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The established natural reserves in China take up over15%of the national territorial area. With China's rapid socio-economic growth, there has been increasing pressure on the protection of the habitats and biodiversity in light of the development of the entire society and communities. All things considered, the major threats for the protection of biodiversity derive from the loss of habitats, alien species, climate change, pollution and so on. The crucial factor lies in the over-use of resources and the damage to the environment in the course of socio-economic development. Qinling Mountains are an area in China which boasts the most considerable biodiversity, thus the protection of which is of great importance. Over the recent years, with the booming economic growth and over-exploitation of resources, the ecological environment of Qinling Mountains has been faced with severe challenges.
     In order to make a comprehensive and objective understanding of the threat to the protection of the biodiversity in Qinling caused by the socio-economic development, and the variation tendency, major fields and issues and policy performance, in this paper, descriptive statistics, comparative analysis and prediction of the dynamic tendency of leading indicators are the three major methods adopted to analyze the major features of economic development, features of the land resources, population characteristics and their influence, utilization of water resources and its influence, utilization of tourism resources and its influence, utilization of mineral resources and its influence; it builds an assessment thinking of "sensitivity (background)-pressure (interference)-elasticity (feedback); according to some practice features and conditions of Shaanxi Qinling Mountain area, the author selected18assessment indicators to build up the assessment system for the assessment of the ecological vulnerability in Qinling Mountain area; in terms of the assessment methods, this paper calculates the ecological vulnerability in24counties (districts, cities) in Shaanxi Qinling Mountain area by using subjective analysis and objective analysis respectively, that is, to determine the weight of the indicators by the method of analytic hierarchy process (AHP), and make a quantitative assessment of the ecological vulnerability in this area, and analyze the major causes for the regional difference of the ecological vulnerability, meanwhile, to calculate the ecological vulnerability of the regional environment by the method of principal component analysis (PCA), display and qualitatively synthesize the spatial difference in the two assessment results by employing ArcGIS, then make a relatively objective analysis of the ecological vulnerability of the environment in Shaanxi Qinling Mountain area in2010and compare it with the data of the situation in2006; by adopting the rapid assessment and prioritization of protected areas management (RAPPAM) which is recommended by World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA) and World Nature Fund (WWF), this paper makes survey and analysis on the pressure and the threat to some protected areas in Qinling area and the development trends and the implications for the management effectiveness; it carries out the performance assessment research on Qinling biodiversity protection policy by adopting performance evaluation index method on the basis of the research results of the status quo of Qinling biodiversity protection management policy and in conjunction with the regional sustainable development theory, public administration theory, and the implementation and effectiveness of Qinling biodiversity protection policy.
     Results show that:①In spite of the great biodiversity in Qinling area, the economic development is lagging behind and the industrial structure is featured by excessive dependence on land resources. The economic development in this area heavily relies on natural resources, thus there are striking conflicts between ecological conservation and rural economic development. The scarcity of arable lands and the extensive utilization of forest resources pose significant challenges to the protection of biodiversity. The disorder state and excessive exploitation of travel resources form a major threat for the habitats of wildlife. The negative impact of irrational use of water resources and large-scale exploitation of mineral resources should also not be ignored. Besides, the population growth is potential pressure for this area.②Shaanxi Qinling Mountain area is primarily exposed in the moderate vulnerability, and the affected counties include Anxian County, Shanyang County, Shangnan County, Meixian County, Lueyang County and Xixiang County, covering an area of16,272square kilometers, and the spatial distribution of the ecological vulnerability of6counties makes up28.43%of Shaanxi Qinling Mountain area; the spatial distribution of the ecological vulnerability varies significantly:generally speaking, the ecological vulnerability of Shaanxi Qinling Mountain area is lower in the northern and the midwest than the southern and the eastern; the ecological pressure index is an important factor forming the spatial differentiation of the ecological environment in this area; there is a certain mechanism for regulating the stability in the ecosystems; the impact of human's irrational economic behaviors is fueling the ecological vulnerability of Shaanxi Qinling Mountain area.③In the14threat factors facing the protected areas, the5ones including the forest resource utilization, life perception, awareness of resource protection, the development and use of tourism resources, roads and fuelwood use, with a impact which is broader in magnitude, greater in extent and longer in time, are the key threat factors that the protected areas should focus on; the present pressure threat factors are of obvious difference in the impact on the management effectiveness; the broader, greater and longer the pressure threat factors are, the more likely the impact on the management effectiveness will be.④Due to the change of investment in biodiversity protection and related policy implementation as a result of socio-economic development, the performance evaluation witnesses a gradual decline, followed by a rise; Although current policy has made certain achievement and effect on biodiversity conservation and management, biodiversity conservation management in Qinling Mountains is still at the initial stage and some drawbacks still remain. Finally, based on the analysis and assessment of the impact of the regional socio-economic development on Qinling biodiversity protection, this paper optimizes the biodiversity protection policy.
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