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     1.1 冬、春季单、双层塑料大棚温度的季节变化呈现由低到高的上升趋势。最低温度出现在1月上旬,双层塑料大棚最低气温为4.2℃,比单层塑料大棚和露地分别高2.7℃、4.1℃。最高温度出现在3月下旬,双层塑料大棚最高气温为30.6℃,比单层塑料大棚和露地分别高2.2℃、4.4℃。
     1.2 不同天气状况下单、双层塑料大棚的温度变化大致呈正弦形式,且晴天变化明显大于阴、雨天。最高气温出现在14:00左右,晴天,双层塑料大棚平均最高气温为27.9℃,比单层塑料大棚和露地分别高2.8℃,10.7℃;最高地温出现在16:00左右;最低温度出现在清晨6:00左右。其日变化白天呈单波峰曲线,晚上呈缓慢下降趋势。
     1.3 单、双层塑料大棚气温的垂直变化,白天随高度的升高而上升,晚上单、双层覆盖塑料大棚的温度变化与白天相反,即随高度的升高而下降。气温的水平变化,上午东侧高于西侧,下午则相反。南北方向上因距离较长而梯度变化较小。
     2.1 单、双层塑料大棚光照强度的季节变化由冬到春呈现由低到高的上升趋势,单层塑料大棚的光照强度明显大于双层塑料大棚。
     2.2 不同天气状况下单、双层塑料大棚光照强度的变化呈单波峰曲线,且晴天的变化明显大于阴、雨天,棚外大于棚内。最大光强出现在14:00左右。单、双层塑料大棚光照强度的日变化是早晨和傍晚弱,而中午强。
     2.3 单、双层塑料大棚内光照强度的水平变化,上午由东向西光照强度逐渐减弱,下午由东向西光照强度逐渐增加。
     3.1 冬、春季单、双层塑料大棚相对湿度的季节变化一直呈下降趋势。相对湿度最高出现在12月份,双层塑料大棚在95%,分别比单层塑料大棚和露地高5%和12%。
     3.2 不同天气状况下单、双层塑料大棚相对湿度的变化呈单波谷曲线,且晴
The plastic shed is a predominant type of protected cultivation in south. The characteristic of the variation of microclimate inside the single-covered and the double-covered plastic shed were studied in Changsha, and their functions and planting-effect were compared. In order to provide a scientific basis for application of proper covering layer and taking workable measures to control, in Changsha, and getting high productivity, good quality and high efficiency in vegetable. The results are as follows:
    1. Law of variation of temperature inside the single-covered and the double-covered in Changsha.
    1.1 The seasonal variation of temperature inside the single-covered and the double-covered showed gradual increase trend, in winter and summer. The lowest temperature appeared on the first ten day of January, the lowest air temperature in the double-covered plastic shed, which was 4.2 ℃,increased respectively2.7℃, 4.1℃, compared with the single-covered plastic shed and outside. The highest temperature appeared on the third ten day of March, the highest air temperature in the double-covered plastic shed, which was 30.6℃, increased respectively2. 2℃, 4. 4 C,compared with the single-covered plastic shed and outside.
    1. 2 The variation of temperature inside the single-covered and the double-covered plastic shed in different weather roughly took on the shape of a Sine, and the variation of temperature in sunny day was greater than that of cloudy and rainy day. The highest air temperature was at about 14:00, in sunny, the mean highest air temperature in the double-covered plastic shed, which was 27. 9℃, increased respectively2. 8℃, 10. 7 ℃, compared with the single-covered plastic shed and outside; the highest soil temperature was at about 16:00; The lowest temperature was at about 6:00 in the early morning. Their diurnal variation took on a single curve peak in the morning, while decreased gradually in the evening.
    1. 3 In the day, the vertical variation inside the single-covered and the double-covered plastic shed increased along with the increase of height, while in the evening decreased along with the increase of height. Their horizontal variation, in the morning, was that the east side was high while the west side was low, in the afternoon the results were opposite. From south to north, the variation of air temperature was not obvious because the distance was too long.
    2. Law of variation of intensity of illumination inside the single-covered and the double-covered in Changsha.
    2.1 The seasonal variation of intensity of illumination in the single-covered and the double-covered plastic shed showed gradual increase trend from winter to summer, the illumination inside the single-covered plastic shed was far stronger than that of the double-covered plastic shed.
    2. 2 The variation of intensity of illumination in the single-covered and the double-covered plastic shed under different weather took on a single peak curve, and the variation of illumination in sunny day was far greater than that in cloudy day and rainy day, the outside was greater than inside. The maximum of illumination was at about 14:00. Their diurnal variation of intensity of illumination was weak in the morning and the dusk, while it was strong at noon.
    2.3 The horizontal variation of intensity of illumination in the single-covered and the double-covered was reduced gradually in the morning from east to west, while it was raised in the afternoon.
    3. Law of variation of relative humidity inside the single-covered and the double-covered in Changsha.
    3.1 Relative humidity inside in the single-covered and the double-covered plastic shed showed straightly decrease trend in winter and summer. The highest relative humidity inside appeared on December, the relative humidity inside the double-covered plastic shed, which was 95%, increased respectively by 5%, 12% compared with the single-covered plastic shed and outside.
    3. 2 Variation of the relative humidity inside the single-covered and the double-covered plastic shed under different weather took
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