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Nearly six years have passed since the financial crisis,but the world still in tremblefear.Because no one knows whether the effects of the crisis fully exposed,follow-up canbe hidden even greater crisis.In this war without smoke,consideration paid isheavy.Weak global economic recovery,uncertainty continued to increase.How tobalance the word economy,the financial sector in the reconstruction of the countriesbecome an important task.The world economy is paying dearly. Despite the financialcrisis facing fear,but still need to study and analyze it.The reform of economic andfinancial field defects in the exploration in order to maintain the stability of the financialsystem. In this process, a new financial term--shadow banking suddenly appeared infront of the world. It causes widespread concern in the international community. Becauseit changes the financial structure of the word.
     The shadow banking system, generally refers to the outside the gray area ofregulation or supervision, but has the same function to commercial banks, The history ofits development is the game between financial institutions and government supervision.At present, the common view about shadow banking system is arch-criminal financialcrisis and makes monetary policy failure, an important source of systemic risk, and thelack of supervision is the primary contributor to the crisis. So government began tore-examine its financial system, explore the method of supervision of shadow bankingsystem. In fact, Shadow banking does not necessarily lead to systemic risk, Highefficiency, high earnings over the last30years of operation in American have adescription of strict control. So stopping its development is not reasonable. In otherwords, the shadow banking is the product of financial technology, institutionalinnovation. With the deepening of financial innovation,cross-industry,cross-agency,cross-market, cross-border financial service. The important of the shadow banking beganto increase stability of the financial system. Uncover the veil of shadow banking,thissystem is based on the maximization of profits,but the product designer himself are notfully recognize the great risk.In a replication and extension of the layers of securitizationproducts and financial derivatives, the whole society is awash with liquidity releasedfrom shadow banking system. The financial industry will be the real estate industry,. Without financial innovation, there will not be financial development. The multi-levelfinancial market is the key to improve the financial efficiency.
     After the financial crisis, western developed market economy is the economicprosperity of the investment enthusiasm instilled. Ignoring the risk,the borroweroverload.In developed countries, the shadow banking system has more scale complexstructure than the traditional banking system. And in various forms, be the mostchangeful, operation hidden and mostly free to monetary authorities and supervisorycontrol.Went to the supervision of sight. But in China,the shadow banking system andtraditional bank financing mode is similar, it doesn't matter too complex, but as channelsto supplement the traditional commercial bank. As the financial market liberalization andinternationalization, the shadow banking in China developed rapidly.It changes thefinancial structure about China to some extent, and Chinese financial sector and theoverall economic and social development has been a fundamental change. However,Chinese financial system needs to set up new balance. Economic effect, risk andregulatory needs to be study as a whole,so regulatory authority can draw upcorresponding policy to settle the problem of shadow banking in China steady.
     Therefore, this paper takes the theory study as a starting point, analysis of theshadow banking system in China. Applying related methods of data analysis, empiricaltest and model fitting, In order to fully understand the macroeconomic effect, the Chineseshadow banking microeconomic effects, the nature of risk and regulatory situationBuilding a comprehensive risk monitoring system suitable for the situation of Chinashadow banks, improve the regulatory framework of the shadow banking in China.
     The first part (Chapter1), the research background, research significance andresearch ideas and methods briefly, mainly summarized research status and literaturereview at home, put forward the innovation and shortcomings.
     The second part (Chapter2), Shadow banks of the existence and development of thetheoretical basis and current development status. The shadow banking system can speedthe development of innovative products and promote the structure of the financial systemreform.It needs various theory supports, In the second chapter, re definition of theshadow banking scope, and operation mechanism, Introduce two yuan of financial theory, regulatory arbitrage theory and the theory of financial innovation and financialrepression theory.
     The third part (Chapter3-5), comprehensive introduction to the macroeconomiceffects and micro economic effects of Chinese shadow banking system. The third chapterintroduces the status about Chinese Shadow Banking.The fourth chapter, using the greyprediction and the SPSS econometric and statistical methods to study shadow bank scaleon the relationship between GDP, and M2, in order to explain the influence of shadowbanks on economic growth. Using the economic methods to illustrate the impact ofshadow banks on monetary policy. The fifth chapter, the principles of microeconomics,using boundary analysis to find the critical point of shadow banks on best loan scaleeffect of traditional bank. An empirical analysis of the impact of the shadow banking tothe traditional commercial bank's profitability and the impact on credit rationing way,finally introduces the shadow banks to small and micro positive functions and limitationsof enterprise development.
     The fourth part (Chapter6-7), this paper focuses on the risk monitoring andprecaution of shadow banks and improving the regulatory system of Chinese shadowbanking. The sixth chapter, the shadow banks and traditional banks have similar creditcreation function, but it has destroyed the money multiplier effect, The potential risk isunavoidable, but can the monitoring and prevention.So the risk from the perspective ofpressure index through empirical analysis, put forward to the China shadow banking riskprevention countermeasures. The seventh chapter, comparison and analysis of FSB,American, UK, EU on shadow banking supervision, the summary of internationalregulatory orientation and main trend.Set up balance regulation suggestions about theshadow banking in China.
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