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    (《Harvard Business Review》)称“EVA”是“总要素生产力”,并指出这种
Investors are currently demanding Shareholder value more strongly than ever. In
     thel98Os, shareholder activism reached unforeseen levels with the companies in the United
     States. Thereafter also investors in Europe have increased the pressure on companies to
     maximize shareholder value. Even in Finland the so-called Shareholder value approach has
     gained grounds. This is due to e.g. abolishing the restrictions on foreign stock ownership.
     Foreign investors emphasize and demand focus on Shareholder value -issues.
     The financial theory has since long suggested that every company抯 ultimate aim is to
     maximize the wealth of its shareholders. That should be natural since shareholders own the
     company and as rational investors expect good long-term yield on their investment. In the
     past, this ultimate aim has however been often partly ignored or at least misunderstood. This
     can be seen e.g. from measurement systems. Metrics like Return on investment and
     Earnings per share are used as the most important performance measures and even as a
     bonus base in a large number of companies, although they do not theoretically correlate with
     the Shareholder value creation very well. Against this background it is no wonder that
     so-called Value based measures have received a lot of attention in the recent years. These
     new performance metrics seek to measure the periodic performance in terms of change in
     value. Maximizing value means the same as maximizing long-term yield on shareholder抯
     investment. Currently the most popular Value based measure is Economic Value Added.
     There has been a vivid debate for and against EVA in academic and management literature.
     Unfortunately most EVA advocates and adapters discussed the faults of EVA, while they
     have praised the concept as a management tool. On the other hand most criticism against
     EVA has kept to fairly insignificant topics from the viewpoint of corporate control.
     This study seeks to clarify the concept of EVA especially from the viewpoint of business
     unit controlling. The objective of the study is twofold. Firstly, the study describes the theory
     and characteristics of EVA. This gives the framework to discuss the main objective: How
     companies use EVA? In this context, the study also offers some recommendations of how
     EVA should be used as a management tool. The study tries to bring together the relevant
     theoretical issues and controlling practice, especially from three aspects: shareholder value
     assessment, value management and activity based cost management.
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