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用可溶性固形物含量高、皮薄、感枯萎病的栽培西瓜自交系(Citrullus lanatus var. lanatus)97103和可溶性固形物含量低、皮厚、抗病的野生西瓜种质(Citrullus lanatus var. citroides)PI296341杂交所得重组自交系F_8的117个单株为作图群体,构建西瓜分子遗传图谱。该图谱包含87个RAPD标记、13个ISSR标记和4个SCAR标记,分为15个连锁群,包括1个最大的含31个标记的连锁群(277.5cM)、6个大的含4-12个标记的连锁群(51.7cM-172.2cM)和8个小的含2-5个标记的连锁群(7.9cM-46.4cM),覆盖基因组的1027.5cM。两个标记间的平均距离为11.54cM。该图谱为以后获得饱和的分子遗传图谱、重要农艺性状的QTL分析以及图谱克隆抗病基因奠定了坚实的基础。
A molecular genetic map was constructed for watermelon based on 87 RAPD(random amplified polymorphic DNAs) markers, 13 ISSR(inter simple sequence repeat) markers, and 4 SCAR(sequence characterized amplified region) markers using a RIL population of 117 F8 progenies derived from the cross 97103(which is a cultivar with higher total soluble solids concentration, thin rind, susceptible to Fusarium wilt disease) X PI296341 (which is a wild germplasm with lower total soluble solids concentration, thick rind, resistant to Fusarium wilt disease). The map consists of 15 linkage groups. Among them are a large groups linkage group that contains 31 markers covering a mapping distance of 277. 5 cM, six large groups each with 4-12 markers covering a mapping distance of 51. 7 to 172. 2c M and eight small groups each consisting of 2-5 markers covering a mapping distance of 7.9-46.4 cM. The entire map covers a total distance of 1027. 5cM with an average distance of 11.54 cM between two markers. This map is useful for the further development of matured molecular genetic map, analysis of important agricultural characterized quantitative trait loci (QTL) and map-based positional cloning for disease resistance gene.
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