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More than a century ago, attracted by the "Gold Mountain Dreams", a large number of Chinese workers entered the American labor market. They intensified the competition of labor price, changed the labor relations, and eventually stirred up the debates on indecent work competition,"Yellow Peril", Chinese Exclusion Acts and etc.
     Nowadays, Chinese Americans have been constructed into "Model Minority" who are widely acclaimed by mainstream Americans. However, with the aggravated globalization and the emergence of financial crises in the West, arguments on the merits and demerits of "Made in China" are unabated on one hand, factory audits in the light of SA8000or the Chinese Labor Law are augmenting on the other hand. Once again, antidumping measures and trade protectionism are clouded in the moral and human rights discourses by the issue of Chinese labor's indecent work.
     Although the denouncement of Honan migrants and Yi ethnic migrant workers in the labor market of the Pearl River Delta is less impressive recently, it does not mean that the social and cultural discriminations against people's ethnic and provincial origins have vanished. Once the labor shortage is eased, these people will duly become the condemned and the excluded again.
     The thesis argues that there is a continuation between the images of Chinese migrant workers in the19th century America and those of "Made in China" in the current American society. It is also believed that some similaries can be detected between the images of Chinese migrant workers in the19th century America and those of the nonlocal rural workers as well as the ethnic migrant workers in China today.
     An analysis of the vicissitude of images may shed light on how competitive and segmented labor market is created through people's habitus differences, labor cost optimization, general standards of labor wages, citizenship, employment rights, hiring ethics, and norms of human rights. In other words, the so-called market, class and stratum, transferred into identity stereotypes of nationalities, ethnicities, and provinces, are embedded in specific cultural elements like nationality provisions, household registration policies, labor standards, values, discourses, preferences, rights and interests, senses of fairness and opportunity.
     It is hoped that the discussions will help make out the relationships between knowledge and power, social reality and social imaginary, social stratification and ethnic/provincial identities. A review on the images of the Chinese labor in the19th century America, the rural migrant workers of China, and "Made in China" may offer a better understanding of nation-states, the globalized labor market, and the human rights charges.
1SA8000是美国非政府组织——国际社会责任组织(SAI:Social Accountability International)于1997年颁布的企业社会责任认证标准。
    4此处吴景超先生引用了雷德福(A. Redford)在Labor Migration in England,1800-1850—书第132页上的分析。
    1周宁, 《世界之中国:域外中国形象研究》,南京:南京大学出版社,2007年,第71-81页。
    4张春生、周郁夫,《干部带头清退自己安排的亲友安徽十万多农民工返乡务农城乡配合 做好思想工作解决农民工回乡后的困难》,《人民日报》,1982年1月31日。
    4周大鸣教授认为,农民工进城后在住房、教育、就业、享受社会福利和大众传播媒介等方面低城里人一等;城市的土地、厂房和其它财产为当地社区居民集体所有、占有或使用,而外来农民工无权享受;现行的城市管理体制始终把农民工当作局外人来管理,收费多、关卡 多。
    5李珮磷、黄国群,《我国外贸企业声誉提升研究——兼论化解“中国制造”信任危机的对 策》,《未来与发展》,2008年第29卷第4期,第54页。
    4 Bongiorni, Sara. A Year Without "Made in China ":One Family's True Life Adventure in the Global Economy. New Jersey:John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2007. Foreword, p. ix.
    4德勤会计师事务所、美国竞争力委员会,《2010年全球制造业竞争力指数》,2010年6月,第11页。据此报告:美国当前的制造业竞争力排名第四位,未来五年的竞争力将被巴西超过而排在第五位,分列第二位和第三位的印度、韩国排名没有变化,日本将被墨西哥超过,从第六下降到第七。制造业竞争力的十大驱动因素包括:人才驱动的创新;劳动力和材料成本;能源成本和能源政策;供应商网络;当地的商业活力;经济、贸易、金融和税收体系; 基础设施的质量;政府对制造业和创新的投资;法律与监管体系;医疗服务的质量和供应。
    1 Bongiorni, Sara. A Year Without "Made in China": One Family's True Life Adventure in the Global Economy. New Jersey:John Wiley & Sons, Inc.2007. Foreword, pp. x-xi.
    2 Engels, Friedrich. Conditions of the Working Class in England. Leipzig:1845. p.1.
    3 Shuttleworth, John, Vital Statistics of the Spinners and Piecers Employed in the Fine Spinning Mills of Mannester. Journal of the Statistical Society of London.1842,5 (3):p.268.
    1 Engels, Friedrich. Conditions of the Working Class in England. Leipzig:1845. pp.1-3.
    2 Ditto:pp.51-52.
    1 (英)汤普森著,钱乘旦译,《英国工人阶级的形成》,南京:译林出版社,2001年,第411-412页。
    1 (美)格伦斯基著,王俊等译,《社会分层》,北京:华夏出版社,2005年,第10页。
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    1 Reich, M., Gordon, M., & Edwards, R. A Theory of Labor Market Segmentation. The American Economic Review,1973,63 (2):pp.360-361.
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    1 Bauder, Harald. Labor Movement: How Migration Regulates Labor Markets. New York: Oxford University Press,2006. pp.8-9.
    2 Ditto:pp.29-30.
    1 Boswell, Terry. A Split Labor Market Analysis of Discrimination against Chinese Immigrants, 1850-1882. American Sociological Review,1986,51 (3):pp.352-353.
    2 Ditto:pp.356-357.
    1 (英)卡尔·波兰尼著,冯钢、刘阳译,《大转型:我们时代的政治与经济起源》,浙江:浙江人民出版社,2006年,第39-40页。
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    1 (英)卡尔·波兰尼著,冯钢、刘阳译,《大转型:我们时代的政治与经济起源》,浙江:浙江人民出版社,2006年,前言第1-2页。
    2 Riain, Sean. States and Markets in an Era of Globalization. Annual Review of Sociology,2000, 26:p.192.
    1 Cerulo, A. Karen. Identity Construction:New Issues, New Directions. Annual Review of Sociology.1997,23:pp.386-387.
    2 Brubaker, R. & Cooper, F. Beyond "Identity". Theory and Society. 2000,29 (1):1-47. p.2.
    3 Ditto:p.3.
    4 Shaw, H. William. Social and Personal Ethics. Toronto:Wadsworth, Thomson Learning, Inc. 2005. p.3.
    1 Habermas, J. & Cronin, C. On the Cognitive Content of Morality. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society. 1996, 96:p.337.
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    3 Zeisler, B. Ernest. A Theory of Human Rights. American Journal of Economics and Sociology. 1952,11 (4):pp.413-414.
    4 Delaet, Debra. The Global Struggle for Human Rights: Universal Principles in World Politics. Toronto:Wadsworth, Thomson Learning, Inc.2006. pp.11-12.
    1 Delaet, Debra. The Global Struggle for Human Rights: Universal Principles in World Politics. Toronto:Wadsworth, Thomson Learning, Inc.2006. pp.13-14.
    2 Griffin, James. On Human Rights. New York:Oxford University Press Inc. 2008. pp.32-33.
    3 Ditto. p.13.
    4 Sjoberg, G, Gill, E., & Williams, N. A Sociology of Human Rights. Social Problems.2007,18 (1):p.13.
    3 Takaki, Ronald. Strangers from a Different Shore. Boston:Penguin Books,1989, p.28.
    4 Ditto. pp. 21-22.
    1 Takaki, Ronald. Strangers from a Different Shore. Boston:Penguin Books, 1989. pp.24.
    3 Rohe, Randall. After the Gold Rush:Chinese Mining in the Far West, 1850-1890. Montana: The Magazine of Western History, 1982,32 (4):pp. 4-6.
    4 Ditto: p. 8.
    5 Rohe, Randall. After the Gold Rush:Chinese Mining in the Far West, 1850-1890. Montana: The Magazine of Western History, 1982,32 (4):p.18.
    1 Renner, George. Chinese Influence in the Development of Western United States. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1930.152:p.361.
    2 Takaki, Ronald. Strangers from a Different Shore. Boston:Penguin Books,1989. p.84.
    3(美)赵耀贵著,生键红译, 《横贯大陆铁路的无名建设者》,上海:百家出版社,2008年,第18页。
    4 Marx, Carl. Marx-Engels Correspondence. Gestamtausgabe: International Publishers,1968, p. 92.
    Takaki, Ronald. Strangers from a Different Shore. Boston:Penguin Books, 1989. pp.87-88.
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    1 Renner, George. Chinese Influence in the Development of Western United States. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science,1930,152:p.365.
    2 Takaki, Ronald. Strangers from a Different Shore. Boston:Penguin Books,1989. p.22.
    3 Ditto:p.93.
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    5 Ditto:p.366.
    1 Takaki,Ronald. Strangers from a Different Shore. Boston: Penguin Books, 1989.p.24.
    2 Cole, Cherul. Chineseo Exclusion: The Capitalist Perspective of the Sacramento Union, 1850-1882. California History,1978,57(1):p.11.
    3 Rodecape, Lois. Celestial Drama in the Golden Hills: The Chinese Theatre in California, 1849-1869. California Historical Society Quarterly, 1944,23(2):p.100.
    4 Cole, Cheryl. Chinese Exclusion: The Capitalist Perspective of the Sacramento Union, 1850-1882. California History, 1978,57(1):p.12.
    5 Rohe, Randall. After the Gold Rush: Chinese Mining in the Far West, 1850-1890. Montana: The Magazine of Western History, 1982,32(4): p.18.
    6陈翰生编,《华工出国史料汇编第七辑:美国与加拿大华工》,北京:中华书局,1984年, 第137页。
    1 Cole, Cheryl. Chinese Exclusion:The Capitalist Perspective of the Sacramento Union, 1850-1882. California History,1978,57 (1):p.13.
    2 Renner, George. Chinese Influence in the Development of Western United States. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science,1930,152: p.361.
    3 Takaki, Ronald. Strangers from a Different Shore. Boston:Penguin Books,1989. p.109.
    5 Ruldoph, Frederick. Chinamen in Yankeedom:Anti-Unionism in Massachusetts in 1870. The American Historical Review,1947,53(1):pp.13-14.
    6 Ditto:p.15.
    1 Ruldoph, Frederick. Chinamen in Yankeedom:Anti-Unionism in Massachusetts in 1870. The American Historical Review,1947,53 (1):p.20.
    2 Ditto:pp.22-24.
    4 Wollenberg, Charles. Ethnic Experiences in California History:An Impressionistic Survey. California Historical Quarterly.1971,50 (3):p.232.
    6 Liu, Ta Jen. U. S. - China Relations, 1784-1992. Maryland:University Press of America, Inc. 1997. p.15.
    1 Christopher, T. Jespersen. American Images of China, 1931-1949. California: Stanford University Press.1996. p.2.
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    3 Takaki, Ronald. Strangers from a Different Shore. Boston:Penguin Books,1989. p.81.
    1 Takaki, Ronald. Strangers from a Different Shore. Boston: Penguin Books,1989:p.130.
    3 DeMotte, Marshall. California-White or Yellow? Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 1921,93:p.18.
    1 DeMotte, Marshall. California-White or Yellow? Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.1921,93:p.23.
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    2 Nunis, D., Kearney, D., & Bryce, J. The Demagogue and the Demographer: Correspondence of Denis Kearney and Lord Bryce. Pacific Historical Review.1967,36 (3):pp.274-275.
    2 Posner, M. Russell. The Lord and the Drayman:James Bryce vs. Denis Kearney. California Historical Quarterly.1971,50 (3):p.283.
    3 Review work. The Workingmen's Party of California,1877-1882. California Historical Quarterly.1976,55 (1):pp.59-60.
    4 Ditto:pp.63-64.
    6 Posner, M. Russell. The Lord and the Drayman:James Bryce vs. Denis Kearney. California Historical Quarterly.1971,50 (3):pp.271-277.
    1 Scharf, T, J. The Farce of the Chinese Exclusion Laws. The North American Review.1898,166 (494):pp.85-86.
    1 Scharf, T, J. The Farce of the Chinese Exclusion Laws. The North American Review. 1898,166 (494): p.88.
    2 Ditto: p.89.
    3 Ditto: p.90.
    5 Scharf, T, J. The Farce of the Chinese Exclusion Laws. The North American Review. 1898,166 (494):p.91.
    6 Garrison, W. & Angell, G. Among the Papers. American Advocate of Peace (1892-1893).1892, 54 (3):p.77.
    1 Young, R. John. The Chinese Question Again. The North American Review. 1892, 154 (426): pp. 596-597.
    2罗伯特·英格索尔(Robert G. Ingersoll)的父亲是一位废奴运动者。
    3 Ingersoll, G. R. & Geary, J. T. Should the Chinese Be Excluded? The North American Review. 1893,157 (440):pp.52-53.
    4(美)陈依范(Chen, Joak)著,韩有毅译,《美国华人史》,北京:世界知识出版社,1987年,第162页。
    1 Ingersoll, G R. & Geary, J. T. Should the Chinese Be Excluded? The North American Review. 1893,157 (440):p. 54.
    2 Ditto:pp.58-59.
    3 Ditto:p.60.
    1 Ingersoll, G. R. & Geary, J. T. Should the Chinese Be Excluded? The North American Review. 1893,157(440):pp.65-66.
    2Ditto: p.67.
    3 Douglas,L. & Hansen, T. The Chinese Six Companies of San Francisco and the Smuggling of Chinese Immigrants across the U.S.-Mexico Border, 1882-1930. Journal of the Southwest. 2006, 48(1): pp.42-45.
    4 Ditto: p. 54.
    2 Wright, O. Erik. Approaches to Class Analysis. New York:Cambridge University Press.2004. pp.2-3.
    3 Bourdieu, Pierre. The Social Space and the Genesis of Groups. Theory and Society, 1985,14 (6): pp.725-728.
    2 Williams, Brackette. A Class Act:Anthropology and the Race to Nation Across Ethnic Terrain. Annual Review of Anthropology, 1989, 18:pp.410-413.
    1 Williams, Brackette. A Class Act: Anthropology and the Race to Nation Across Ethnic Terrain. Annual Review of Anthropology, 1989, 18:p. 435.
    1 Lewis, Oscar. The Culture of Poverty in Poor Americans: How the White Poor Live. Pilisuck, M. & Pilisuck, P. Ed.1971, pp. 20-21.
    2 Wong, P., Lai, C., Nagasawa, R., & Lin, T. Asian Americans as a Model Minority: Self-Perceptions and Perceptions by Other Racial Groups. Sociological Perspectives.1998, 41 (1): p.99.
    3 Bhabha, Homi. The Location of Culture. New York:Routledge,1994. p.70.
    1 Ancheta, Angelon. Race, Rights, and the Asian American Experience. New Brunswick, New Jersey, and London: Rutgers University Press, 2003, pp. 2-6.
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    2 Christopher, T. Jespersen. American Images of China,1931-1949. California: Stanford University Press.1996, pp. 84-88.
    3 Takaki, Ronald. Strangers from a Different Shore. Boston:Penguin Books, 1989. pp. 377-378.
    4 Ditto:p.374.
    5 Ditto:p.425.
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    3 Wong, P., Lai, C., Nagasawa, R., & Lin, T. Asian Americans as a Model Minority: Self-Perceptions and Perceptions by Other Racial Groups. Sociological Perspectives. 1998,41 (1): p.99.
    1 Takaki, Ronald. Strangers from a Different Shore. Boston:Penguin Books,1989. p.475.
    2 Wong, P., Lai, C., Nagasawa, R., & Lin, T. Asian Americans as a Model Minority: Self-Perceptions and Perceptions by Other Racial Groups. Sociological Perspectives.1998,41 (1): p.98.
    3 Ditto:pp.100-101.
    4 Putnam, Hilary. Representation and Reality. Cambridge:MIT Press,1991. pp.21-22.
    5 Ditto:p.1.
    4(法)米歇尔·福柯著,谢强、马月译,《知识考古学》,北京:生活·读书·新知书店,2003 年,第63页。
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    3 Said, Edward. Orientalism Reconsidered. Cultural Critique,1985.,1:89-107. p.89.
    1 Said,Edward. Orientalism Reconsidered. Cultural Critique, 1985., 1:pp.90-101.
    2 Dirlik,Arif Chinese History and the Question of Orientalism. History and Theoy,1996,35(4): p.108.
    3 Ditto:p.102.
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    1 Wallerstein, Immanuel. The Modern World-System:Capitalist Agriculture and the Origins of the European World-Economy in the Sixteen Century. New York:Academic Press.1976, pp.229-230.
    2 Ditto:p.230.
    1 Wallerstein, Immanuel. The Modern World-System:Capitalist Agriculture and the Origins of the European World-Economy in the Sixteen Century. New York:Academic Press,1976. p.231.
    2 Ditto:p.230.
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    3 Wallerstein, Immanuel. The Modern World-System:Capitalist Agriculture and the Origins of the European World-Economy in the Sixteen Century. New York:Academic Press,1976. p.229.
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    2 Wallerstein, Immanuel. The World-System after the Cold War. Journal of Peace Research,1993, 30(1):p.1.
    1 Wallerstein, Immanuel. The World-System after the Cold War. Journal of Peace Research,1993, 30(1):p.1.
    2 Ditto:pp.1-2.
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    1 Wallerstein, Immanuel. The World-System after the Cold War. Journal of Peace Research,1993, 30 (1):pp.3-4.
    2 Ditto:p.4.
    3 Ditto:p.5.
    1 Wallerstein, Immanuel. Friends as Foes. Foreign Policy,1980,40:pp.119-122.
    1 Wallerstein,Immanuel.Friends as Foes. Foreign Policy,1980,40:pp.124-128.
    1 (英)安东尼·吉登斯著,郭忠华编,《全球时代的民族国家:吉登斯讲演录》,南京:江苏人民出版社,2010年,第127页。
    3 Mittelman, James. The Globalization Syndrome: Transformation and Resistance. New Jersey: Princeton University Press.2000. pp.18-19.
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    1 Holton, Robert. Globalization and the Nation-State. London:MacMillan Press Ltd.1998. pp. 11-15.
    2 Kaplinsky, Raphael. Is Globalization All It Is Cracked up to Be? Review of International Political Economy, 2001,8 (1):46.
    3 Mittelman, James. Rethinking the International Division of Labor in the Context of Globalization. Third World Quarterly,1995,16 (2):273-274.
    4 Lodgaard, Sverre. Industrial Cooperation, Consumption Patterns, and Division of Labor in the East-West Setting. Journal of Peace Research,1973,10 (4):p.387.
    5 Ditto:p.393.
    1 Mittelman, James. Rethinking the International Division of Labor in the Context of Globalization. Third World Quarterly,1995,16 (2):p.275.
    3 Mittelman, James. Rethinking the International Division of Labor in the Context of Globalization. Third World Quarterly,1995,16 (2):pp.275-276.
    1 Mittelman, James. Rethinking the International Division of Labor in the Context of Globalization. Third World Quarterly,1995,16 (2):p.276.
    2 Rama, Martin. Globalization and the Labor Market. The World Bank Research Observer,2003, 18 (2):p.159.
    3 Mittelman, James. Rethinking the International Division of Labor in the Context of Globalization. Third World Quarterly,1995,16 (2):p.286.
    1 Mittelman, James. Rethinking the International Division of Labor in the Context of Globalization. Third World Quarterly,1995,16 (2):p.286.
    2 Ditto: p.291.
    3 Fernandez, R. & Celina, S. Space in the Study of Labor Markets. Annual Review of Sociology, 2004,30:p.545.
    1 Fernandez, R. & Celina, S. Space in the Study of Labor Markets. Annual Review of Sociology, 2004,30:p.546.
    1 Kaplinsky, Raphael. Is Globalization All It Is Cracked up to Be? Review of International Political Economy, 2001,8 (1):pp.52-55.
    Hoeshcele, Wolfgang. The Wealth of Nations at the Turn of Millennium:A Classification System Based on the International Division of Labor. Economic Geography,2002,78 (2):p.221.
    3 Ditto:p.228.
    1 Ngai, Pun. Subsumption or Consumption? The Phantom of Consumer Revolution in "Globalizing" China. Cultural Anthropology.2003,18 (4):p 469.
    2 Ditto:p.473.
    1 Grumbine, Edward. China's Emergence and the Prospects for Global Sustainability. BioScience, 2007,57 (3):p.250.
    2 Ditto:p.251.
    3 D. N. Basis of China's Competitiveness, Economic and Political Weekly,2001,36 (7):p.525.
    6 Bell, S. & Feng, H. Made in China: IT Infrastructure Policy and the Politics of Trade Opening in Post-WTO China. Review of International Political Economy,2007,14 (1):p.49.
    1 Bhattasali, D., Li, S., & Martin, W. China and the WTO: Accession, Policy Reform, and Poverty Reduction Strategies. Washington, DC:The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank,2004. p.21.
    3 Bhattasali, D., Li, S., & Martin, W. China and the WTO: Accession, Policy Reform, and Poverty Reduction Strategies. Washington, DC:The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank,2004. p.21.
    4 Acharya, Alka. The 'New Deal':China on the Threshold of WTO, Economic and Political Weekly,1999,34 (51):p.3565.
    5 Lai, Hongyi, Behind China's World Trade Organization Agreement with the USA. Third World Quarterly,2001,22 (2):p.237.
    3 Lai, Hongyi, Behind China's World Trade Organization Agreement with the USA. Third World Quarterly,2001,22 (2):pp.239-243.
    1 Acharya, Alka. The 'New Deal':China on the Threshold of WTO, Economic and Political Weekly,1999,34 (51):p.3566.
    1 Acharya, Alka. The 'New Deal':China on the Threshold of WTO, Economic and Political Weekly,1999,34 (51):p.3565.
    2 Acharya, Alka. The 'New Deal':China on the Threshold of WTO, Economic and Political Weekly,1999,34 (51):p.3568.
    3 Ditto:p.3565.
    2拉尔夫·纳德(Ralph Nader)被认为是美国现代消费者运动之父,致力于提高美国消费者的自我保护意识,呼吁政府规范工业生产,提高产品安全等。
    3 Bhagwati, Jagdish. After Seattle: Free Trade and the WTO, International Affairs,2001,77 (1): pp.15-16.
    4 Fewsmith, Joseph. The Political and Social Implications of China's Accession to the WTO, The China Quarterly.2001,167:p.580.
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    3 Pappu. R., Quester, P., & Cooksey. R. Country Image and Consumer-Based Brand Equity. Journal of International Business Studies,2007,38 (5):p.729.
    4 Bilkey W. & Nes E. Country-of-Origin Effects on Product Evaluations. Journal of International Business Studies,1982,13 (1):p.91.
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    1 Burtless, Gary. Workers' Rights:Labor Standards and Global Trade. The Brookings Review, 2001,19 (4):p.13.
    2 Ditto:p.12.
    4 Cox, Robert. Labor and Hegemony. International Organization,1977,31(3):pp.388-391.
    1威尔弗雷德·詹克斯(Wilfred Jenks)曾任ILO总干事。
    2 Cox, Robert. Labor and Hegemony. International Organization,1977,31(3):pp.407-411.
    3 Corporatism一词中的拉丁词根"corp"意为“团体”。Corporatism (社团主义)与Corporate state(公司国家)所指含义相同。
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    3 Melanson, Richard. Human Rights and the American Withdrawal from the ILO. Universal Human Rights,1979,1 (1):p.45.
    4时任美国商务部部长的莱舍尔(Richard Lesher)曾说:“ILO的章程宣称人权是这个组织的主要目标,但ILO却没有能力执行它的章程,使人权在ILO变成了一个笑柄。
    51961年,巴内特曾在美国国务院任助理,1963年与人合作建立了政策研究学院(Institute for Policy Studies)。
    6 Melanson, Richard. Human Rights and the American Withdrawal from the ILO. Universal Human Rights,1979,1 (1):pp.58-59.
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    2 Kent, Ann. China, International Organizations and Regimes:The ILO as a Case Study in Organizational Learning. Pacific Affairs.1997-1998,70 (4):pp.523-528.
    1CSR是Corporate Social Responsibility的缩写。后来有些学者在指“责任”一词时,倾向于使用"accountability"来替代"responsibility"。比如,SA8000标准是企业社会责任中的一种模式,“SA”即代表Social Accountability。
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    4 Marrewijk, Marcel. Concepts and Definitions of CSR and Corporate Sustainability:Between Agency and Communion. Journal of Business Ethics.2003,44 (2/3):pp.96-97.
    1 Utting,Peter. Corporate Responsibility and the Movement of Business. Development in Practice. 2005,15(3/4):p.376.
    2 Weissbrodt D. & Kruger M. Norms on the Responsibilities of Transnational Corporations and Other Business Enterprises with Regard to Human Rights. The American Journal of International Law. 2003, 97(4):pp.901-902.
    3 Santoro,Michael. Beyond Codes of Conduct and Monitoring: An Organizational Integrity Approach to Global Labor Practices. Human Rights Quarterly.2003,25(2):p.415.
    4 Ditto: p.409.
    5 Weissbrodt, D. & Kruger,M.Norms on the Responsibilities of Transnational Corporations and Other Business Enterprises with Regard to Human Rights. The American Journal of International Law,2003,97(4):p.902.
    1 Utting, Peter. Corporate Responsibility and the Movement of Business. Development in Practice, 2005,15 (3/4):p.382.
    2 Bendell, Jem. In Whose Name? The Accountability of Corporate Social Responsibility. Development in Practice,2005,15 (3/4):p.364.
    3 Marrewijk, Marcel. Concepts and Definitions of CSR and Corporate Sustainability:Between Agency and Communion. Journal of Business Ethics.2003,44 (2/3):pp.102-103.
    1 Schwartz, M. & Carroll, A. Corporate Social Responsibility:A Three-Domain Approach. Business Ethics Quarterly,2003,13 (4):p.504
    2 Ditto:pp.507-508.
    3 Detomasi, David. The Political Roots of Corporate Social Responsibility. Journal of Business Ethics. 2008,82 (4):pp.807-808.
    4 Ditto: p.816.
    2 Reynolds, A. & Yuthas, K. Moral Discourse and Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting. Journal of Business Ethics,2008,78 (1/2):pp.56-57.
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    1沃尔玛验厂分为三类:FCCA (Factory Capability and Capacity Assessment)主要审核生产能力及管理体系GSV(Global Security Verification)主要审核反恐安全;ES(Ethical Standards)主要审核企业的社会责任道德,即文中所说的沃尔玛人权验厂。
    2 Whittelsay, Sarah. Tendencies of Factory Legislation and Inspection in the United States. Annal of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.1902,20:p.235.
    3 Whittelsay, Sarah. Tendencies of Factory Legislation and Inspection in the United States. Annal of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.1902,20:pp.235-237.
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    2 Ditto:p.244.
    2 Everett, J., Neu, D., & Martinez, D. Multi-Stakeholder Labor Monitoring Organizations: Egoests, Instrumentalists, or Moralists? Journal of Business Ethics,2008,81 (1):pp.117-121.
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    2 Kearney, N. & Gearhart, J. Workplace Codes as Tools for Workers. Development in Practice. 2004,14 (1/2):p.221.
    4 Kearney, N. & Gearhart, J. Workplace Codes as Tools for Workers. Development in Practice. 2004,14 (1/2):p.218.
    6 Bendell, Jem. In Whose Name? The Accountability of Corporate Social Responsibility. Development in Practice,2005,15 (3/4):p.364.
    7 Kearney, N. & Gearhart, J. Workplace Codes as Tools for Workers. Development in Practice. 2004,14 (1/2):p.218.
    8 Miles, M. & Munilla, L. The Potential Impact of Social Accountability Certification on Marketing: A Short Note. Journal of Business Ethics.2004,50 (1):p.5.
    9《中华人民共和国劳动法》第十五条规定:禁止用人单位招用未满十六周岁的未成年人。 第五十八条规定:国家对女职工和未成年工实行特殊劳动保护。未成年工是指年满十六周岁未满十八周岁的劳动者。第六十四条规定:不得安排未成年工从事矿山井下、有毒有害、国家规定的第四级体力劳动强度的劳动和其他禁忌从事的劳动。第六十五条规定:用人单位应当对未成年工定期进行健康检查。
    6《中华人民共和国劳动法》第三十六条规定:国家实行劳动者每日工作时间不超过八小时,平均每周工作时间不超过四十四小时的工时制度。第三十八条规定:用人单位应当保证劳动者每周至少休息一日。第四十一条规定:用人单位由于生产经营需要,经与工会和劳动者协商后可以延长工作时间,一般每日不得超过一小时;因特殊原因需要延长工作时间的,在保障劳动者身体健康的条件下延长工作时间每日不得超过三小时,但是每月不得超过三十六小时。第四十四条规定:有下列情形之一的,用人单位应当按照下列标准支付高于劳动者正常 工作时间工资报酬:(一)安排劳动者延长工作时问的,支付不低于工资的百分之一百五十的工资报酬;(二)休息日安排劳动者工作又不能安排补休的,支付不低于工资的百分之二百的工资报酬;(三)法定休假日安排劳动者工作的,支付不低于工资的百分之三百的工资报酬。
    3 Everett, J., Neu, D., & Martinez, D. Multi-Stakeholder Labor Monitoring Organizations: Egoests, Instrumentalists, or Moralists? Journal of Business Ethics,2008,81 (1):p.132.
    5 Santoro, Michael. Beyond Codes of Conduct and Monitoring:An Organizational Integrity Approach to Global Labor Practices. Human Rights Quarterly,2003,25 (2):p.414.
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