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"In the dense jungle new leaves replace old leaves, and in the flowing water thewaves behind drive on those before."Since the21stcentury, the trend of the restorativejustice has rise strongly around the world. However, under the background of buildinga harmonious society which is put forward by The16thNational People's Congress,Chinese judicial office began to explore the handling way of encouraging partiesreconciliation in the public prosecution case with the guidance of putting the criminalpolicy of combining punishment with leniency into practice. This is different fromtraditional ways of handling cases, and it has been explored diversifiedly in many areasin China. As a mode of handling criminal case by the manner of non-criminalization,criminal reconciliation aims to defuse conflict between two parties, repair the socialrelations which is destroyed by the crime, and ensure the problem is solved at the endof the case in practice. The highest value pursued by criminal reconciliation is thedefusing of social conflict and the harmonization of social relations. The application ofcriminal reconciliation procedure gives both the injuring party and the injured party thechance to choose litigation ending, and enables them to have conversation andnegotiation on the basis of equity and willingness. Then the injuring party get theforgiveness of the injured party through extending a formal apology, economiccompensation and so on. And finally they reach an accommodation.
     From the past and present criminal reconciliation system, we can see that just likethe German famous criminologist Hans Joachim pointed out, the change of societyitself, namely, the change of its structure, values and the ways of life, is inclined tosolve the conflict peacefully, and these have the decisive significance to preventing andcontrolling crime effectively. Criminal procedure takes retribution doctrine as basis,punishment of crime as means, ruling justice as pursuit, and crime prevention aspurpose. A fair judgment is no doubt the realization of justice, but from "The Code ofHammurabi" which is enacted by Hammurabi, the6th generation of king of theKingdom of Babylon, the extremely vivid history of criminal law tells us that cruelpenalty system never effectively curb crime.
     Criminal reconciliation has the characteristics of detente, autonomy andreciprocity. Its theoretical basises are the intersection between Chinese and western harmonious culture, the return of the subject position of the defendant and the victim,the change of the principle of legality and the principle of the balance between a crimeand a punishment from absolute to relative. Criminal reconciliation conforms to theidea of building harmonious society and ensuring the problem is solved at the end ofthe case, improves the efficiency of litigation, protects the legitimate rights andinterests of the victims, constructs harmonious social relations, emphasizes humanizedthinking of handling cases, opens up a new way of comprehensive managing the socialsecurity, reflects the value of people oriented. Criminal reconciliation belongs to one ofthe forms of restorative justice. It respects the wishes of the injured party and theinjuring party, thinks highly of the choice of both parties. But it does not means thetwo parties can randomly become reconciled regardless of the case facts. Criminalreconciliation stresses that it must be applied on the basis of equal, voluntary andlegitimate principles, and some premises meet be meet, such as the case facts are clear,the injuring party acknowledge their guilty, the two parties become reconciled, etc.And the reconciliation process still should take the case facts as the basis and the lawas the criterion.
     To the scholars who support criminal reconciliation, crime is the fight betweenindividuals, not between individual and country. And instead the interests of countryand society, crime is the violation of the interests of one individual by anotherindividual in a community. Therefore, the process of handling crime is thereconstruction of the relations between the offender and the victim and the community,not the relation between the offender and the country. As a result, the process methodis by no means rely on litigation exclusively, it should allow the fully consultationbetween the offender and the victim.
     This kind of understanding creates some sort of destructive power and makesoverturning influence on existing knowledge barriers, doctrine and theory. Thisbran-new concept of criminality disintegrates the original boundaries between criminalact and infringement act, makes them as a whole in nature and no longer separaterigidly, and thus produces the preliminary tendency of "civil law trend of criminallaw".
     Criminal reconciliation system, which is greatly affected by the restorative justicetheory, acts on the mind of the offenders under the premise of both parties' voluntarily, pays equal attentions on justice and protection, takes persuasion and education asmeans, and makes the offenders correct their crimes. The power of this kind of innerrepentance and conscience found is far stronger and more enduring than that of theoutside force. Prosecution staffs talk sense into the victim and the offender and educatethem, and then they reach an accommodation. There will be more people take part inthis reconciliation process than in the criminal trial process. Every reconciliation is avivid lesson of legal education, and it imprints in everyone's heart who has experiencedthis process himself. Its significance lies not only in resolving the dispute successfullybut in enabling more people to receive law education. While criminal penalty is farfrom the public and its influence on the social public is limited to the penalties foroffenders themselves. Under the existing judicial resources, improving lawsuitefficiency is the top priority. Under the situations that differents cultures communicatefrequently and deeply, the concept of deliberative justice is widely accepted by thepublic, and the various social organizations of our country is not sound, the only twoways to save judicial resources are to improve the litigation effeciency of cases andintegrate valuable social resources. We have to say that the judicial view of criminalreconciliation presents us the unremitting pursuit of the ultimate justice and litigationefficiency.
     Engels once put forward and expounded the famous "theory of historical resultantforce", he points out:"history is created like this: the final result is always from themutual conflict between many individual will. But it is because of many special livingconditions, each will can become it to be. Thus there are countless interlaced power,and there is a parallelogram with innumerable forces which produces a resultant force,namely, history as a result. This result can be regarded as the product of a force whichplays a role unconsciously and involuntary as a whole." in face, the emergence anddevelopment of each system is the result of many factors influencing each other,restricting each other, and promoting each other. The rise and development of thecriminal reconciliation practice has its own trajectory and characteristics, it is by nomeans the result of the unilateral action of a certain aspect or factor. Law is the finalproduct of human society. The statutory rules and regulations which rise to the nationalwill must reflect the social actual demand and the social subject's mainstream valuetruthfully. As an institutional fact in the construction of legal system, theinstitutionalization of criminal reconciliation manifests the development and change of our society and legal system. According to the principle of interaction between law andsociety, law system constantly develops in adapting to the demand from all aspects ofthe society. Conversely, society can affect the further development of the legal system.The overall social needs are from different interest subjects and driven by theirrespective actions, they affects the progress of the system. Therefore, how the activitiesin the social change and system vicissitude affect the process of institutionalization ofcriminal reconciliation, this is absolutely a proposition in reality, further more, it is anecessary proposition belongs to the sociology of law and the institutional theory oflaw.
     "If people do not emphasize system and moral environment, but advocate man'scharacteristics of "economic person", the unreasonable system and moral environmentwill inevitably make a person pursue their own interests in improper ways. However, ifthere are good legal and system guarantee and moral environment, the economic man'spursuit of the maximum personal benefit can unconsciously and effectively enhancethe social public interest". In order to ensure reconciliation develop healthily, it isnecessary to incorporate it into the rule of law.
     What is the developing trend of criminal reconciliation? Some scholarspointed out that:" in modern legal society, criminal reconciliation is the expressionof the privatization of public law, and it is the result of the abalienation of publicpower for private rights". Because the procuratorial organs have wide discretion indeciding whether to initiate a public prosecution and punish the criminal suspect.Therefore, criminal reconciliation can directly influence the results, such as thesuggestions of not prosecuting or punishing leniently. In recent years, theprocuratorial organs begin to pay more attention to the application of criminalreconciliation out of consideration of social effect and the particularity of case, asa result, procuratorial organs in many areas focus on criminal reconciliation intheir recent "judicial reform". In the cases which is applicable to criminalreconciliation, economic compensation is the inevitable result of the offenders'sincere resipiscence and earnest apology, not the exchange condition for lenientpunishment. Sincere resipiscence means that the actor's subjective malignantdecreased, and the conflict between the two parties alleviated and the disharmonyfactors eliminated. It is of great significance in real life to deal with such casesleniently according to the fact."Spend money for reducing punishment" is simply the exchange of money and punishment. The injuring party does not have sincererepentance for his crime, does not apologize to the injured party, or does not havesincere confession. There is no need for public power to regard economiccompensation as the bargaining chip for leniency treatment. The "reconciliation" inthe criminal reconciliation system is not equal to trading or exchange. It is actuallya kind of attitude of handling problems with public power. We should dispel themisunderstanding of criminal reconciliation, seek and explore cooperation with theprivate power actively, try our best to protect and maintain the exercise of rights,and rule out the possibility for criminal reconciliation system to become "the castlein the air".
     Here, we refer to professor Chen Ruihua's point of view to describe thecriminal reconciliation system on Chinese current stage."Though Chinese criminalreconciliation which rise in recent years can find some similar elements fromrestorative justice in the aspect of concept and system design, they belongs to twodifferent judicial mode in essence. In order to avoid misunderstanding, it isnecessary to regard criminal reconciliation system as a kind of private-powercooperation model. Thus it can be different from traditional adversarial justicemodel and the public-power cooperation model in which the state prosecutors anddefendants reach cooperation through negotiation.
     However, no matter what kind of definition of character is, even if it is verydetailed and accurate, it still can not show its structure and location from the aspect oflegal system and structure. What's worse, there may be a misunderstanding on someoccasions which is free from criminal justice system and civil judicial system. Thisthesis tries to find the right place for criminal reconciliation in the criminal justicesystem through the empirical examines and the expectations of the future. Althoughcriminal reconciliation deviates from the traditional criminal justice concepts andforms the so-called "the third sector of the criminal rule of law", or the "private-powercooperation of criminal procedure" which is mentioned by Chen Ruihua. But it stillleeches on to the root idea about crime constitution and criminal punishment in thetraditional criminal law, and does not have new systems separate from it. It issubsystem, auxiliary system and class group.
     It should be admitted that the stipulations on the special process of reconciliationof the litigants both in the revised criminal procedure law and from the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and the Ministry of Justice makethe public prosecution procedure of the two parties' reconciliation clearer and morerefined. It marks that criminal reconciliation boards on the stage of the rule of law asthe form of law, and thus it opens up a new stage of Chinese criminal reconciliation.
     Voluntary itself contains fairness. The significance of the establishment ofcriminal reconciliation is not expand the function and power of judicial organs, butconsider more about the subject status of the litigants and give them legal guidance.After settling the reconciliatory procedure, the legal ground and the legal requirementfor punishing criminal suspects and defendants leniently become more explicit, and thesubject status of the litigants especially the victims gets more respect. Throughcriminal reconciliation, the sincerely penitential suspects receive lenient punishment,and the rights and interests of the victims are better guaranteed. It is of greatsignificance to take the procuratorial organ' practical affairs especially the indictmentstage and criminal litigation supervision stage as the entry point, make an empiricalanalysis on the operational aspect of Chinese criminal reconciliation. Especially afterthe execution of new criminal procedure law, it is very important to localize the role ofprocurator in criminal reconciliation, reconcile the conflict between justice andefficiency in criminal procedure."Reconciliation is the alternative measure of violence,self-help or lawsuit...It can be defined as a process. Through this process, participantscan systematically isolate the problem in dispute with the help of the neutral in order tomake the problem clear for choosing a more proper way of resolution. And then areconciliation which meets both parties' need is reached. Reconciliation emphasizesthat the participants should take responsibility of the decision of themselves whichaffects their life. Therefore, reconciliation is a kind of process of self-empowerment".
     After the new criminal procedure law become effective, the power given bycriminal reconciliation to the judicial office which can be used to handle cases flexiblyon the aspect of investigation, prosecution, and judgment increases the chance ofjudicial personnels to use power for their own benefit. So it is necessary to set up a setof supervision and restriction mechanism for public power, avoid the "black casework" in the process of reconciliation and limit their power. Therefore, it is necessaryto actively explore some diversified ways of reconciliation, creat conditions, and makethe two parties have face-to-face negotiation, communication and telling. And thus torepair the damaged social relations. We must beware of situations where the two parties are "being represented" and criminal reconciliation becoming the exchangebetween money and punishment.
     "It is appropriate to prepare for foul in fair weather, and not to dig a well afterbeing thirsty". Up to this point in this thesis, it is of great significance to have cleargrasp and pre-judge for the future direction of criminal reconciliation at this strategicperiod that the senior leaders are redeployed collectively and the political-legal workpresents new pattern, and at the time that the third round of judicial reform shounds thebugle.
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