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In views of culture, society,or urban planning, the public space system in mountainous cities in southwest China is permeated with charming and complex characteristics, of which the formation has inseparable relationship between the land where they are gestated and the history in their gestation of thousand years. What`s more, this complexity of urban public space system is much more than a phenomenon to be simply understood, as a matter of fact, the diverse aspects of the issues in it is an indisputable reality for urban planning, ranging from theoretical research, practical project, and urban management. Thus, these features are of great significance to today`s urban spatial development, as well as urban planning and construction.
     However, like all systems with vital signs, under the analysis of the traditional 3-thoery research system, we can find out some regularity in spatial structure and form from the Public Space in mountainous cities in southwest China, but it remains a pity that we can hardly reveal the essence of life in evolution. However, the beauty is that the urban public spaces research based on the theory of complex system starts to express its childish but potential power, even in the age of instrumental rationality. As a result, the strong longing for these charming features and the laws hidden behind have formed the initial motivations for this dissertation.
     All the theory systems develop themselves from their core concepts, and the core concepts of the complex adaptive system theory would be called“adaptability brings up complexity”. Based on a profound understanding of its core concepts, this dissertation analyzes the urban public space in southwest areas systematically with the CAS Theory and expands the analysis on the complex system of the public spaces in mountainous cities in southwest China and focus on several issues bellow: Firstly, what is the structure and the multiple and complex expression of the complex system of the public space in mountainous cities in southwest China? Secondly, what is it that produces a mechanism of action so complex, various and ordered?Based on the studies above, this dissertation also successfully build the framework of the CAS Theory for the public space in mountainous cities in southwest China by its coupling and corroborating with the CAS Theory, and puts forward proposals on the problems, such as what are the supposed actions of urban planning so as to solve the complex problems in the evolution of this system and promote to the system`s healthy development. Based on adequate analysis of these issues, the dissertation finally comes up with some constructive conclusions below:
     First of all, the complexity is the essential expression of the public space system in southwest china, and the adaptability is the internal cause affecting the developments of the public space in mountainous cities in southwest China. With the background of the special cultural and natural conditions in southwest areas, public spaces in these cities are limited in various kinds of mechanisms, and go to prosperity since then.It is just these incessant progresses that lead to the concise and effective public spatial structure and the complicated and various public space elements, bringing about an extremely close relation with the natural mountainous environments and a rich varied pattern of landscapes in urban public space.
     Secondly, the system of public space in mountainous cities in southwest China is a typical example of the complex adaptive systems. Although people`s initiative activities play a decisive role in the formation, evolution and development of the system, from macroscopic view, the system showed autonomous organizational behaviors in a long time, following the rules of the CAS Theory. As a result, it is the key to solve the complex spatial problems in southwest cities to construct a planning system with adaptability and bring urban planning into it with a dominant position
     Thirdly, increase the adaptability of urban planning is an efficient method to promote the development of the public spaces in mountainous cities in southwest China. Urban planning, as one of the subjects of the complex adaptive system for public space in mountainous cities, should take the adaptability as its core idea and find out rules to mutual exchange, mutual adaptation and initiative study with the other subjects in the public space systems in multi-levels, as well as continuous time period, and propose various combinations of strategies, policies and schemes to respond to the complicated topics in all layers, and also treat the planning and organization of the public spaces in cities, with the idea of public administration, as a necessary guarantee to reach the final goal of urban planning.
     Obviously, any theoretical research in public space in mountainous cities in southwest areas is an abstraction, conceptualization and theorization progress to the research target itself, in which the loss of information is still inevitable. Thus, we can hardly certify the authenticity of the proved conclusions. By comparison, we are trying to prove that the theory of urban planning belongs to the“experience world”, where the“practical rationality”, from Pierre Bourdieu, acts a role more rational than the logical stringency. The theory of“practical rationality”is suitable for practice and application,while it throws off the obsession for logical perfection which contains all significances of the author`s researching on the complicated adaptability in public space in mountainous in southwest areas and constructing the theory of complex adaptive system for public space in mountainous cities.
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