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With the setup of African Union and the signing of New Partnership for Africa’s Development ( NEPAD ) at the beginning of 21st century, Pan-Africanism studies tend to be done in the economic field. To know the future of African Union, we need to analyze process of the development of Africa since independence and the progress of Pan-Africanism. From the perspective of the latter, Africa Union is the fruit of Pan-Africanism. So,this paper lays its emphasis on the prospects of African Union and African renaissance in the progress of globalization.
     This paper is divided into three parts:Part I is about the background of the establishment of African Union, including the political and economic development since independence, and the tendency of globalization at the 21st century and the status of Africa in the economic globalization as well. This part plays an important role for the setup of African Union and formulation of the strategy of African renaissance .Furthermore, this part analyzes the importance of the Pan-Africanism movement and the establishment of African Union in African history. Part II analyzes the strategies for the renaissance of Africa in the national, regional and international gradation. The ending tells that the way for the renaissance depends mainly on the self-reliance and active participation in the process of globalization, but it also tells the uncertainties for the real development with a cautious but hopeful conclusion about the future of African Union and African renaissance.
① Emmanuel Nnadozie (ed.), African Economic Development,San Diego: Academic Press, 2003, p.100.
    ②《瞭望新闻周刊》,2005 年第 22 期,第 46 页。
    ③ 杨光 温伯友主编:《中东非洲发展报告(2001-2002)》,社会科学文献出版社 2002 年版,第 7 页。
    ① Natalia Dinello and Lyn Squire, Globalization and Equity: Perspectives from the Developing world, Amsterdam: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2005.p.67.
    ① Tunde Zack–Williams, Diane Frost and Alex Thomson (eds.),Africa in Crisis: New Challenges and Possibilities, London: Pluto Press,2002,pp.40-58.
    ① 20 世纪 50 年代有 6 国独立,60 年代有 32 国,70 年代达 8 国,80 年代初津巴布韦独立,90 年代纳米比亚独立。转引自舒运国:《失败的改革》,吉林人民出版社 2004 年版,第 6 页。
    ② 唐大盾:《泛非主义与非洲统一组织文选(1900-1990)》,华东师范大学出版社 1995 年版,第 83 页。
    ① 陈宗德:《撒哈拉以南非洲经济发展战略研究》,北京大学出版社 1987 年版,第 146 页。
    ② http://www.invest.net.cn/News/ShowInfo.aspx?NewsID=12.
    ③ 陈宗德:《撒哈拉以南非洲经济发展战略研究》,北京大学出版社 1987 年版,第 12 页。
    ④ 陆庭恩 彭坤元:《非洲通史》(现代卷),华东师范大学出版社 1995 年版,第 448-449 页。
    ⑤ http://www.uncea.org/itca/ariportal/docs/Lagos-plan.pdf.
    ⑥《伯格报告》强调造成非洲经济困难的原因是主观因素,强调外援对非洲发展的重要性,较少考虑非洲国家要求发展民族经济、贯彻自力更生的原则。转引自陆庭恩 彭坤元:《非洲通史》(现代卷),华东师范大学出版社 1995 年版,第 452-453 页。
    ① Theodre Levitt, The Globalization of Markets,New York:John Wiley & Sons,Inc.,1985,pp.53-68.
    ② ADB,African Development Report 2003,New York: Oxford University Press,2003, p.164.
    ① Emmanuel Nnadozie (ed.), African Economic Development,San Diego : Academic Press, 2003, p.100.
    ① Emmanuel Nnadozie (ed.), African Economic Development, San Diego: Academic Press, 2003, p.40.
    ② IMF,Regional Economic Outlook:Sub-saharan Africa, Washington, D.C.: IMF Publication Services,2005,p.41.
    ③ Economic Report on Africa ,2004, P.55, http://www.uneca.org/ERA2004/.
    ④《瞭望新闻周刊》,2005 年 5 月 30 日第 22 期,第 46 页。
    ⑤ 王烈 杨雪东:《全球化与世界》,中央编译出版社 1998 年版,第 2 页。
    ⑥ The World Economy,Vol.23, No.3,2000.
    ⑦ ADB,African Development Report 2003,New York:Oxford University Press, 2003, p.187.
    ⑧ “奴仆经济”特征是指殖民地一切经济活动的全部目的,就是为了满足宗主国的最大经济利益。转引自舒运国:《失败的改革》,吉林人民出版社 2004 年版,第 7 页。
    ①Thabo Mbeki“,Address By Executive President Thabo Mbeki,To Corporate Council on Africa’s Attracting Capita to Africa summit”,http://www.anc.org.za/ancdocs/history/Mbeki/1997/sp9704.html.
    ②http://www.africa-union.org/Offical_Documents/Speeches_&_Statements/Offspeeches_&_Statements.htm,T.Orjiako,The African Union—“Our Common Home”,V.2-1,March 24,2005.
    ① 舒运国:《失败的改革》,吉林人民出版社 2004 年版,第 31 页。
    ② 唐大盾:《泛非主义与非洲统一组织文选(1900-1990)》,华东师范大学出版社 1995 年版,第 205 页。
    ③ 唐大盾:《泛非主义与非洲统一组织文选(1900-1990)》,华东师范大学出版社 1995 年版,第 216 页。
    ④ “The Abuja Treaty”,http://www.uneca.org/itca/ariportal/abuja.htm. 阿布贾条约即是非洲经济共同体条约,在以后章节中涉及到非洲经济共同体条约内容均来源此处,不再标明。
    ②http://www.au2002.gov.za/docs/key_oau/sirte.htm.宣言第 8 款规定决定建立非洲联盟(第 1 条)和加速执行建立非洲经济共同体条约的进程(第 2 条)。
    ③ http://www.africa-union.org/About_AU/Abconstitutional_Act.htm,11th day of July, 2000.在以后章节中涉及到非洲联盟宪章内容资料均来源此处,不再标明。
    ④ http://www.africa-union.org/Offical_Documents/Speeches_&_Statements/Offspeeches_&_Statements.htm, T.Orjiako,The African Union_“Our Common Home”,V.6-1,March 24,2005.
    ① ADB,African Development Report 2003,Oxford: Oxford University Press,2003, p.251.
    ② http://www.africa-union.org/Offical_Documents/Speeechs_&_Statements/HE_Thabo_Mbiki/Lauch%20of%20 the%20african%20union,%209%20July%202002.htm.
    ③ 杨立华,《非洲联盟:理想与现实》,《西亚非洲》,2001 年第 5 期,第 10 页。
    ④ The New Economic Partnership for Africa’s Development, http://www.uncea.org/eca-resources/conference-Reports_and_Other_Documents/nepad/NEPAT.htm,在以后章节中涉及到非洲发展新伙伴计划内容均来源此处,不再标明。
    ⑤ http://www.africa-union.org/Official_documents/Speeches_&_Statements/HE_Thabo_Mbiki/NPAD%20New%2 0York,%2016%20September%202002.htm.
    ① http://world.people.com.cn/GB/14549/4452884.html.另见《环球时报》,2006 年 6 月 7 日,第 4 版。
    ② http://allafrica.com/stories/200507130922.html.
    ③ 2005 年国际透明组织统计资料:http://www.transparency.org/regional_pages/africa_middle_east/about/africa.
    ① http://www.nepad.org/aprm/.文章中涉及到“非洲互查机制”的内容均来自此处,不再标明。
    ② http://www.africa-union.org/root/au/Documents/Treaties/treaties.htm.
    ① http://news.xinhuanet.com/world/2006-10/25/content_5246118.htm.
    ① IMF,Regional Economic Outlook: Sub-saharan Africa, Washington,D.C.: IMF Publication Services,2005,p.1.
    ② Economic Report on Africa, 2006, P.43, http://www.uneca.org/eca_resources/publications/books/era2006/index.htm.
    ③ ADB,African Development Report 2003,New York: Oxford University Press,2003,p.265.
    ④ [埃及]萨米尔·阿明:《世界一体化的挑战》,任友谅等译,社会科学文献出版社 2003 年版,第 215 页。
    ① http://www.fao.org/docrep/meeting/008/J2891c.htm.
    ① 舒运国:《非洲人口增长与经济发展研究》,华东师范大学出版社 1996 年版,第 218 页。
    ② Emmanuel Nnadozie (ed.), African Economic Development, San Diego: Academic Press, 2003, p.100.
    ③ Emmanuel Nnadozie (ed.), African Economic Development, San Diego: Academic Press, 2003, p.100.
    ① Emmanuel Nnadozie (ed.), African Economic Development, San Diego: Academic Press, 2003, p.101.
    ② http://www.chinapop.gov.cn/gaoguan/t20061108_151536349.html.
    ③ http://allafrica.com/stories/200604070751.html.
    ④ http://allafrica.com/stories/200510100430.html.
    ⑤ 同上。
    ① http://www.invest.net.cn/News/ShowInfo.aspx?ID=1645.
    ② “African youth chapter”, http://www.africa-union.org/root/au/Documents/Treaties/treaties.htm.
    ① Emmanuel Nnadozie (ed.), African Economic Development, San Diego: Academic Press,2003, p.112.
    ②Fifth African Population Conference Arusha, Tanzania: December 10-14, 2007, http://www.uaps.org/.
    ①http://www.africa-union.org/Offical_Documents/Speeches_&_Statements/Offspeeches_&_Statements.htm,T.Orjiako,The African Union-“Our Common Home”,V.13-2,March 24,2005.
    ②Jeffrey D.Sachs, The End of Poverty: Economic Possibilities for Our Time, New York : The Penguin Press, 2005,p.343.
    ③ http://www.un.org/chinese/News/fullstorynews.asp?newsID=418.
    ④ http://www.china.org.cn/chinese/HIAW/408571.htm.
    ① http://www.africa-union.org/root/au/Documents/Treaties/treaties.htm.
    ① IMF,Regional Economic Outlook: Sub-saharan Africa, Washington,D.C.: IMF Publication Services,2005, p.43.
    ② 塞内加尔总统瓦德提出的《欧米加计划》,这个计划和“非洲千年复兴计划”的发展战略和目标大致相同,区别主要是对优先发展领域的排序。该计划还强调非洲复兴必须依靠外部力量。
    ① ADB, African Development Report 2003, New York: Oxford University Press,2003, p.254.
    ① http://www.comesa.int/.文章中涉及到东南非共同市场的资料均来源此处,不再标明。
    ② http://www.ecowas.int/.
    ① “Economic Community of West African States”, http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/ecowas.
    ② http://www.sadc.int/.
    ① http://mnc.people.com.cn/GB/54835/73935/5032111.html.
    ② Emmanuel Nnadozie (ed.), African Economic Development, San Diego: Academic Press, 2003, p.515.
    ① http://www.africa.gov.cn/ArticleView/2005-12-16/Article_View_1646.htm.
    ② http://mnc.people.com.cn/GB/54835/73935/5032111.html.
    ① http://www.worldbank.org/afr.
    ② “African Growth and Opportunity Act”, http://www.agoa.gov/agoa_legislation_legislation.html.
    ① WB, World Development Report 2006, New York: Oxford University Press, 2006, p.196.
    ② 新华网哈拉雷 2006 年 10 月 28 日电。
    ③ 同上。
    ① UNCFAD, World Investment Report 2005,New York: United Nation Publication,2005, p.40.
    ② Economic Report on Africa, 2006, P.46, http://www.uneca.org/eca_resources/publications/books/era2006/index.htm.
    ③ 杨立华,《非洲联盟:理想与现实》,《西亚非洲》,2001 年第 5 期,第 10 页。
    ④ http://allafrica.com/stories/200510200688.html.
    ⑤ http://allafrica.com/stories/200510200688.html.
    ⑥ WB, World Development Report 2006, New York: Oxford University Press, 2006, p.220.
    ①《世界知识》,2005 年第 14 期,第 39 页。
    ② 姚桂梅:《“多哈回合”与非洲》,《西亚非洲》,2003 年第 6 期,第 29 页。
    ① ADB, African Development Report 2003,New York: Oxford University Press,2003, p.186.
    ② Emmanuel Nnadozie (ed.), African Economic Development, San Diego: Academic Press, 2003, p.475.
    ③ WB, World Development Report 2006, New York: Oxford University Press, 2006, p.220.
    ① http://allafrica.com/stories/200507130922.html.
    ② UNCFAD, World Investment Report 2005 , New York: United Nation Publication,p.247.
    ④ 新华网格伦伊格尔斯(英国)2005 年 7 月 8 日电。
    ⑤ 来源于中国驻法国使馆经商处:http://fr.mofcom.gov.cn/column/print.shtml?/jmxw/200607/20060702658996.
    ① 新华网达喀尔 2005 年 5 月 7 日电。
    ② Economic Report on Africa,2006, P.44, http://www.uneca.org/eca_resources/publications/books/era2006/index.htm.
    ③ Jeffrey D. Sachs, The End of Poverty: Economic Possibilities for Our Time, New York: The Penguin Press, 2005,P.189.
    ④ http://news.xinhuanet.com/focus/2006-07/03/content_4786306.htm.
    ⑤ 同上。
    ① http://2005.invest.net.cn/news/ShowInfo.aspx?NewsID=1468.
    ① http://www.economist.com/World/africa/displayStory.cfm?story_id=5364705.
    ② http://finance.people.com.cn/GB/42773/5404418.html.
    ① http://allafrica.com/stories/200506300275.htm.另见 African Buiness,January 2005,P.28.
    ② Tunde Zack–Williams, Diane Frost and Alex Thomson (eds.), Africa in Crisis: New Challenges and Possibilities , London: Pluto press,2002, p.58.
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