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With the fast development of computer, electronic and network communicationtechnique, networked control systems (NCSs) arise at the historic moment. NCSs consistsof geographically distributed sensor, controller and actuators, which are connected by abandwidth limited digital communication network, and it is a kind of spatial distributionof real-time feedback closed loop control systems. NCSs do not have shortcomings oftraditional control systems the high cost, such as poor reliability, difficulty in diagnosingand maintaining fault, and so on. Due to the advantages including shared informationresources, easy to maintain and extend, high reliability, high efficiency, flexibility, and soon, NCSs have been widely used in industrial automation, distributed mobilecommunications, unmanned aerial vehicle and many other fields.
     Being two important topics in control fields, the stability and performance of controlsystems have attracted much attention all the time. Stability is the premise for systemworking normally. While the study of performance of control systems aim to achieveperformance limitation of stable systems by designing controllers. Currently, relevantresults have revealed that the tracking performance limitations of control systems aredetermined by the essential characteristics of reference signals and the plant. However,with networks introduced into control systems, the stability and performance of NCSshave unprecedented challenges, and thus this thesis focus on the study of trackingperformance limitations of NCSs with communication constraints. The research content ofthis dissertation is outlined as follows:
     This dissertation investigated the tracking performance limitations of NCSs withchannel input power constraints, and under the effects of input disturbance and Gaussianwhite noise. The exact expression of tracking performance limitations of NCSs has beenobtained, which show that the tracking performance limitations of NCSs is closely related to the essential characteristics of the plant such as locations and directions of nonminimumphase zeros and unstable poles, and reveal that the tracking performance may be badlydegraded by input disturbance and Gaussian white noise in some degree. In anther aspect,the tracking performance of NCSs becoming better with the increase of the allowedchannel input power.
     Also, the tracking performance limitation of NCSs under effects of packet dropouts isinvestigated. The packet dropouts are modeled as a binary stochastic process. With unityfeedback and two-freedom-of-degree control structure, a lower bound and an exactexpression of tracking performance have been obtained respectively. The results revealthat compared with the unity feedback, the two-freedom-of-degree control can eliminatethe negative effect of noise on tracking performance of NCSs. In addition, due to thefrequentlyly occurs of packet dropouts, that is, with the increase with packet dropouts’probability the tracking performance will be badly degraded, even makes the NCSsunstable.
     This dissertation studied the tracking performance limitations of multi-inputmulti-output NCSs with encoder-decoder. Based on different locations of encoder-decoder(feedforward channel and feedback channel), two-freedom-of-degree controller is adoptedto track the given stochastic reference signal. The results show that the trackingperformance is tightly dependent on the characteristics of the plant and encoder-decoder,and well-designed encoder-decoder can improve the tracking performance limitations ofNCSs.
     Moreover, the tracking performance of discrete-time NCSs with channel input powerconstraints, and the regulation performance of NCSs with control energy constraints werestudied in this dissertation. A new performance index for the tracking performance isproposed. Based on the optimization method with the inequality constraints, a lowerbound of tracking performance and exact expression of regulation performance areobtained. In addition, the design methods of controllers of the tracking performance with channel input power constraints and regulation performance of NCSs with control energyconstraints have also been obtained.
     The stability problem of NCSs with packet dropouts, input disturbance and additiveGaussian white noise is studied. Base on the all-pass factorization of transfer functionmatrices, Youla parameterization of controllers and optimization method with theinequality constraints, the minimum values of signal-to-noise ratio guaranteeing thestability of NCSs are derived. The results quantitatively reveal how the signal-to-noiseratio performance is affected by the nonminimum phase zeros and unstable poles, whichcan also be understood in a different way that when NCSs is stable, the explicitrelationship between communication basic parameters (signal-to-noise ratio, etc.) andcommunication induced parameters (packet dropouts, etc.), which can give some guidancefor the design of communication channel.
     For general non-square plant, this dissertation studied the tracking performancelimitations under the effects of input disturbance and Gaussian noise. The form of Youlaparameterization of controllers for non-square plant model has been determined. Theexplicit expression of tracking performance limitations have been obtained based oninner-outer factorization.
     Finally, a summary has been proposed for all discussions in this dissertation. Thefurther study and research works are presented for the network systems.
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