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Technology innovation is the source of economic growth. It is an inexhaustible motive force for the enterprise、the area and even the country to achieve the competitive advantage and sustainable development. This has been proved by the practice of the economic development of all countries in the world. The government suggested the overall development strategy of "Developing the Country through Science and Education" in May of 1995. The great progress of technology was made by the way of "introduction-assimilation-innovation again". It promoted the economic development with a high speed and the transformation of the ways to achieve economic growth in China. This indicates that technology innovation has played a dominant role in the Chinese economic development. The Central Committee and the State Council made the strategic arrangement of "enhancing the ability of independent innovation and building innovation-oriented country" in 2006. It indicates the strategic conversion of the technology innovation mode in China. The technology market plays an important role in the environmental system for supporting technology innovation. Many countries' development practice has proved that the technology market with high efficiency can promote the commercialization and socialization of scientific and technical achievements and achieve the tight combination between technology and economy. Based on this, it is of great theoretical value and practical significance to research the problem of the development of technology market in China under the background of technology innovation. In this paper, the operation mechanism of the technology market and the inherent mechanism that the technology market promoting technology innovation are made a deep systematic study. The development countermeasures for promoting Chinese technology market are proposed according to the actual condition of the technology market development. The study has the following main aspects:
     First, the particularity of the technology market is analyzed to reveal the unique operation rules of technology market. By contrast with the common market of goods, the particularity that the technology market is different from the general commodity markets is analyzed from the aspects of the attributes of technical goods、the modes of technological trading、technological contracts and the typical "lemon market" characteristics. Starting with the functions and the restraint relations among the constituent elements in the technology market, the theoretical model of the operation mechanism of the technology market is constructed including the price mechanism, the competition mechanism, the supply and demand mechanism and the risk mechanism.
     Second, the mechanism for technology market promoting technology innovation is explored. Based on the perspective of the achievement of the technology market function, the effectiveness of the technology market development for the solution of the problems that technology innovation faces is examined. On the basis of Vroom's expectancy theory, the model of technology innovation impetus including the technology market factors is established, the internal mechanism for technology market promoting technology innovation is revealed. The theoretical premise is provided for the optimization of the technology market system.
     Third, the relationship between the technology market and technology innovation is examined. The connection between the technology market development in China and technology innovation is made an empirical measure using the method of the regression analysis.
     Fourth, based on the establishment of the theoretical models and the conclusions of the empirical analysis, the factors restraining the technology market development are clarified and the countermeasures are put forward to promote the technology market development in China.
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