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Taking transmission design of armored vehicles as an example, this dissertation does research on Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (RCPSP) for product design and the solving algorithms. In the scientific and technical reports presented in August 2009, NASA points out that research of RCPSP problem is important for the military product development with band schedules, manpower and equipment constraints. This problem is a NP-hard problem in theory, which has theoretical and practical value.
     To satisfy the actual engineering requirement of "transmission design project scheduling system" project commissioned by a research institute, the dissertation explores a planning and scheduling method for product design, and proposes two solving algorithms for project scheduling problem with constrained resource. Our research is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation. Our contribution is as follows:
     (1) We present a planning method for design process based on Engineering Semantic Web-Design Structure Matrix (ESW-DSM). According to product structure tree, we utilize engineering semantic to construct engineering semantic web of product structure, task and design team with constrained resource. Then we give design process planning on the basis of DSM and we give the constrained project scheduling plan according to the constrained resource of the design team. Finally, the proposed method is verified by the design process planning of a transmission.
     (2) We propose a Swarm Intelligent based Scatter Search method (SISS). In the SISS, we make use of Biased MAX-MIN Ant System to provide diverse solutions for the scatter search method avoiding prematurity. We also introduce Forward-Backward Improvement (FBI) strategy to make the algorithm quickly converge by searching local optimal solution. The FBI strategy can used to solve Single-mode RCPSP optimization problem. Through verifying on Single-mode RCPSP problem set PSPLIB and the design problem of transmission of the armored vehicles, we find SISS algorithm can quickly converge to the project satisfactory solution and improve computation efficiency.
     (3) We propose a Generalized Differential Evolution algorithm with Estimation of Distribution Algorithm (GDE-EDA). Based on generalized evolutionary algorithm, GDE-EDA utilizes the estimation of distribution algorithm to analyze the global information of the problem solution space and the intrinsic link between the design variables, predicts the distribution of the optimal solution and guides the global search process. The proposed method can faster obtain Pareto solution set of better diversity to solve the multi-mode multi-objective RCPSP optimization problem. Comparing the experimental results of with NSGA-II and GDE3 on multi-objective functions (benchmark) and actual example, the proposed algorithm has better convergence and diversity.
     (4) According to the above research, we developed "transmission design project scheduling system (TDPS)" based on workflow technology.
     Our work takes the transmission design of armored vehicles as application background. We give a ESW-DSM based complex product design process planning methods, propose two algorithms (SISS and GDE-EDA) for the scheduling of the product design; and develop transmission design project scheduling system (TDPS). Our work is expected to be applied to the design of engineering vehicles and engineering machinery product.
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