磁浮列车用直线感应电机的Maxwell 2D仿真及实验研究
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     有限元方法作为一种新兴的数值计算方法近年来被广泛应用于各种科学研究和工程实际中,在产品的设计、优化过程上可以代替许多花费巨大的模型试验,因而得到越来越多的重视。Ansoft公司的Maxwell 2D/3D软件就是电磁场有限元仿真领域的一款优秀软件。本文就是采用Maxwell2D/3D软件对磁浮列车用直线感应电机进行有限元仿真,研究了直线感应电机的结构参数对电机性能的影响和直线感应电机的动态特性等。
     研究的主要方面有:直线感应电机的Maxwell 2D有限元建模方法;次级材料对直线感应电机性能的影响;转差率和电流频率与电机的运行特性的关系;气隙与推力和法向力的关系;以及直线感应电机的3D建模要点。
As the tractive drive of Low-Speed magnetic levitation train, Linear induction motor(LIM)affects running performance of the train. In order to improving performance, this paper doesresearch on the characteristic of LIM by finite element method(FEM).
     FEM as a new numerical calculating method has been adopted in more and more scientificresearch and engineering project,and has been attached more importance for its convenient andadvantages of saving great cost for doing experiments in products designing and testing .Thesoftware Maxwell 2D/3D coming from Ansoft Corp. is one outstanding software in this field.This paper simulates LIM by Maxwell 2D/3D,and it's structure perameter and runningperformance is focused on.
     This paper mainly reasearch: modeling method of LIM in FEM by Maxwell 2D;Effects onperformance by secondary materials;Effects on performance by slit and frequency of primarycurrent;Relation between airgap and thrust and normal force;Modeling method of LIM in FEMby Maxwell 3D.
     The design and application of LIM in magnetic levitation train are suggested: the LIMshould be designed with complex secondary and different materials should be selected the rightdepth; appropriate slit, frequency and airgap should be choosed when LIM is running onmagnetic levitation train with different moving status to ensure its efficiency and economizingon energy.
     In order to test the real LIM, a LIM experiment system is constructed which consists ofLIM mechanical structure, control part and data acquisition part. The test motor is single-sideshort primary core disc type, the core of control part is DSP, and data acquisition part is thecombination of current sensor and force sensor.And the SVPWM algorithm is developed forVVVF control method. The results of the experiments validate the FEM method and conclusionabove.
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