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目的:微流控芯片平台上探索三维培养环境下胰岛素样生长因子-1(Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1, IGF-1)、碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(basic Fibroblast Growth Factor, bFGF)对软骨细胞体外增殖的影响;通过验证微流控平台的有效性将微流控芯片技术引入软骨组织工程领域。
     结果:IGF-1在57.14ng/ml产生最大增殖效应(平均倍增2.38倍),bFGF在5.72ng/ml产生最大增殖效应(平均倍增3.85倍),85.71ng/ml的IGF-1与1.43ng/ml bFGF的组合使软骨细胞产生最大的增殖效应(平均倍增4.76倍);芯片与传统96孔板所得增殖率不存在统计学显著性差异。
Objective:The effects of the insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) on the proliferation of chondrocytes in 3D were investigated. By validating the application of microfluidic chip, we introduced it for cartilage tissue engineering.
     Methods:Rabbit articular chondrocytes embedded in collagen gel were cultured on chip and 96-well plate for two weeks and their proliferation rate was investigated in the presence of IGF-1, bFGF and their combination.
     Results:The cell proliferation rate revealed to be highest in 57.14ng/ml of IGF-1 (up to 2.38-fold), highest in 5.72ng/ml of bFGF (up to 3.58-fold) and highest in the combination of 85.73ng/ml IGF-1 and 1.43ng/ml bFGF (up to 4.76-fold). Moreover, there was no statistically significant difference between microfluidic platform and 96-well plate with the proliferation rate.
     Conclusion:A certain combination of IGF-1 and bFGF could synergistically increases the proliferation of chondrocytes in 3D while maintaining their morphology. Microfluidic chips could be applied in cartilage tissue engineering efficiently.
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