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Since 1980s,along with the rapid development of globalization, technology and rapid economic growth, as well as brought about by neo-liberal trend of the market to the United States, Britain, Australia and other countries on behalf of the University, the world of higher education the field of a series aimed at reconstruction of the Government,the relationship between colleges and universities, as well as the market changes.
     During this process, the dicision maker of higher education in all countries falls overboard for to make use of numerous policy tools to promote the system innovation of university and cure a change, the vouchers is one of the controversial policy tools among them.
     Voucher is a new tool for marketlization originating form new liberalism economics, it emphasis the power of choice through the certification to transplant the market competition mechanism from the consumer angle, and the enssation of it is to introduce the market mechanism into public service. The application of vouchers in higher education will bring the change of the role of government、market and higher educaiton institutions , and promote the further change of the relation between traditional nation and higher education. Because of the complication and sensitivity of vouchers , and the difficult it account during the process of application ,all of these make people careful when the talk or parctice vouchers in higher education field. Untill now , the vouchers have been used in the United States、Russia and Finland etc.In our country, theoretic research and disscusses about higher education vouchers is still very little, the practice of it is more less and badly lack of theory guide.
     The dissertation try to set up the applied theories frame and operation mode of higher education vouchers .The angle of this research is place the voucher tool into the background of globalization and the ages topic of higher education management reform. It is the aim of this paper to discover the pattern in the development of higher education from the perspectives of the nation, market system, high schools and the academic views of the society. This takes into consideration their human-orientation and strategic importance. This paper also provides a panoramic view of the strategic theme of the application of the voucher system in higher education in order to widen the research filed about it, to give a theoretical reference to future higher education, and to promote its application in China.
     This dissertation investigates the connotation, motivation, basic model and other theories of voucher application in higher education based on the dynamic state, historical development, and theories of voucher use in higher education in western countries. It uses the U.S., Holland ,Australia and some other countries as models, analyzing their individual characters and experiences. It elaborates on the history, present condition and application of the voucher system in the public financial management of China’s higher education. It also analyzes the requirements and provisions of the regulations of higher education in China. Furthermore, it investigates a suitable model of voucher application, evaluates its merits and shortages, and discusses its formulation and design in China.
     Generally, voucher application is not an operational technique which obeys the fixed technological process. Its essence is to promote the university should return to nature, go beyond the status quo, to achieve "good governance" of the modern university system an integral part of.The significance of voucher application in higher education is that it corresponds with the human-oriented strength which lies in the university principle and the culture of the higher education system. It indicates the strong reaction of college students to life. It contains a natural competition concealed in the commodities and the elimination of market logic as a result of the strong interference of political power. It involves the application of the principles of“management”to college students and their reformation. It reflects the cooperation between“multiple-center”and college affairs, especially its determination. These dominant and recessive strengths converge on the theme of the choice of education and they are also demonstrated during the process of the education.
     Actually, the voucher system is not an all-powerful tool. It should be applied only under certain condition in higher education and, especially, be in agreement with China’s national conditions. At this moment, the application of voucher in higher education should correspond with the national conditions and applied gradually and area by area. Now, the voucher should be used as a tool to promote the fairness of education, allocate funds toward poor university students, and facilitate students’attendance of private colleges and technical education institutions. The voucher system can be used to design the inter-relationship between the national education administration, colleges, and college students. Moreover, it makes explicit their respective obligations, helps to resolve inter-college conflicts, improves the degree of information sharing, reduces the cost, and realizes the maximum public profits.
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    [6] American Federation of Teachers,“The Cleveland Voucher Program: Who Chooses? Who Gets Chosen? Who Pays”, see http://www.aft.org/research/reports/chev/cost.html.
    [7]Allen,“Higher Education of Veterans in New York State,”[J]Educational Outlook,22 (Nov. 1947), 28.转引自Keith W. Olson,“The G. I. Bill and Higher Education: Success and Surprise”, 602.
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    [66]Myron Lieberman,Public Education:An Autopsy(Cambridge,MA:Harvard UniversityPress,1998).
    [67]Nathan Glazer, The limits of Social (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University press,1988),126.
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    [74]Pierce v Society of Sisters(1925);也可参见Murray N.Rothbard,For a New Liberty (New York:Macmillan,1978),126.
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