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The present dissertation consists of three parts: (1) The pseudo-potential function model for 3-D inviscid rotational rotor flow is systematically established , which is theoretically rigorous and generally applicable; (2) The Variational Principles for 2-D compressible rotational flow using pseudo-potential model encompassing pseudo-potential function and vorticity-potential function are established ,and the basic aerodynamic equations in terms of the pseudo-potential function are derived in image-plane; (3) Three kinds of quasi-variational formulation for 3-D vorticity-potential model are established.
    The main work of the thesis can be outlined as follow : The pseudo-potential function and vortex potential functions are derived by means of the term-condensing method ,this model not only remains the basic advantages of potential function model ,but also applies to the rotational flow. It is a physically self-consistent model and is a rational extension of the potential function to rotational flow. It removes the non-uniqueness of the potential function solutions at transonic speeds due to ignoring entropy gradient behind the shock.
    The general form of the fundamental equations of aerodynamics in terms of the pseudo-potential function, the vortex potential function and the enthalpy are derived in the general non-orthogonal
    curvilinear coordinate system by means of both tensor calculus and Jacobians. To facilitate the numerical solution, an image-space based on a body-filled curvilinear coordinate system is introduced .
    Using the pseudo-potential function, Variational principles for direct and inverse problems of 2-D steady rotational compressible flow are developed rigorously.
    Three alternative formulations for the vortex-potential equations are provided.
    All these lay a firm theoretical basis for its application to computational fluid dynamics.
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