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China's agriculture and rural economic has made great achievements since thereform and opening up. But Problems about Agriculture,Rural areas and Peasantry isstill quite prominent. Furthermore the low conversion rate of agricultural scientificand technological lead to agricultural science and technology can not solve theproblem of three dimensional rural issues. Promoting agricultural science andtechnology research and production practice, raising the level of agricultural scienceand technology, and enhancing the conversion rate of agricultural scientific andtechnological achievements, become the key issues on promoting the development ofChina's agricultural technological progress. This paper choose transformation ofagricultural scientific and technological achievements as the title on the basis of fullydrawing on the results of previous studies and starting from the marketing perspective,based on system theory and thinking. Furthermore we integrate marketing,communication, and innovation theory multi-disciplinary theories on how to promotethe agricultural scientific and technological achievements into a more systematicdiscussion.
     First, from a basic theoretical level, this article conducted a general inspection onthe subject of transfer of agricultural scientific and technological achievement.Starting from the hypothetical point of view of the transfer of agricultural scientificand technological achievements being a system, the paper defined the systemboundary, believing that the transfer of agricultural scientific and technologicalachievements is a system process from the production of agricultural scientific andtechnological achievements as the starting point to the application of agriculturalscientific and technological achievements as the purpose and end. The process ofagricultural scientific and technological achievements is contained with three linkswhich are the production of the agricultural scientific and technological achievements,the transfer of the of the agricultural scientific and technologicalachievements, and the application of the agricultural scientific and technologicalachievements. The three links are fatherly to be beard and achieved by the threesubsystems of the agricultural scientific and technological achievements transfersystem, which are agricultural science and technology innovation system, agriculturalscience and technology intermediary system, and agricultural industrial system. Onthis basis, the paper made further in-depth analysis into such basic theoretical issuesas the elements of the system, the architecture of the system, the process of the system,and the dynamic mechanism of the system, bringing out a point of view that theessence of transfer of agricultural scientific and technological achievements is amarketing behavior. Then, the article taking the demand-oriented marketing conceptas a guide, put the4P theory to the analysis of the transfer of agriculture Science andTechnology, pointing out that an effective agricultural scientific and technologicalachievements transfer system should meet six basic conditions: the exits of marketdemand of agricultural scientific and technological achievements; supply to meetmarket demand, a sound agricultural science and technology intermediary servicesupport system, effective dissemination of agricultural technology, proper transactionprice, and smooth flow of funds, on which build a basic analysis framework ofsubject of agricultural science and technology transfer.
     In subsequent studies, the article made a focus discussion into the first four of thesix conditions of the system to effectively run. In demand for agricultural science andtechnology, agricultural science and technology innovation diffusion process, farmersand agricultural enterprises demand characteristics, behavioral characteristics, inparticular, is the analysis of factors affecting the demand for agricultural science andtechnology, provides a theoretical basis for the effective expansion of agriculturalscience and technology needs. Analyzed the behavior of the agricultural technologyinnovation subsystem, and noted that to achieve effective supply of agriculturalscientific and technological achievements, must meet the scientific organizationalsystem design, supply of adequate resources, a strong innovation capacity building inthe effective supply of agricultural scientific and technological achievements an effective incentive mechanism to build the four conditions, and these four conditionsare discussed in depth. Transformation of the angle of demand from the agriculturalscientific and technological achievements in agricultural science and technologyintermediary service support system, the classification of agricultural science andtechnology intermediaries, and discussed the conditions and basic principles ofagricultural science and technology intermediary organizations to support thedevelopment. In the dissemination of agricultural scientific and technologicalachievements, to discuss an effective form of dissemination of agricultural technology,media selection, the principles to be followed, as well as measures to improve thequality of agricultural science and technology dissemination.
     Second, this paper have been studied how to promote the transformation ofagricultural scientific and technological achievements from an empirical level. Thearticle analysis the factor on a brief introduction to China's agricultural scientific andtechnological achievements into the system, institutional mechanism for the evolutionof the status quo and agricultural scientific and technological achievements intoeffectiveness on the basis of the factors restricting China's agricultural science andtechnology achievements from the four aspects of demand, supply, brokerage, spread,and how to get rid of these barriers countermeasures.
     Finally, the paper made a number of countermeasures on how to promote China'sagricultural scientific and technological achievements.
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