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苦瓜(Momordica charantia L.),是葫芦科苦瓜属的一年生蔓生植物,果实具有食用和药用价值。目前研究主要集中在药用功能方面,对苦瓜的生理和育种研究报道较少。苦瓜主要分布亚热带、热带地区,喜高温,低温限制了苦瓜的种植范围和种植时节。植株在生长季节遇到低温会生长发育不良甚至死亡。本试验旨在开展苦瓜低温生理和耐低温机制研究,为苦瓜设施栽培和耐低温育种提供理论依据和指导,同时在耐低温育种方面也作了一些工作。
     低温处理诱导了苦瓜基因组DNA的CCGG位点发生了甲基化模式的改变。实验成功克隆到9个至少在2个自交系中发生甲基化模式变异的片段,测序结果经过BLASTn比对,Y1、Y2、Y5三个片段在NCBI数据库中找到部分同源序列。Y1序列与长喙田菁(Sesbania rostrata)的β-1,3-葡聚糖酶mRNA序列有一定相似性。片段Y2与GCN5相关N乙酰转移酶(GNAT)有一定相似性。片段Y5与黄瓜中编码叶绿体光系统1 A亚基的psaA基因高度相似(98%)。
Bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.) is a member of Cucurbit family. Its immature fruits are edible and have medicinal value. Present studies mainly focus on its medicinal functions, seldom on the aspects of physiology and breeding. Bitter gourd mainly distributes in tropic and subtropic areas. Low temperature limits the geographical locations and the planting season suitable for bitter gourd growth. Chilling temperature always accounts for significant losses in crop production. So this experiment aimed to study on low temperature physiology and low-temperature-resistance mechanism on this special vegetable crop. This work would help to shelter cultivation and low-temperature-resistancebreeding of bitter gourd.
     In this paper, in order to understand the low temperature tolerance and the mechanism of tolerance of bitter gourd, the effect of different low night temperature on the physiological and biochemical characteristics in two bitter gourd inbred lines was studied; then low-temperature-induced methylation pattern changes in CCGG sites of genomic DNA were analyzed by methylation-sensitive amplified polymorphism (MSAP) technique to explore the possible molecular mechanism in low temperature adaptation. The effects of exogenous salicylic acid (SA) application on the low-temperature tolerance of bitter gourd were investigated with a view to further study the physiological mechanism under low temperature and give some useful advice in cultivation and management when bitter gourd suffered hypothermia. Finally, based on half-diallel design, 21 F_1 hybrids were confected by 7 inbred lines of bitter gourd. Additive-dominant model was used to process genetic analysis of low-temperature tolerance. At the same time the character of low-temperature-tolerance of all F_1 materials was identified. In combination with other agronomic traits, excellent hybrid combinations were selected. The main research results were as follows:
     1. A 7-d 12℃low night temperature treatment had little impact on the physiological and biochemical indicators in bitter gourd leaves and caused little damage to bitter gourd seedlings. A 7-d 8℃low night temperature treatment reduced the stability of the membrane, PSⅡpotential activity (Fv/Fo) , the coefficient of photochemical quenching (qP) and PSⅡquantum yield (ΦPSⅡ) of the bitter gourd seedlings, and increased the part of light energy that dissipated as fluorescence (E) , resulting a certain injury. And the injury can be partially or fully restored after growing at room temperature for 7 days. A 7-d 5℃low night temperature treatment did the most serious harm to the bitter gourd seedlings. It further reduced the membrane stability, Fv/Fo, and qP andΦPSⅡ. It also led decreases in chlorophyll content, the minimal fluorescence (Fo), the maximal fluorescence (Fm) and the variable fluorescence (Fv). Increases in chlorophyll a/b ratio and E were observed. After being growed at room temperature for 7 days, all the indicators restored to a certain level. The extent of the restoration showed difference between lines. As for the two lines we tested there, Z-1-4 showed better low-temperature tolerance than Y-106-5.
     Under low night temperature,ΦPSⅡwas primarily droved by the composition state of the reaction center, rather than the efficiency of the absorbed light energy to reach the reaction center. The maximal photochemical efficiency of the PS II (Fv/Fm) was affected slightly and Fv/Fo was affected largely by the low night temperature. In the studies about effect of low night temperature on plants, Fv/Fo was a more sensitive and useful indicator than Fv/Fm.
     2. The total DNA methylation content in bitter gourd is about 22.92% -25.86%, the average internal cytosine methylation is 19.63 % and the average hemi-cytosine methylation is 4.66%. The order for the total methylation content in the four inbred lines is Y-106-5>Y-81-3>Z-1-4>Y-70-1.
     Low temperature induced methylation pattern changes at the CCGG sites in genomic DNA. Nine fragments which were observed variation in at least two inbred lines were cloned and sequenced successfully. BLASTn search revealed that fragments Y1, Y2 and Y5 showed homology to certain sequences in NCBI database. Y1 matched withβ-1, 3-glucanase mRNA in Sesbania rostrata to a certain extent. Fragment Y2 showed a certain similarity with the GCN5-related N-acetyltransferase (GNAT). Fragment Y5 exhibited high similarity (98%) with psaA which encoding chloroplast PS1A subunit in cucumber.
     3. 0.5mmol/L SA pretreated seedlings had high peroxidase (POD), catalase (CAT) and Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and (POD + CAT)/ SOD ratio, showed strong antioxidant activity, maintained relative higher levels of photosynthetic pigments. Fv/Fm andΦPSⅡwere impacted slightly, and lipid peroxidation degree was low, indicating 0.5mmol/L can reduce the injurys caused by low temperature. Higher concentration of SA (1.0 and 1.5 mmol/L) and lower concentration of SA (0.5 mmol/L) had different effect on bitter gourd seedlings under low temperature stress.
     4. Genetic parameters indicated that the MDA content, electrolytic leakage of intact leaves (Eb) and electrolytic leakage of detached leaves (Ea) after low temperature stress were mainly dominant effect. All the traits showed some additive effect. Environmental conditions also have a significant impact on them. These indicators showed high broad heritability (H_B~2) and relative low narrow heritability (H_N~2), so that the corresponding traits should be selected at a higher generation.
     Under low temperature stress, the inbred lines P1, P2, P3 and P6 showed negative additive effect for content of MDA, Ea and Eb. They displayed relative good low temperature tolerance and could be used as good breeding parents for low temperature tolerant breeding of bitter gourd. Hybrids P1×P5, P1×P6, P1×P7, P2×P3, P2×P5, P3×P5, P4×P6 showed negative dominant effect in all the three indicators. Combining low temperature tolerance and other agronomic traits, bitter gourd variety that suitable for greenhouse cultivation can be selected. The trial cultivation of 4 hybrids had already been started. Among them 2 hybrids could be used in greenhouse cultivation.
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