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In this thesis the mechanical production technology and its application at
     present were analyzed and the swabbing machine (the truck for pulling oil) which
     can solve the problem of the oil reducing for the low production well the working
     theory and the necessary for developing. This new technology was demonstrated
     and also a special drum was designed which can be successfully used in this
     swabbing machine This had offered the theoretical and practical basis for the
     research and development of the new swabbing machine
     This thesis proposes the reforming design schmes. On the basis of analysis
     of the working principle of the cy2000 swabbing machine. After analysis and
     calculation of the loading force of the machine. The causes of damage of
     capstan in theaiy. At also carries analysis and strength calculation of the loading
     Although the reformming has improved the condition of running of the
     machine there are many problems to be solved .the paper also analyses the
     possibilities of theory and its application for the swabbing machine of new type
     high efficiency..
     Trough the analysis and research of the cy2000 swabbing machine availabe in
     Daqin~g of oil- field, there are many improper points of design. and many defaults
     in the process of application. Steel rope needs properly arrangements. Body
     structure also needs many improvements. The capstan for steel rope results in
     abnormal stop and low efficiency. Maintenane for the machine has difficulties as
     well on general. It is necessary to reform. if thoroughly in order to make the
     machine run smoothly.
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