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    第二部分是对交际能力的概述。首先作者分别介绍了Chomsky, Hymes, Canale & Swain, Bachman, Wen Qiufang 的关于能力及交际能力的理论。Chomsky认为能力是指一个人对某一体系,事件,或事实的潜在的抽象的了解。1972年,Hymes首次提出交际能力这一概念。交际能力包括四个方面:可能性,可行性,适当性及有效性。Canale &Swain 的交际语言能力模式则由四个部分组成:语法能力,语篇能力,社会语言学能力及策略能力。在总结以往理论的基础上,Bachman提出了交际语言能力模式。 他认为交际能力包括三大部分:语言能力,策略能力,以及心理-生理语言机制。每部分由若干小部分组成。语言能力包括组织能力(语法与语篇能力),和语用能力。其中语法能力指句法,语法,发音/拼写等方面的知识与技能,语篇能力指篇章水平上的技能,如衔接,连贯,组织。语用能力包括表达和实施语言的能力以及掌握语言使用规则的能力。策略能力包括评价,计划和执行三个部分。它是指语言交际过程中,如何正确的评估自己以及对方的语言与背景知识,然后作出计划,即决定选择何种
As the goal for English teaching is concerned with enabling learners to interact successfully with members of other societies, the exploration of applied linguistics into the theories of communicative competence assumes increasing relevance and usefulness.
    This paper is divided into five chapters.
    The first chapter introduces the reasons that account for choosing this topic. At present, both the college English teachers and the students spend much time and effort practicing the language competence. However, they tend to ignore the other components of communicative competence. Therefore, the students’ spoken English will not be communicatively successful. A communicatively competent English speaker is what our country needs badly so it is our primary task to improve the college students’ communicative competence in English.
    The second chapter gives an overview of the theories of communicative competence. In this chapter, the theories proposed by different linguists are introduced. In Chomsky’s view, competence refers to one’s underlying knowledge of a system, event, or fact. The term ‘communicative competence’ was coined by Dell Hymes (1967, 1972). It consists of four aspects: possibility, feasibility, appropriateness and effectiveness. Canale & Swain’s communicative competence consists of grammatical competence, discourse competence, socoilinguistic competence and strategic competence. Based on the earlier theories, Bachman proposes his communicative competence, which includes language competence, strategic competence, and psychophysilogical
    mechanisms, which in turn consists of some sub –skills. Language competence is composed of organizational competence (including grammatical and textual competence), and pragmatic competence. Grammatical competence includes those competencies involved in language usage, such as the knowledge of vocabulary, morphology, syntax, and phonology/ graphology. Textual competence includes the knowledge of the conventions for joining utterances together to form a text, such as reference, substitution, ellipsis, conjunction, and lexical cohesion. Pragmatic competence includes the types of knowledge which, in addition to organizational competence, are employed in the contextualized performance and interpretation of socially appropriate illocutionary acts in discourse. Strategic competence consists of assessment, planning, and execution components. Strategic competence refers to, in communication, how to assess each other’s language and background knowledge and then make a plan as to how to realize the communicative purpose, which will be realized by psychophysiological mechanisms. Psychophysiological mechanisms include the neurological and physiological processes involved in language use. Wen Qiufang proposes the cross-cultural competence in her cross-cultural communicative competence. The cross-cultural competence consists of three components: sensitivity of cultural difference, tolerance of cultural difference, and flexibility of dealing with cultural difference. If the students have acquired this competence, they will learn to understand the cultural difference, hold a correct attitude about cultural difference, and be able to deal with the cultural conflicts appropriately.
    In the third chapter, by collecting the data from the tape-script of 30 test takers of CET Spoken English Test and that of the class activities of 30
    students, the author presents the analysis of the data with reference to the theoretical basis of this paper.
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