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At present, crime prevention has been an obvious change that is from passive crime prevention to active crime prevention; from the prevention in law to prevention in material; from based on the actor prevention to the victim prevention. Ever, crime prevention are directed at the actors of crime and in terms of potential, this traditional form of prevention is to focus on the criminal potential motives of the eradication of crime and reduce crime and the various factors and conditions of committing a crime . However, victimology shows that, to truly achieve the reduction of social crime, it is not enough study only from the point of view of the crime and the potential. Because "crime - murder" is the two sides of a problem, the two complement each other. In many cases, the happen and escalation of crime are the result of the interaction between the crime and the victims. The existence of certain factors are likely contributed to the occurrence of crimes. Therefore, only focus on the victims of crime prevention and neglect prevention, or too much emphasis on the victim prevention and give up crime prevention, they can not receive the desired results.
     Before the birth of the victimology, the role of the victim prevention have not raise people's concern . However, as the sustained growth of crime from around the world , the traditional theory of crime prevention is suspected, the results of research on the victimology provide a key to update the response to crime around the world. Some developed countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, have made a positive theoretical research and exploration in theory and practice of the victim prevention, and developed a lot of laws and regulations on the victims prevention, and created a number of victims assistance organizations to carry out activities about the victim prevention widespread. And because of a late start in China, efforts in the hope to improve are also being explored as soon as possible , hopping the theory on the victim prevention to guide our practice, enrich our crime prevention system.
     In China, we advocate the victim prevention, not only because the victim prevention is a worldwide trend, but also because it is entirely consistent with our country's social security comprehensive management theory, and also compensate for the lack of their own existence. In addition, it has two distinct advantages: First, the victim prevention stressed the responsibility of individual citizens that every citizen has the responsibility to prevent the murder. Compared with crime prevention, prevention can be mobilized to the maximum enthusiasm of the masses. Before this, people are generally regarded a crime prevention as the responsibility of the State, but the State can not maintain social security, crime rampant, and the people grumbling, and the victim prevention were stressed that everyone has the possibility. No man is perfect, especially individual and some of their own bad behavior, these important factors often leads to victim (or criminal). Therefore, the responsibility of crimes prevention should not be fully committed to the State. This transfer of responsibility for the crime prevention is a tremendous advancement, the crime prevention theory much closer to reality. Second , from the actual situation ,it must be much easier changing some bad habits and lifestyle of the victims or potential victims than the actors or potential actors. The victim prevention is much more feasible than crime prevention, it easier to implement and achieve results. Therefore, to enhance the study of the victimology, put victim prevention into crime prevention system, this make crime prevention system be further improved.
     This paper start mainly from the victims on the origin and development of prevention at home and abroad, then analysis of the victim prevention in the theoretical research and the problems that exist in practice, further elaborated the necessity of strengthening the victim prevention, and ultimately given some proposal to strengthen the victim prevention. This paper is divided into three parts: the first part, it is on the status and existing problems of the victim prevention. First of all, let people know what is the victim prevention, how is it developing ,the Second,I introduce the situation of the victim prevention in several typical countries, reflecting China's insufficient attention to the victim prevention; once again, the problems of victim prevention in our country were reviewed: the theoretical study on the victim prevention is not yet perfect, which is late involved victims of the field; victim prevention lack of legal protection, China's criminal policy is focus on the offender's punishment; people do not have a strong sense of themselves against the crime , this provided the crime conditions. The second part , the need to strengthen the victim prevention were discussed. The formation and development of victimology will undoubtedly provided a theoretical foundation for the victim prevention , the analysis and integration through their own habitation formed after the murder on the victims or the potential victims, thus achieving the victims to prevent and reduce crime. Some factors on the victims themselves will lead to the murder victims, if we really want to achieve, it is necessary to prevent the murder victims thorough study, international human rights activities within the framework of the continuous rising also contributed to the greater social concern Criminal victims of the situation, they advocated to prevent the victims; the victim prevention has played a tremendous role, it make people firmly believe that the victims must be strengthened from the perspective of the need for crime prevention, we may strength the difficult of committing a crime to reduce crime, effectively negates actors from "victim" to "hurt" transformation, we can fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the masses. The third part mainly introduced the ways to strengthen the victim prevention, which is the focus of this paper. I introduce it from the theoretical and practical aspects. First, we must strengthen the role that the victim prevention in crime prevention system ,not only to strengthen the theoretical study of relevant prevention, but also to clear the level of prevention victims, the paper is divided into three levels, namely, the prevention of the first victims, prevent re-victimization, Prevention of victims caused harm; Second, we will strengthen legal protection for the victim prevention, and actively promote legislation of the victim prevention, the establishment of accountability mechanisms in the special criminal cases, perfect relief victims on the basis of the existing law , strengthen correction of restorative justice application to console the victims in the community ,the third ,it is to increase the amount of information to the public to raise the people's awareness of preventing; the fourth, we need to intensify prevention publicity to the victims to ensure that crime and victims information public, the establishment of specialized institutions for the victim protection , the creation of multiple forms of propaganda mechanism, from primary to secondary school and then to the University ,we should do good work for victims preventive education, of course, we must not overlook the education to the masses out of school. This three parts link compacted formed whole article theoretical framework.
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