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It is important for the valves to control the pressures,the flow rates and thedirections in fluidic systems. Especially for micro-fluidic, valve is indispensable ascomponents of fluidic systems, requires precision control of the output.This type ofvalves has been more and more widely used in such as micro fluidic delivery controlsystems, micro liquid fuel cell control systems, micro-injection systems andmicro-gas compression systems.Micro fluidic valve has the advantage of simplystructure, small size, high efficiency and stability. In this point, it is different fromthe conventional fluidic controlling valves. It is a well way to improve the controlprecision and dynamic characteristics of fluidic systems.Piezoelectric driving modelhas great potential in the fields of fluidic systems.
     When the fluidic system is actuated by the piezoelectric actuator, thepiezoelectric actuating and control is set up. The technology of piezoelectricactuating and control has great potential in fluidic system and attracts manyresearchers to join in thin area. This topic is based on the National ScienceFoundation and the key projects of the ministry of education of higher school onscience and technology innovation and mainly research on the piezoelectric waferactive control stop-valves. A novel valve made by a sort of circle piezoelectricvibrator covering silicon thin film is proposed in this paper. The vibrator worksunder the first mode to control the opening of the valve which is actuated by electricsignal. Theoretical mode, finite element analysis (FEA), precision machining,optimal design and experimental test are conducted to research the proposed valve.
     1.The working principle and the FEA of the actuator in stop-valve
     The driving principle and the working characteristic of the valve is analyzed.The FEA and the experimental test were conducted and the results show that the firstmode of the valve is axial symmetry and the deformation of the circle piezoelectricvibrator which can match the working process of opening and sealing.
     2.The optimal design and simulation of the valve
     The flow field of the valve was anlyzed by the FEA, basing on the flow of thegap and the loss of the pressure. The results show that the performance and the flowof the valve were mainly decided by the parameter of the structure. Based on the model of the multi-objective optimization, a group of the Pareto best solution wasobtained by the Differential Evolution Algorithm.
     3Experimental test of the stop-valves under the liquid pressure
     Solid-liquid coupling analysis model of the valve was built and the theoreticalresults show that the stiffness coefficient of the flexural deflection is constant andthe resistance coefficient and the quality coefficient are change when thepiezoelectric vabrator work under the effect of the solid-liquid coupling. Thedeformation of the circle vabrator is still axial symmetry under the liqud pressure,and the deformation of the radial section is parabola. The deformation of thevabrator and the frequency of the first mode are reduced under the effect of thesolid-liquid coupling. The experimental system is built to test the valve under theliquid pressure. The displacement of the vabrator on the valve port is tested tocompare with the testing flow. The output charateristic character of the valve showsthat the testing flow is lower than the theoretical flow; the flow of the valveincreases with the increase of the driving voltage and well cut-off performance canobtained when a reverse voltage is supplied; the output of the valve can follow thechange of the square signal. Experimental test of the valve with different valve portradius is conducted. The result show that the optimized stop-valves can achievelarge working pressure range, well flow and cut off charateristic.
     4Experimental researches of the stop-valves under the gas pressure
     The output performances of the valve under gas and liquid are compared byexperimental test. The results show that the displacement of the valve under the gasis higher than that under the liquid. The experimental system is built to test thedisplacement of the valve under the air pressure and the vacuum dewatering methodis used to test the working flow of the valve. The experimental results show that thevalve can achieve wll flow control under the air pressure. The performance ofdifferent valve port radius of the valve is tested and the results show that theoptimized stop-valves can achieve large working pressure range, better outputperformace and easier control.
     5Analysis and design of the control systems and drive power of the stop-valves
     Basd on the control characteristic, open-loop control strategy is proposed. Adriving power supply is needed to match the stop-valves. Considering this reason, aswitch circuit based on the principle of DC Transform is designed and a portabledriving power supply for the open-loop control is researched. The output power is better than the traditional type and the output voltage of the power supply is stabilizeand the frequency is controllable.
     The results show that the proposed active stop-valves with piezoelectric wafershave a wide work frequency range, well closing performance and almost have noleaks in working pressure range. The valve has high precision in flow control,simple and smart structure, easy control strategy. It can be well matched to thefluidic systems.
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