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Veterinary biological products industry is a rapidly emerging new industry. As for the improvement of importance of animal derived food safety, public health and safety and national security at home and abroad, it is placed in China in the political level of national stability, social harmony to specify and develop. Veterinary biological products industry development has its own characteristics, research on the development of traditional industries and information industry cannot fully illustrate the law of the emerging high-tech industry development. Judging from the realities of the industrial competition, the alternative possibility of the location is becoming larger and larger, and growing regional industrial development to the challenges and impacts. Therefore, it is of great theoretical value and practical significance that theory and method of regional veterinary biological products industry development is researched on and designed.
     This dissertation focuses on the theme of regional veterinary biological products industry development modes based on four main theories, namely, industrial evolution theory, innovation theory, modern system theory and the thought of industrial economics. On the basis of analyzing the evolutionary characteristics and process of regional veterinary biological products industry, some related theories, approaches and strategic system are discussed in this dissertation.
     Study on the mechanism of regional veterinary biological products industry development. This dissertation describes several aspects in the literature in the area of regional industry development, and discusses relevant issues of industry development. On the basis of these, the connotation and characteristics of veterinary biological products industry are given, and the connotation of veterinary biological products industry development is explained. The dissertation reveals the impetus to the development of regional veterinary biological products industry, analyzes the development process, and reveals the development effect. Study on regional veterinary biological products industry development system. The characteristics, structure and function of regional veterinary biological products industry development system are discussed. Performance functions and coordination function of regional veterinary biological products industry development system is constructed, and the principle that the system of coordination can enhance the overall system function is advanced, regional veterinary biological products industry innovation elements, as well as factors of regional, national and international environment are analyzed.
     Design regional veterinary biological products industry development mode. According to the development mechanism and system analysis, the dissertation designs regional veterinary biological products industry development mode. The design IOS model and core idea are provided, and research institutions driving mode, core enterprise driving mode and regional government driving mode are designed. The architecture of every mode is established, the characteristics of every mode is thoroughly analyzed, the conditions for the application of every mode and interrelation of three kinds of modes are given.
     Design ideas, basis and index system of mode selection. On the basis of analyzing the industry innovation elements and influence factors comprehensively, from industry resources, market resources and technology economy society resources,28indexes is selected for evaluating technology resources, human resources, condition of assets, management system and mechanism, market demand, market competitiveness, regional related industry and technological, economic, social environment. By comparing all kinds of mode selection methods, the mode selection method of quantitative strategic planning matrix, fuzzy evaluation method and expert evaluation is determined, specific steps of mode selection methods application are given.
     Propose application strategies of regional veterinary biological products industry development mode. Establish innovation technology selection procedures of research institution driving mode, by application of system decomposition method technology innovation risk is recognized, establish hierarchical model of technology innovation risk assessment, and propose application strategy of vertical integration of industrial organizations and strengthening results output and transformation mechanism. Propose application strategy of industrial structure networking and industrial organizations clustering of endogenous enterprise driving mode, establish genetic algorithm of enterprise innovation network members combinatorial optimization. Propose the application strategy of speeding up the industrial innovation platform construction under the regional government driving mode. Propose the application strategy of expanding the way to industrial technology accumulation, speeding up the upgrading of industrial chain link and establishing introducing innovative elements and traction mechanism under the regional government driving mode.
     On the basis of the above study, this dissertation makes an empirical research on the development mode of Heilongjiang's veterinary biological products Industry. By current situation analysis and related statistical data analysis of Heilongjiang's veterinary biological products Industry development, in the application of the selection method and index system proposed in this article, Heilongjiang's veterinary biological products Industry development mode is determined. The application strategies are put forward at last.
     In a word, this dissertation attempts to make contributes to the formation and development of Chinese regional veterinary biological products industry by providing theoretical guidance and methodological support.
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