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     本文通过对呼叫中心的理论和Web呼叫中心进行研究,同时研究了协同(Collaboration)的发展和Web呼叫中心中的协同信息技术。并且研究MeetExpo公司的IEP系统中的onExpo Call Center的组成、功能和技术等等。最后用Flash技术开发一个onExpo Call Center的客服中心平台(Agent Center),利用Agent Center去研究onExpo Call Center中展览会的参展商和参观者是如何去进行协同操作的。
     本文的研究成果是成功地将Web呼叫中心应用到展览会行业中,在基于IEP的基础上,开发一个客服中心平台(Agent Center),实现展览会的参展商和参观者之间的协同操作。
This thesis mainly solves the problem that how to apply the web call center in collaboration of corporation. And corporation will increase the level of service for clients, carry out client relationship management, enhance enterprise competition in the market.
    This paper studies the theory and industry of call center, web call center, the development of collaboration and the technology of collaboration at web call center. It also studies the composition, function and technology of onExpo Call Center in the Interactive Event Platform of MeetExpo company and so on. At last, the author have developed the Agent Center of onExpo Call Center with the flash, and studied the collaboration between exhibitor and attendee in onExpo Call Center based on the Agent Center.
    Applying web call center into the industry of exhibition is the main research result of this paper . And the author has developed the Agent Center which based on IEP of MeetExpo. This kind of Agent Center carries out the collaboration between exhibitor and attendee.
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