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A parameter E was calculated to evaluate the system’s packing efficiency. Theexperiment results indicated that E performs a good effect on designing CWSpreparation. The coal samples were treated by microwave radiation, N2protectedfluidized bed, and hydrothermal reactor for comparing the effect and enhauncingproperties of the three treatment method on CWS preparation. Through SEM analysis,the changes of porosity and fractures were found to reduce under microwave radiation.The particles' shapes were found to become more irregular after crushing and grinding,that is not similar to the common knowledge. Upon all the research and theoreticalanalysis, a packing model, called “Minimum Voidage Model”(MVM) was built torepresent close contact particle’s packing. In this model, the minimum void ratio ofnarrow size grade was used to represent the real particles’ packing pattern.Keyword: lignite; continuous size; packing; CWS; microwave
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