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With the rapid development of globalization and knowledge economy, intellectual property has become a core strategic resource for competitiveness and innovation for a nation. Automobile industry is an important pillar industry of our country, it has a long industrial chain that has a high association with other industry, holds a wide range of employment and brings plentiful consumption. It plays an important role in national economy and social development. Cross-passenger-car industry, because of its characteristics of low fuel consumption, low cost, small area occupation, flexible usage, adapt to production and consumption of China's vast rural areas, small towns and small and medium-sized enterprise, also has obtained considerable development during nearly two decades. However, from perspective of technological innovation, it has problems in research capacity as well as operation of intellectual property. First of all, from perspective of technology innovation, industry research and development ability is generally weak, the amount of core technology patent is pretty small. Technology progress is mainly covering production quality and production technology improvement. Patent type mostly is utility model and design. Secondly, from the point of view of patent application, enterprise has low ability in patents operation. The quantity, level and layout of patents cannot meet the needs of automobile industry development. More seriously, multinational auto companies have established barriers of intellectual property to our auto industry. Therefore, it is very important to study, in view of strategy, on how to create, protect, operate and manage intellectual property to break through intellectual property barriers set up by international multinational auto company.
     At the same time, with development of industry globalization and intellectual property operation, relative strategy studies on creation, protection, utilization and management of intellectual property rights especially patent, become a concern in circles of academia, industry and government. The research results in domestic and abroad mainly focus on patent strategic concept, function, type, and some link of strategies, and got a lot of convincing conclusions. But those viewpoints and theories have not formed a system. It provides an opportunity for this dissertation to do further studies on theoretical development.
     This dissertation follows a research notion of "theory research, framework construction, empirical analysis, strategic design". Based on research of domestic and foreign experts, with integrated theories of industrial economics, international economics, technology innovation, management and intellectual property law, this dissertation puts forward theory of knowledge value chain model. Also based on this model, constructs a patent strategy model which consists of basic patent strategies and resource support system, discusses conceptions and operation modes of patent information analysis, patent development, patent application and protection strategy, sets up an improved SWOT analysis model. Focusing on patent information, this dissertation analyses internal and external environment of Chinese cross-passenger-car industry, makes choice for patent strategy and puts forward a strategic design idea. Through research, this dissertation tries to establish a theoretical framework for cross-passenger-car industry.
     The main contents of this dissertation are divided into six parts:
     Firstly, theoretical basis for research. Through review research achievements on related theories at home and abroad, this dissertation analyses existing insufficiency, sets up foundation and theoretical analyzing framework for later model building.
     Secondly, construction of research framework. Based on the idea of KVC, patent strategy model is constructed from two major functional modules of basic patent activity flow and patent activity support; by introducing quantitative analysis elements in patent activity, constructs an improved SWOT analytical model to provide basis for specific formulation and implementation of patent strategy.
     Thirdly, patent strategy system based on KVC. From basic strategy and resources supporting system, this dissertation emphatically demonstrates concepts and modes of strategies of patent information, development, application and protection; Demonstrates composition of resources support, organizational support and culture support.
     Fourthly, analysis of patent activities. On KVC basis, with patent map analysis and comparative analysis methods, this dissertation deeply analyses basic patent activities and support activities for Chinese and foreign cross-passenger-car industry, summarizes successful patent strategy experience of Japanese car industry.
     Fifthly, patent strategy choice based on KVC. Using patent strategy improved SWOT analysis model, from point of view of basic patents activities and support activities, find out the key influencing factors related industry patent development strategy, puts forward strategy matching for cross-passenger-car industry, namely SO offensive patent strategy accompanied by WO defensive strategy.
     Lastly, patent strategy system design based on KVC. In compliance with patent strategy model based on knowledge value chain, mainly from respect of patent strategy principle, target, emphasis and supporting system, this dissertation conceives patent strategy system for cross-passenger-car industry, puts forward corresponding such strategic ideas as patent development, patent application and patent alliance. Cross-passenger-car industry should take different strategies according to different technology level:in the field of body and engine, take strategies of advanced technology development, independent innovation mode, aggressive patent layout and patent alliance. Meanwhile, in line of r electronic, new energy, chassis, transmission technology, take strategies of follow-up technology development, joint development, utilization of invalid patent strategy, defensive patent layout, patent purchase and litigation strategy.
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