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    方法:1. 临床相关因素分析,对36例急性CO中毒后迟发性脑病(DEACMP)患者和40例对照组(无迟发性脑病组,即急性CO中毒后,随诊60天,未发生神经精神后发症)患者,在年龄、性别、职业、急性期昏迷时间、心脑血管病史、高压氧治疗时间等方面进行比较。2. 脑CT检查,采用德国西门子SOMATOM AR NOVA CT 扫描矩阵256×256,扫描层厚度和层厚均为10mm,作头颅横断扫描均为平扫,迟发性脑病组22例患者、对照组26例患者均于急性期入院后2周内行CT检查,对两组患者的CT结果进行比较,并按急性CO中毒程度的不同进行分组,分为轻、中、重三组,了解不同CO中毒程度患者的CT表现特点。3. BEAM检查,使用美国生理逻辑公司的BA-III型20导彩色脑电地形图仪,应用随机所带电极帽,按国际10/20系统安放电极21个,双耳垂为参考
    结果:1. 迟发性脑病组与无迟发性脑病组患者临床相关因素比较分析显示,两组患者的急性期昏迷时间有极显著性差异(P<0.01),年龄、心脑血管病史,急性期高压氧治疗时间有显著性差异(P<0.05),性别、职业因素无显著性差异(P>0.05)。急性CO中毒的程度不同迟发性脑病的发生率也不同,轻度CO中毒患者迟发性脑病发生率为13.89%,中度中毒患者迟发性脑病发生率为27.28%,重度中毒患者迟发性脑病发生率为58.33%,且临床表现为重度中毒的27例患者中21例(77.78%)经“假愈期”后发生了迟发性脑病,CO中毒的程度越重,迟发性脑病的发生率也越高。2. 头颅CT主要表现为脑的低密度改变,出现部位主要是大脑皮层白质(尤其是额叶),双侧基底神经节或双侧苍白球区,两组中共48例患者均于急性CO中毒后2周内行CT检查,总的异常率为56.25%。 迟发性脑病组患者的CT异常率为 77.27% ,对照组患者的CT异常率为 38.46%,两者有显著性差异(P<0.05),且CT异常率与临床表现呈平行关系, 急性CO中毒程度不同,CT的异常率也不同,轻度CO中毒患者CT的异常率为20%,中度CO中毒患者CT的异常率为43.48%,重度CO中毒患者CT的异常率为80%,中毒程度越重则CT异常率越高。3. 两组63例患者于急性CO中毒后48小时内行BEAM检查,总的异常率为63.49%,迟发性脑病组患者的BEAM异常率为84.85% ,较CT异常率为高;对照组患者的BEAM异常率为40%。中毒程度不同,BEAM
    的异常率也不同,轻度CO中毒患者BEAM的异常率为23.81%,中度CO中毒患者BEAM的异常率为72.73%,重度CO中毒患者BEAM的异常率为95%,BEAM的异常程度与临床症状的严重程度呈平行关系,BEAM异常表现以θ、δ频带功率值增高为主,同时可伴有α频带功率值减低,异常范围以额及额颞区为主。δ频带功率额颞区增高26例 , θ频带功率在两额区增高33例 , δ、θ频带在颞枕区增高 9例 ,α 频带功率在枕区减低21例 ,α频带前移额区 11例 。
    结论:1.急性CO中毒后患者年龄较大、急性期昏迷时间长、患心脑血管疾病、高压氧治疗时间较短则发生迟发性脑病的可能性较大,需提高警惕,加强监护及治疗,预防迟发性脑病的发生。高压氧为治疗急性CO中毒的首选方法,对阻止或减少CO中毒后致迟发性脑病的发生有积极的作用,但应用高压氧治疗的最有效疗程尚有待进一步研究,本研究提示急性CO中毒后高压氧治疗时间宜长,一般应在20-30次左右,对重度CO中毒患者更应延长高压氧治疗的时间;同时本研究也发现高压氧治疗并不能完全阻止CO中毒后迟发性脑病的发生,仍需配合其它治疗措施,并积极研究新的治疗方法以阻止或减少CO中毒后致迟发性脑病的发生。2. 急性CO中毒后,及时进行CT及BEAM检查对判定病情和预测迟发性脑病的发生有重要的参考价值,凡BEAM呈现广泛θ、δ频带功率值增高、脑CT有广泛的病理性低密度改变或对称性双侧苍白球区低密度影的患者,预后较差,发生迟发性脑病的几率较高,应加强治疗与护理,高压氧治疗疗程宜长,并积极配合其他药物治疗;脑CT正常,BEAM异常表现较轻,则预后较好;治疗过程中也应及时复查BEAM,一般到BEAM完全恢复正常方可停止,切不可因患者症状体征消
    失或因神志清楚而过早停止治疗。3. BEAM对急性CO中毒后迟发性脑病的预测仍有着CT所不能替代的价值及意义,BEAM对中毒后脑部损伤有较高的异常率,且能在CO中毒后早期检出脑损伤,更能准确地显示脑部实际受损范围,与临床表现有非常密切的平行关系,便
Objective: To study the relative factors on delayed encephalopathy after acute carbon monoxide poisoning (DEACMP) such as age、sex、occupation、history of cardiovascular or cerebralvasculor disease、coma lasting time、treatment time with hyperbaric oxygen 、poisoing degree and the significance of CT and BEAM,and explore the corellation between these relativ factors and DEACMP, comprehend the role of hyperbaric oxygen treatment in inhibiting and decreasing the DEACMP and the applied value of CT and BEAM for judging the severity and forecasting the occurrence of DEACMP .
    Methods: 1. Clinical relative factors, seven relative factors such as age、sex、occupation、history of cardiovascular or cerebralvasculor disease、coma lasting time、treatment time with hyperbaric oxygen 、poisoing degree were analysed between 36 patients with DEACMP(DEACMP group) and 40 patients with acute CO poisoing but without DEACMP(Control group).2. CT, use the CT machine of SOMATOM AR NOVA CT , scanning matrix 256×256
    and scanning thick 10mm , taking plain scain of head transection.22 patients of DEACMP group and 26 patients of control group had received the CT inspection during two weeks after hospitalization and these patients were divided into three groups of mild 、moderate 、severe degree according to the poisoing degree and analysed the correlation between significance of CT and different poisoing degree. 3. BEAM ,Use the BEAM machine of BA-III of American biological logic company and place the electrode according to international 10/20 systerm . use unipolar lead tracing and collect the tipical EEG example to do the BA analyzing and show the mapping of different frequency zone by the computer. 33 patients of DEACMP group and 30 patients of control group had received the BEAM inspection during 48 hour after acute carbon monoxide poisoning and analysed the correlation between significance of BEAM and different poisoing degree.
    Results: 1. The study of the clinical relativ factors of the DEACMP group and control group showed that there was extremely significant difference in coma lasting time (P<0.01)and that there was marked difference in the age、history of cardiovascular or cerebralvasculor disease、treatment time with hyperbaric oxygen (P<0.05).there was not marked difference in sex、occupation (P>0.05)(table 1).there was the correlation between poisoing degree and the incidence of the delayed encephalopathy(table 2). the
    incidence of mild group is 13.89%, the incidence of moderate group is 27.28%, the incidence of severe group is 58.33%. 21 patients(77.78%) of severe group developed the delayed encephalopathy. The poisoing degree is greater , the incidence of the delayed encephalopathy is higher. 2. CT showed that there were low density changes in the cerebral white matter、basal ganglar or globus pallidus of tow sides(table 3). The abnormal rate of CT is 56.25%. The abnormal rate of CT in the DEACMP group is 77.27%, The abnormal rate of CT in the control group is 38.46%, there was marked difference between two group(P<0.05).Moreover, there was parallel relation between the abnormal rate of CT and poisoing degree (table 4). The abnormal rate of CT in mild group is 20% , The abnormal rate of CT in moderate group is 43.48%, The abnormal rate of CT in severe group is 84.85%. 3. The abnormal rate of BEAM is 63.49%. The abnormal rate of BEAM in the DEACMP group is 84.85%, The abnormal rate of BEAM in the control group is 38.46%, there was marked difference between two groups(P<0.05)(table 5). there was significantly parallel relation between the abnormal rate of BEAM and poisoing degree(table 6) . The abnormal rate of BEAM in mild group is 23.81% , The abnormal rate of BEAM in moderate group is 72.73%, The abnormal rate of BEAM in severe group is 95%. The abnormal appearance was that the power was high in the θ、δzone and the power
    was low in the αzone. The abnormal range is forehead and temporal regine.
    Conclusion: 1. long lasting coma、eldly、previously with cardiovascular and ce
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