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Under the guide of economic development and political elements, The Cultural CreativeIndustry has entered into a developing period. The researches on the Cultural CreativeIndustry Cluster are still in the practical and theoretical state. Employing the theory oforganization, this dissertation intends to explore the “Visible Hand” in the development of theCultural Creative Industry Cluster, in order to lead the researches on the Cultural CreativeIndustry to the subjects of groups, individuals and exogenous interventions, and deduce thesubstantive characteristics and action results of economic phenomenon with the economicprinciples of these subjects.
     The dissertation mainly analyzes organization niche and characteristics of the CulturalCreative Industry Cluster under the effects of ecological factors. On the basis of accumulativeeffect, it discusses the dynamic characteristics of the Cultural Creative Industry Cluster as aecological holism. The dissertation carries out the research on the organization patternevolution game theory and the equilibrium strategies of the Cultural Creative Industry Cluster.On the basis of industrial dynamic analysis, according to the structural and functionaldifferences, the dissertation establishes three organization patterns of the Cultural CreativeIndustry Cluster, namely conformed pattern, reactive pattern and caused pattern, anddiscusses evolution rules of the Cultural Creative Industry Cluster by employing theevolutionary game theory. It develops a value added model of the Cultural Creative IndustryCluster on the basis of the network effects. Under the method of system dynamics, thedissertation the reactive theory between the organization model and value added model of theCultural Creative Industry Cluster, and finds out the systematical lever solution. An empiricalstudy is carried out in the Culture and Innovation Park of Harbin Engineering University toprove the positive promotion measure between caused pattern and value added model.
     The dissertation establishes “Cluster–Enterprise-Government” model of the CulturalCreative Industry Cluster from the macroscopic perspective, microcosmic perspective andrule perspective, and defines the main constraint condition and its motions in dynamicconditions. From the creative perspective of evolution ecology and evolution game theory, it discusses the evolution rule of the Cultural Creative Industry Cluster, and shifts the linearanalysis into system analysis, founds the value added model, discusses the reactive methodbetween organization model and value added model, and finds out the political lever solutionaccording to the positive and negative feedback. It claims the development should be underthe guide of caused pattern and demonstrates the most practical measure.
     Through the analysis from the perspectives of organization ecology, system dynamicsand network effects, the dissertation describes the organization model and value addedmethod of the Cultural Creative Industry Cluster, and further enhances the theories of theCultural Creative Industry Cluster. The meaningful contributions are made by the dissertationfor the core cities to handle the correct position and value of the Cultural Creative IndustryCluster and reasonably plan the development of the Cultural Creative Industry Cluster.
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