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The national's rights and interests may be aggrieved due to many different reasons. So some remedy systems are set up in the law. When the aggression comes from the government's administrative act, the national can seek remedy through administrative review besides judicial way. The perfection degree and carryout effect of administrative review system reflect one country's degree of rule of law. Korean administrative review system was set up from Administrative Appeal Act in1951, half a century has gone now. Korean administrative review system has been systematic and perfect gradually no matter of the set-up of administrative review organs or concrete system designs, and shape characteristic itself. Even so, the Korean scholars major in administrative law still discuss about some concrete systems and seek any kinds of effective programs to better and perfect Korean current administrative review system. The basic contents of Korean administrative system is introduced systematically in the article, meanwhile some concrete systems discussed warmly by Korean scholars major in administrative law are still introduced and analyzed, and also put forward my viewpoints or advises. We also propel the exchange of the study of Korean and Chinese administrative review, even the study of administrative law by the write of this article, in order to supply some helpful reference to perfect both countries' administrative review system.
     There are four chapters besides introductory theory. The purpose of the article and the current study about Korean administrative review system in Korea and China are introduced in the part of introductory theory, as so as the emphasis and difficult points and the research methods of the article. The other four chapters introduce the general theories of Korean administrative review system, concrete contents of the systems, compared study and the problems of the systems and perfection, etc. In this regard:
     Chapter One is a general discussion about Korean administrative review system. which contains the meaning of administrative review, legal attributes, system function, fundamental principle, the relation with administrative sue and administrative compensation, and historical origins of Korean administrative review system. Administrative review is called administrative trial. In the consideration of Chinese scholars, administrative review is used in the article. Although it has different names, both are the same svstem that the nationals ask for remedy to some administrative organ when their rights and interests are aggrieved or they refuse to obey administrative acts. Therefore, administrative review system has double attributes: administrative act and as a remedy procedure to rights. The function of Korean administrative review mainly contains to offer remedy to the nationals'rights and interests and to supervise and constrain the administrative organs themselves. Administrative review need to obey some principles. The article discussed the two principles of no condemnation without accusation and the principle of prohibiting alteration for interests. There are many differences between administrative review and administrative sue and administrative compensation, although they all have the function of offering remedy and protection to the nationals'rights and interests. Korean current Administrative Review Law originates from Administrative Appeal Act in1951, which already has gone through amendments many times and the administrative review system has been built perfectly.
     Chapter Two mainly states the set-up of Korean administrative review organs and the concrete system contents in more details. Korean administrative review separates discussion organ and verdict organ in the set-up of organs. Administrative review committee is in charge of the discussion of the case. Then the verdict organ makes the final verdict according to the discussion made by the administrative review committee. Prime minister administrative review committee is in charge of the administrative review case relating to the central administrative organs and their principals. The city or town administrative review committees are in charge of the local administrative review cases. Besides, there are many other special administrative review committees according to other laws, such as national tax review faculty, special permission review faculty and land acquisition committee, etc. Generally speaking, the proposer put forward the administrative review application to the former agency that made the administrative action. The respondent writes his views, then hand over the administrative review committee to discuss. Finally, the former agency's higher agency or the central administrative agency itself makes the final verdict according to the discussion decision made by the administrative review committee. That's the fundamental administrative review procedure stipulated by Korean Administrative Review Law. Of course, there are some other systems in the procedure, such as informing system, challenge system and gathering evidence system.
     Besides the fundamental administrative review systems mentioned above, the Korean scholars still discuss the compromising and mediating system, not stopping enforcement system and provisional injunction system in the process of administrative review. Those systems are discussed mainly in the article, and we raise some opinions and advices. Administrative review compromising is a process that both of the parties negotiate each other and reach a consensus. The system can be devised from three stages, which contain starting, going-on and ending-up. Administrative review mediation system can be devised and discussed from the sides of mediation principles, range of application, mediation bodies and organization patterns. Moreover, not stopping enforcement system and provisional system in the process of administrative review are discussed relatively in the article and put forward my views.
     Chapter Three is compared study about administrative review systems. In this chapter, the article introduced the administrative review system of main countries of both Anglo-American legal system and civil law system. In the basis of summing up the respective characteristics, we put forward some possible experiences or inspirations that the administrative review systems of various countries can offer to Korean administrative review system. Such as. the emphasis on due process in Anglo-American legal system and administrative tribunal system may offer some helpful inspirations to perfect Korean administrative review system. While we set up procedural systems, we should also establish the value of procedure itself. The emphasis on procedural justice can make up the defects of concrete system device to a great degree. Some concrete administrative review systems in civil law system can also offer experiences to better Korean administrative review system. Finally, we introduced Chinese administrative review system and compared the features of the two countries'administrative review system, and the direction to better.
     Chapter Four summarized and pointed out the problems in Korean administrative review system basis on the several chapters ahead, which contain the problems in the set-up of administrative review organs and the concrete administrative review systems. It is defective that discussion organs and verdict organs are separated in the set-up of administrative review organs. It also influenced the just and effective trial and discussion of the cases that administrative review committee is nonpermanent. Besides. there are many problems in the set-up of special administrative review committee, such as lacking of particularity and technicality. We can consider to merger the discussion organs and verdict organs, or strengthen their relationships on the basis of keeping the separation, and to make the administrative review committee permanent. There are also many problems in concrete administrative review systems, such as too complicated special administrative review system increase the cost to carry out the administrative review, and the obligation-performing verdicts are lack of relevant systems to guarantee. In order to solve those problems, we can simplify or unify the special administrative review systems, and establish direct disposition system or indirect force system to guarantee the enforcement of the obligation-performance verdicts. In addition, we also put forward our opinions and advices about how to establish and perfect the administrative review reconsideration system.
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