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The three decades following the Second World War was of profound significance in the history of the United States. With its booming economy, and rapidly developing science and technology in that period, the United States was undergoing sweeping and far-reaching social, political and cultural transformations. Abundance led to the expansion of the middle class, the Cold War to fear and anxiety, and social disturbances in the1960s to a "horizontal" society. It is against that context that Saul Bellow's five novels and two short stories are examined in this dissertation, and they are considered, to a great extent, as part of the response made by Saul Bellow to some issues, generated by the social, political and cultural transformations in that period, with which American society was confronted at that time. The five novels are The Adventures of Augie March (1953), Henderson the Rain King, Herzog (1959), Mr. Sammler's Planet (1970), and Humboldt's Gift (1975), and the two short stories "A Father-to-Be"(1955) and "The Old System"(1967). This dissertation explores those works from a social-historical perspective.
     In Bellow's view, alienation is part of modern life and is the result of social modernization. Urbanization and the development of science and technology bring about too much chaos, confusion and distraction, and all this presses, seduces and misleads man to fall into a state of alienation, in which his relations to himself, to his fellow men, and to nature are eclipsed or distorted. But unlike high modernists, Bellow refuses to accept the idea that man is doomed in such a condition. Instead, he believes that man can resist and overcome alienating forces.
     Therefore, the question under inquiry is as follows:What strategies do the protagonists of the above-mentioned works employ to resist alienation? This study revolves around these questions:What strategies do the protagonists in Bellow's works employ to defend their independence and give meaning to their life? How do they construct their identities in the social context at that time? And how do they see the relation of individual and society?
     This dissertation mainly consists of three chapters. The first chapter deals with The Adventures of Augie March and Henderson the Rain King. In the1950s, while booming American economy was on the way of transforming, in Bauman's words, from "heavy" into "light", homogenization generated enormous anxiety throughout the country. In the meantime, the Cold War between the United States and Russia, breaking out immediately after the Second World War, plunged the country into fear and anxiety. Those two works can be considered as Bellow's response to that situation. In the former novel, Augie resists conformity, namely, being disciplined, by employing his mobile or "fluid" strategies; in the latter, alienated by fear of death and emptiness of life, Henderson adopts similar strategies to travel so far as Africa, and move on from Arnewi to Wariri. Both novels show aspirations and anxiety of America in the1950s, and also cast light on Bellow's faith in human's capacity to transcend the limits imposed by time and space.
     The second chapter explores Herzog and Mr. Sammler's Planet. The1960s was a key period for the US in the process of transforming from the "vertical" society to the "horizontal" one. In that decade, while "plural equality", an integral element of a horizontal society, was gaining more momentum, severe clashes broke out between "horizontal" forces like Civil Rights Movement, the Student Movement, Counterculture and "vertical" ones which stood with the existing order. American society struggled through a period of transformation from old to new, which is often bewildering, confusing, disturbing, and frustrating. Herzog and Mr. Sammler's Planet can be regarded as Bellow's efforts to capture that mood in the form of novel. Herzog turns to "writing and memory," namely, discursive strategies, to reconstruct the network of social relationship and his social identity that he has lost while Mr. Sammler resorts to "non-writing and memory," also discursive strategies, to construct his identity. They both demonstrate conflicts and agony of American society in that turbulent decade. These two works form a turning point in Bellow's writing career, shifting from its obsession with the outside world to the inner one, with Herzog and Mr. Sammler more devoted to the "inner law".
     The relation of individual and society is one of the long-debated issues among Western scholars. The third chapter is concerned with the manner in which Bellow's protagonists'deal with it. Central to European and American individual consciousness is the isolated individual. One of the alienating effects is that one is preoccupied with only oneself, ignoring the value of human relationship; the other is that one is reduced to a being who has no ideals and no moral code, who cherishes nothing above his personal interests. While Bellow's protagonists identify with American individualism, they are different from other individualists:"We-I balance" is part of Bellow's fiction, and also integral part of its protagonists'lives as a balance force. For Bellow's protagonists, who are devoted to individual freedom, autonomy and independence,"we-I balance" is of the same worth as well. They try to keep themselves balanced between the two identities so as to prevent the alienating effects caused by individualism. In a sense, while Bellow's fiction identifies with the Meritocracy myth, it is also an effort to criticize the myth.
     In the works covered by this study, Bellow's protagonists identify with American individualism, at the centre of which is the isolated individual, but they also dedicate themselves to "we-I balance" to try to keep off the alienating effects. All those works reveal the identity crisis with which intellectual individuals in American and European societies are confronted, brought about by economic development, and scientific and technological advancement since the Second World War. Bellow is a humanist trapped in a dilemma, who casts spotlight on the crises and challenges with which humanism is confronted in contemporary America and other Western societies. He is an idealist who struggles to hold onto his faith while dramatic contemporary economic, cultural and social transformations produce overwhelming impact on American society. Bellow's power, like those of his protagonists, results more from his inner faith than from outside reality.
① 参见:肖明翰:《文学中的异化感与保守主义》,载《外国文学评论》,1994年,第2期,第65页。
    ① 1948年,时任总统的杜鲁门(Harry Truman)颁发命令,废止军队中的种族隔离制,在政府部门实行公平用人制度。但对此,军方行动迟缓,政府部门态度消极。1954年最高法院裁定,最高法院在1896年普莱西诉弗格森(Plessy v. Ferguson)一案中的裁定违宪。在1986年的那一案件中,最高法院认为,只要为白人与黑人提供相同设施,就不存在对平等权利的违反。“分离但平等”原则在美国南方成为一切设施的使用原则。实际上,对于黑人,很难有所谓的平等设施。见Rodney P. Carlisle and J. Geoffrey Golson, America in Revolt during the 1960s and 1970s (Santa Barbara, California:ABC-CLIO,2008),1-2.
    ② 埃米特·蒂尔(Emmett Till),一位芝加哥14岁少年。1955年其至密西西比州拜访亲戚,因被认为调戏白人女性(对一白人女性喊了一句:“嗨,宝贝儿。”),而遭肢解杀害。数位白人凶手被由白人组成的陪审团判定无罪而释放。见Maurice Isserman and Michael Kazin, America Devided:The Civil War of the 1960s (New York:Oxford University Press,2000),35.
    ③ 罗莎·帕克斯(Rosa Parks)④ 裁缝,民权运动活动家。1955年12月1日,她在阿拉巴马州蒙哥马利市的公交车上,拒绝让座于白人而遭逮捕,由此引发当地抵制公交车运动。抵制运动长达381天,她也被称为“民权运动之母”。参见Rodney P. Carlisle and J. Geoffrey Golson, America in Revolt during the 1960s and 1970s (Santa Barbara, California:ABC-CLIO,2008),3.和 Maurice Isserman and Michael Kazin, America Devided:The Civil War of the 1960s (New York:Oxford University Press,2000),29-30.
    ⑤ 如1957年的阿肯色州小石城中心高中入学事件,1960年的学生静坐行动,1961年的自由乘行动,1956-1965年间密西西比州大学融合行动,1963-1964伯明翰行动,1963年的挺进华盛顿行动(在这次行动中,在林肯纪念堂前,马丁·路德·金发表了著名的《我有一个梦想》的演讲),1963-1964年间的圣奥古斯丁行动,1964年的自由夏日行动等等。
    ① 这一短语是对奥吉这一人物颇具代表性的评述之一。见Robert Penn Warren, "The Man With No Commitments," New Republic, CXXIX (November 2,1953),22.
    ① 赫索格的博士论文《十八、十九世纪英法政治哲学的自然状况》很“出色”,也出版了若干论文,并出版了《浪漫主义与基督教》一书。见《赫索格》,第17页。
    ① 参见Alan M. Wald, The New York Intellectuals:The Rise and Decline of the Anti-Stalinist Left from the 1930s to the 1980s (Chapel Hill, NC:University of North Carolina Press,1987),364.
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