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    扰作用;模板DNA适宜浓度较宽;优化的RADP条件为:20ul体系含dNTP 200mmol/L,
The genetic diversity of twenty two oriental melon germplasm resources were studied with the methods of morphological marks and molecular marks. The results showed:
     The botanical and biological characters of twenty two oriental melon germplasm resources were measured with morphological marks, five germplasm resources with specific values were sifted .The germplasm resources were classified into five groups with the method of normalization of standard derivation.
     The modified SDS method was used to extract genomic DNA with good results. During RAPD, RNA in the DNA template had no effects on the amplification results, while protein, SDS ,C1 disturbed the amplification results. The concentration range of DNA template was wide. The optimalized RAPD conditions were: dNTP 200umol/l, Taq enzyme IU, Random primers Spmol/l, Super-purified water 13.5 ul, Buffer 2 ul, DNA template 50 ng . Reaction program : pre-denaturtion at 96 ~C for 5 minutes, then denaturtion at 94 C for I minute ,annealtion at 36t for 1 minute , extension at 72C for 2 minute ,40 cycles in all
     One hundred and twenty six polymorphic bands were derived with twelve random primers. The genetic distance ranged from 0.084 to 0.230. The germplasm resources were classified into six groups with Nei index. The result was different from that derived from morphological marks.
    Graduate: Jishi un
    Major: Olericulture
    Supervisor: Pro.Zhiwei Qin
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