maximize Shareholder Value.2003 CAD/SOA ERM Symposium,2003:7-12.
    11 Sim Segal. Value-based Enterprise Risk Management。The Actuary,2005:33.
    12 Littleman (2000)认为,VaR关注的是极端情况下小概率事件和突发事件产生的损失,VaR很适合银行业的风险管理,但是不适合养老基金的风险管理。因为养老基金是一种长期性资产,并不十分关注突发性小概率事件对基金的影响。对养老基金风险管理来说,压力测试可能是更重要的指标。压力测试是在风险已经被识别的基础上,回答如果事件发生对投资组合的影响。
    13假设f(·)表示一种风险衡量方法,x和y表示两种证券,次可加性是指f(x+y)    14 Philippe Artzner, Freddy Delbaen, Jean-marc Eber, David Heath. Coherent Measures of Risk。Mathematical Finance,1999,9 (3).
    17 Roger B.Nelsen。An Introduction to Copulas。Springer,1999。
    18 Shaun S. Wang。Aggregation of Correlated Risk Portfolios:Models and Algorithms。Proceedings of the Casualty Actuarial Society 85,1998:848-939.
    19 David X.Li。On default correlation:A copula function approach。Journal of Fixed Income,2000, (3)。
    20 Eric Bouye, Valdo Durrleman, Ashkan Nikeghbali, Gael Riboulet, Thierry Roncalli。Copulas for Finance A Reading Guide and Some Applications。2000。
    21 Lisa S.Ward, David H.Lee。Practical Application of the Risk-Adjusted Return on Capital Framework。CAS Forum Summer Dynamic Financial Analysis Discussion Papers,2002。
    22 Joshua V.Rosenberg, Til Schuermann。A general approach to integrated risk management with skewed, fat-tailed risks。Journal of Financial Economics,2006,79 (3)。
    23 Luke Seberry。Does your pension fund reduce risk for your company? East Asian Actuarial Conference, 2007.
    24 Doug Andrews。Extending ERM to Multi-Employer Pension Plans。Society of Actuaries Enterprise Risk Management Symposium,2006。
    25 Andre Choquet, Minaz H. Lalani。Can pension plans fit in an ERM framework? Enterprise Risk Management Application Committee of the CIA,2009。
    27 Gary P.Brinson, Randolph L.Hood, Gilbert L.Beebower。Determinants of portfolio preference. Financial Analysts Journal,1986, (7-8)。
    28 Roger G.Ibbotson, Paul D.Kaplan。Does asset allocation policy explain 40,90 or 100 percent of performance? Financial Analysts Journal,2000, (1-2)。
    29 IOPS。Review of IOPS Principles of Private Pension Supervision (draft for public consultation)。。
    30 Thomas Fitzgerald, Robert Vogel。Moving Towards Risk-Based Supervision in Developing Economies。 CAER II Discussion Paper No.66,2000.
    31 Richard P.Hinz, Anca Mataoanu。Pension Supervision:Understanding International Practice and country Context。Socail Protection Unit Human Development Network The Word Bank,2005。
    32 Richard Hinz, Roberto Rocha。RISK-BASED SUPERVISION OF PENSION FUNDS:Summary of First Four Case Studies。The World Bank IOPS Conference,2006。
    43张尧庭。连接函数(Copula)技术与金融风险分析。统计研究,2002, (4)。
    61彭巧巧、王国辉。我国企业年金基金的投资风险管理研究。产业与科技论坛,2008, (4)。
    69按音译,企业年金可以译为Enterprise Annuity,按意译,译为Private Pension、Occupational Pension更为适合,因为中国企业年金本质上就是基金。但是,如果 Private Pension、Occupational Pension译为企业年金,职业年金又该译成什么呢?Private Pension更一般的译法是私人养老金,Occupational Pension更一般的译法是职业年金。因而,基于中国补充养老保险既包括企业年金又包括职业年金的事实,笔者认为把企业年金译为Enterprise Annuity,把职业年金译为Occupational Pension更为合适。在本文的写作过程中,笔者查阅了大量的英文资料,发现世界银行报告中也都把中国的企业年金翻译成Enterprise Annuity,因而,本文把企业年金译为Enterprise Annuity。
    74类似的术语还有Global Risk Management、Enterprise-wide Risk Management、Firm-wide Risk Management、Comprehensive Risk Management等。
    75 My Risk Control。History of Enterprise Risk Management.。
    76 Andrew W.Lo。The Three P's of Total Risk Management Financail Analysts Journal,1999, (1-2)。
    81 《OECD保险公司治理准则》和《OECD企业年金治理准则》中都指出,所制订的准则与《OECD公司治理准则》是一致且相容的。
    82 COSO《内部控制——整合框架》中第一要素是控制环境,而COSO《企业风险管理——整合框架》中第一要素是内部环境。控制环境与内部环境的内容大体相同,略有差别。
    88 COSO。Enterprise Risk Management-Integrated Framework Executive Summary。2004。
    89 Joint Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand Committee。AS/NZS 4360:2004 Risk Management。 2006。
    90 CAS。Overview of Enterprise Risk Management。2003。
    92 PRMIA。Enterprise Risk Management (ERM):A Status Check on Global Best Practices。2008.。
    93 COSO。Enterprise Risk Management-Integrated Framework Executive Summary。2004。。
    94 COSO《企业风险管理——整合框架》和《新巴塞尔资本协议》是原理与应用的关系。如果说COSO《企业风险管理——整合框架》是制度和方法,那么《新巴塞尔资本协议》就是实施细则。前者是针对所有风险集中行业的风险管理标准,后者则是发达国家先进银行风险管理实践的总结。
    96 Joint Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand Committee。AS/NZS 4360:2004 Risk Management. 2006。。
    97 CAS。Overview of Enterprise Risk Management。2003。
    98 Andreas Muller。Integrated risk management:A holistic risk management approach for the insurance industry。1999。。
    100 Prakash Shimpi。ERM Secrets to Success:The Five Things You Need to Know。2007。 otlight_ERM_Update.htm。
    101 Anette Mikes。Enterprise Risk Management in Action。London School of Economics and Political Science,2005。
    103 John Drzik, Mercer Oliver Wyman。New Directions in Risk Management。Journal of Financial Econometrics,2005,(1)。
    106 Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities。CAPSA Pension Governance Guideline and Implementation Tool。2001。
    119信赖义务包括忠诚义务(duty of loyalty)和谨慎义务。忠诚义务是对受托人道德的要求,谨慎义务是对受托人称职的要求。
    120 ERISA认为为企业年金计划提供服务或进行行政管理或投资运作的公司、机构或个人,如果具有以下权力或提供以下服务就是该计划的受信人:(1)对企业年金计划具有决定权或控制权,对计划的资产管理具有处置权;(2)为企业年金计划的资产提供投资咨询或者有权力、有义务提供这种咨询:(3)对于该计划的行政管理有决定权并负责任。参见林羿:美国企业养老金的监督与管理,中国财政经济出版社,2006。
    125 George A.Akerlof. The market for "Lemons":Quality Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism。Quarterly Journal of Economics,1970,84 (3)。
    129 John H.Langbein。The Secret Life of the Trust:The Trust as an Instrument of Commerce。The Yale Law Journal,1997 (107):165。
    146 Alessandro Juri, Mario V. Wuthrich。Copula convergence theorems for tail events。Insurance:Mathematics and Economics,2002,30 (3)。
    147 Roger B.Nelsen。An Introduction to Copulas。Springer,1999。
    148 B.John Manistre。A Practical concept of Tail Correlation.2008。。
    150 Emanuel Parzen。On the estimation of a probability density function and the mode。Annals of Mathematical Statistics,1962,33(3)。
    151 Luc Devroye。The Equivalence of Weak, Strong and Complete Convergence in L1 for Kernel Density Estimates。The Annals of Statistics,1983,11(3)。
    152 Francis X.Diebold, Todd A.Gunther, Anthony S.Tay。Evaluating Density Forecasts with Applications to Financial Risk Management。International Economic Review,1998,39 (4)。
    153 Roberto De Matteis。Fitting Copulas to Data。Institute of Mathematics of the University of Zurich,2001。
    154 Hu Ling。Essays in Econometrics with Applications in Macroeconomic and Financial Modeling。Yale University,2002。
    161罗斯·阿尔特曼(Ros Altmann)。完善DC型养老金计划:时不我待。保险与社会保障,2008(第3辑):182。
    165 Eugene F.Fama。Component of Investment Performance。Journal of Finance,1972, (6)。
    166 Fama模型仍是以CAPM模型为基础的。
    168 Gary P.Brinson, Randolph L.Hood, Gilbert L.Beebower。Determinants of portfolio preference。Financial Analysts Journal,1986, (7-8)。
    175 Allen N.Berger。Market Discipline in Banking。Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago,1991。
    177 Erlend Nier, Ursel Baumann。Market discipline, disclosure and moral hazard in Banking。Journal of Financial Intermediation,2006, (15)。
    178 Mark J.Flannery。The Faces of "market discipline"。Journal of Financial Services Research,2001,20 (2-3)。
    179 Paul Hamalainen。 Market discipline and regulatory authority oversight of banks:Complements not substitutes。The Service Industries Journal,2006,26(1)。
    183 David M.Kreps, Paul Milgrom, John Roberts, Robert Butler Wilson。Rational cooperation in the finitely repeated prisoner's dilemma。Journal of Economic Theory,1982,27 (2)。
    184 Colin Camerer, Keith Weigelt。Experimental Tests of a Sequential Equilibrium Reputational Model. Econometrica,1988,56 (1)。
    186 Eugene F.Famao Agency Problems and the Theory of the Firm。Journal of Political Economy,1980,88 (2)。
    188 Bethany Mclean。Is Enron Overpriced。Fortune, March 5,2001。
    189企业年金的担保机制与银行的存款保险类似。国内外许多学者的研究结果表明,无论是显性还是隐性的存款保险制度确实减弱了市场约束,因而认为市场约束与存款保险是水火不容的关系,但Kane和Demirguc-Kunt (2001)指出,如果能够改进存款保险制度设计的话,则不仅不会削弱市场约束,反而能更好地减弱道德风险并强化市场约束。转引自张强、佘桂荣:银行监管中的存款保险与市场约束研究综述,经济评论,2009,(3)。
    190刘昌平、谢婷。中国企业年金计划担保机制研究。保险研究,2009, (8)。
    191刘昌平在《中国企业年金计划担保机制研究》一文中列举了香港强积金要求所有计划受托人向保险公司购买专业弥偿保险(professional indemnity insurance)的例子,此处刘昌平虽然称为再保险,但实际上与我们通常所理解的再保险涵义不同,应注意区分。
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    5. [美]劳伦斯·汤普森著,孙树菡等译。老而弥智——养老保险经济学。中国劳动社会保障出版社,2003。
    6. [法]卡特琳·米尔丝。社会保障经济学。法律出版社,2003。
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    9. [西班牙]因内思·马可—斯达德勒、J.大卫·佩雷斯—卡斯特里罗著,管毅平译。信息经济学:激励与合约。上海财经大学出版社,2004。
    93.白保中、宋逢明、朱世武。Copula函数度量我国商业银行资产组合信用风险的实证研究。金融研究,2009, (4)。
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    3. Andrew W.Lo。The Three P's of Total Risk Management。Financail Analysts Journal,1999, (1-2)。
    4. Andre Choquet, Minaz H. Lalani。Can pension plans fit in an ERM framework? Enterprise Risk Management Application Committee of the CIA,2009。。
    5. Andreas Muller。Integrated risk management:A holistic risk management approach for the insurance industry。1999。
    6. Anette Mikes。Enterprise Risk Management in Action。London School of Economics and Political Science,2005。
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