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     采用Matlab-Code V之间的COM通信,获取系统波像差的条纹泽尼克多项式展开系数与元件位置误差的数值关系,对其做二次多项式拟合,仿真结果表明此方法比基于线性模型的灵敏度矩阵方法的精度高10倍;研究计算机辅助装调中失调量反演不准确的原因,利用条纹泽尼克系数口径变换的解析算法,解决了同一波面的不同子口径拟合系数不同的问题,研究了根据子口径拟合系数反演子口径之间位置关系的方法,通过了仿真和实验验证。采用动态光学的方法,建立高斯像像旋、离焦和光学元件位置误差的关系,分析高斯光学的适用性;采用合适的调整量补偿望远物镜光轴偏差导致的像旋和离焦;针对模块间的装配建立了优化的位置公差分配方案,Monte Carlo方法验证表明此方案不超过调焦能力、现有工艺水平,并达到了整体公差最宽松的目的。根据航天光学遥感器的像移补偿计算方法,建立指向镜低频抖动导致景物畸变的模型;研究了采用特征点像移轨迹校正此类畸变的方法,仿真表明在准确知道轨道参数、平台姿态参数和指向镜角位置误差量时此类畸变能被完全校正,对实际图像的处理也取得较好效果。
Spaceborne hyperspectral imager shows great advantages in use comparing withtraditional remote sensors. But the multiple optical components it consists of and thehigh precision requirements to fulfill high spatial and spectral resolution make it a bigchallenge to manufacture, especially in the process of alignment. Studying effects ofoptical components’ positional error on imaging is an effective way to enhance theefficiency of alignment, as well as to improve positional error’s negative impacts onimage.
     With respect to the fore-optics of a dispersive hyperspectral imager, opticalelements were categorized into three types according to positional error’s aberrationcharacteristic: aberration sensitive elements’ positional error caused significantwavefront aberrations; plane optical elements and optical components caused littleaberration when position changed; pointing mirror’s scanning error caused imagedegradation on orbit. Researches on the three types element were made as follows:constructed model to compute wavefront aberration induced by aberration sensitiveelements’ positional error, and studied precise inversion method from laboratorialtested wavefront error to positional error; studied compensation relationship betweenthe second type element’s positional error, and made optimized error budgets on these errors; studied pointing mirror’s low frequency oscillation induced image distortionwhen on orbit, and their rectification.
     Based on COM communication between Matlab and Code V, numerical relationbetween wavefront error’s fringe Zernike polynomials expansion coefficients andelement’s misalignment value was obtained, and quadratic polynomial was used to fitthe relationship. Simulation showed that quadratic fitting accuracy was10times betterthan that of the sensitivity matrix method based on linear model. Factors that causedthe inaccuracy of misalignment value’s inversion in computer aided alignment werestudied. Fringe Zernike coefficients’ analytic transformation into subaperture wasadopted to resolve the non-uniqueness of coefficients among different subaperture ofidentical wavefront. Geometrical parameters’ inversion from fringe Zernikecoefficients of different subapertures was studied, verification was made by bothsimulation and experiment. Dynamic optics theory was used to built relation betweenpositional error and Gaussian image’s rotation and defocus. The applicability ofGaussian image theory on alignment was studied. Appropriate adjustments werecalculated to compensate image rotation and defocus caused by teleobjective axis’sangular offset. An optimized error budget was made towards optical modular’sassembly. Monte Carlo method verified that the budget was within current technologylevel and focusing ability, meanwhile achieved the goal of loosest whole tolerance.Low frequency oscillation of pointing mirror induced image distortion was modeledbased on space remote sensor image motion model. Image motion of feature pointwas used to correct image output. Simulation showed that with the accurate value oforbit parameter, satellite attitude parameter and pointing mirror’s angular positionerror, this kind of distortion could be rectified thoroughly by the proposed method.Rectification on real distorted image also produced a good result.
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