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一氧化碳(carbon monoxide CO)中毒是一种常见的中毒性疾病,严重危害着人类的健康和生命。部分重度中毒患者常因累及大脑、心脏等多个重要脏器,即使挽救了生命,也常留下迟发性神经精神后遗症,严重影响了生存者的生活质量,给家庭和社会带来了巨大的负担。因此,如何尽早对急性CO中毒脑损伤采取有效治疗手段并防治迟发性中毒后脑病(Delayed neurologic sequelaeDNS),已经成为临床上迫切需要解决的问题。
     自由基损伤是急性CO中毒脑损伤的主要发病机制。自由基与人类的健康和疾病密切相关,是当前生命科学研究的热点。过量产生的自由基会导致DNA、脂质和蛋白的氧化损伤,其中羟自由基(.OH)和过氧亚硝酸阴离子(ONOO-)毒性强,目前为止还没有在哺乳动物体内发现内源性的有针对性的清除方式。2007年,有学者在《Nature medicine》报道,动物呼吸2%的氢就可有效清除自由基,显著改善脑缺血再灌注损伤。
     结果:富氢水治疗组的动物在建模后24小时精神状态较好,毛色光滑,较为活泼,反应迅速,主动摄入食水,体重下降不明显,其结果明显优于生理盐水组(14.173.76g vs.18.52.43g;P<0.05);富氢水治疗组的生存率明显增高(80%vs.60%;P<0.05);神经功能缺失症状减轻明显(13.831.94vs.16.831.72;P<0.05);脑组织水含量低(0.790.04vs.0.880.04;P<0.01)。HE和NISSL染色均表明富氢水对皮层(NISSL:88.5022.88vs.58.6716.18;P<0.05)和海马(NISSL:102.8326.36vs.51.6716.79,P<0.01)有明显的保护作用。2周后水迷宫测试提示富氢水治疗组逃避潜伏期短于生理盐水组(22.674.03vs.32.334.59,P<0.05)。
     方法:按照第一部分的方法进行建模和治疗。采用TUNEL法检测细胞凋亡;ELISA法检测caspase-3和caspase-9的酶活性;Western Blot检测Bcl-2和Bax蛋白的表达。
     结果:CO中毒后24小时,与生理盐水组相比,富氢水能明显减少皮层(57.677.58vs.99.508.73,P<0.01)和海马区(52.3313.17vs.82.1715.79)的凋亡阳性细胞数;降低皮层和海马的caspase-3酶(皮层0.0290.008vs.0.0650.009,P<0.01vs. CO+NS group;海马0.0310.004vs.0.0530.007,P<0.01)和caspase-9酶(皮层1.1960.384vs.1.7970.432,P<0.01;海马1.2080.112vs.1.8970.280,P<0.01)相对活性;也提高了Bcl-2在皮层以及海马(皮层1.363±0.183vs.0.886±0.070,P<0.01;海马1.166±0.139vs.0.807±0.067,P<0.01)的表达,但对Bax水平影响不明显(皮层0.515±0.038vs.0.494±0.029,P>0.05;海马0.437±0.107vs.0.410±0.034,P>0.05)。
Carbon monoxide(CO)poisoning is a common poisoning disease whichseriously endangers human health and life. Critical patients often undergo the injuryof brain, heart and other vital organs. Over half of those with serious poisoningdevelop delayed neurologic sequelae between3days and4weeks afterward, whichseriously affected the survivors’ life quality and brought great burden to familiesand society. It is urgent to take some effective treatments for brain injury of acuteCO poisoning as soon as possible.
     Oxidative stress is the main pathogenesis of brain injury resulting from acuteCO poisoning. Free radicals are closely related to human health and disease, whichare also a hot topic of current life science research. The excessive production ofoxygen free radicals can cause oxidative damage to DNA, lipids and proteins.Among which hydroxyl radical (.OH) and peroxynitrite anion (ONOO-) are thepotent members, and so far people have not found any corresponding endogenoustarget to clear them in mammals. In2007, scholars reported in Nature medicine thatanimals breathing2%hydrogen can significantly reduce the cerebral ischemia andreperfusion injury through scavenging free radical effectively.
     In this study we copy an animal model of acute CO poisoning by inhalation,which is a commonly used model for CO poisoning. Rats have similar brainstructure as human and can well simulate the human brain ischemia and hypoxiaprocess. We observe the protective effect of hydrogen-saturated saline(hydrogen-rich water) on brain injury of acute CO poisoning rats by the differentindicators of symptoms, pathology and morphology, evaluating the protective effectof hydrogen-rich water on the cortex and hippocampus. Then we explore themechanism of hydrogen-rich water protective function on acute CO poisoning braininjury in two ways:(1) Changes of reactive oxygen species and antioxidantenzymes,(2) Observing neurons apoptosis, determination of apoptosis activity andapoptosis-related protein changes in rats with acute CO poisoning followinghydrogen-rich water treatment. The implementation of this project is to provide theexperimental basis for the clinical treatment of acute CO poisoning brain injurywith hydrogen-rich water.
     1. Protective effect of the hydrogen-rich water on rats with brain injuryresulting from acute CO poisoning.
     Objective: To study whether hydrogen-rich water have protective effect on ratswith acute CO poisoning brain injury, we take intraperitoneal injection ofhydrogen-rich water to rats at different points, and observe the different responsesof cortex and hippocampus.
     Methods: We copy an animal model of acute CO poisoning by inhalation andtake intraperitoneal injection of hydrogen-rich water as the treatment. The animalswere divided into normal control group (Control), CO+saline (NS) group, CO+hydrogen-rich water (Hydrogen) group. We observe the behavior of animals, weightchange, survival rate of14d, the neurological score which described by Brailowskyas neurological deficit symptoms assessment, brain water content, HE staining andNISSL staining at24h after poisoning. Using Morris water maze test to evaluate thespatial memory ability of animals at14d.
     Results: Animals of hydrogen-rich water group were lively and responsive, alsohad a good mental state, smooth coat and were willing to take in food and water at24h after poisoning. They had less weight loss (14.17±3.76g vs.18.5±2.43g, P<0.05), higher survival rate (80%vs.60%, P<0.05), lower score of symptoms ofneurological deficit (13.83±1.94vs.16.83±1.72, P<0.05), and lower water contentof brain tissue (0.790.04vs.0.880.04, P<0.01) than those of the saline group.NISSL staining showed apparent protective effect of hydrogen-rich water on thecortex (88.5022.88vs.58.6716.18, P<0.05NISSL) and hippocampus (102.8326.36vs.51.6716.79, P<0.01NISSL).
     Conclusions:1、 To stimulate CO poisoning model by static inhalationsimulating is relatively simple, reproducible, and better used in comparing the effectof hydrogen-rich water effect.2、Hydrogen-rich water injection has a protectiveeffect on animals with acute CO poisoning.
     2. The protective effect of hydrogen-rich water on acute CO poisoning throughadjusting the oxidative stress system.
     Objective: To study whether the mechanism of protective effect of thehydrogen-rich water by scavenging oxygen free radicals, increasing the activity ofantioxidant enzymes or not.
     Methods: According to the method of modeling and treatment in the first part,we took the rats’ cortex and hippocampus of each group and produced tissuehomogenates. We measured malondialdehyde (MDA) by thiobarbituric acid (TBA)method,8-hydroxyguanine (8-OHdG) content by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), superoxide dismutase (SOD) change by hydroxylamine method andactivity of glutathione peroxidase (GSH-px) at24h after acute CO poisoning.
     Results: Hydrogen-rich water can reduce the MDA content of cortex (1.420.44vs.2.040.44, P<0.05) and hippocampus (1.910.68vs.3.170.69,P<0.01), decrease the8-OHdG content of cortex (54.64±4.93vs.62.98±9.08,P<0.05) and hippocampus (60.43±10.49vs.82.66±12.55,P<0.01), enhance theactivity of antioxidant enzymes such as SOD (cortex,111.35±44.95vs.46.23±28.78,P<0.05; hippocampus,173.08±51.43vs.89.11±35.38,P<0.01), but noeffect on GSH-px(cortex,5.41±1.41vs.5.25±0.89, P>0.05, hippocampus,6.19±2.67vs.5.87±2.38,P>0.05).
     Conclusions:1、Cerebral cortex and hippocampus suffer significant oxidativestress response from CO poisoning.2、The protective effect of the hydrogen-richwater may be through upregulation of endogenous antioxidant enzymes, scavengingoxygen free radicals.
     3、The protective effect of hydrogen-rich water on acute CO poisoning throughinhibiting excessive apoptosis.
     Objective: To study whether the mechanism of protective effect of thehydrogen-rich water by inhibiting excessive apoptosis or not.
     Methods: We detected apoptosis by TUNEL method, measured activity ofcaspase-3and caspase-9enzyme by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)and Bcl-2, Bax protein expression by Western blot.
     Results: Hydrogen-rich water can significantly reduce the positive apoptoticcells number of cortex (57.677.58vs.99.508.73,P<0.01) and hippocampus(52.3313.17vs.82.1715.79), reduce relative activity of caspase-3(cortex0.0290.008vs.0.0650.009,P<0.01vs. CO+NS group;hippocampus0.0310.004vs.0.0530.007,P<0.01)and caspase-9(cortex1.1960.384vs.1.7970.432,P<0.01vs. CO+NS group;hippocampus1.2080.112vs.1.8970.280,P<0.01vs. CO+NS group)enzyme of cortex and hippocampus, also increase theexpression of Bcl-2in the cortex(1.363±0.183vs.0.886±0.070,P<0.01) andhippocampus(1.166±0.139vs.0.807±0.067,P<0.01), without significant effect onBax levels (cortex0.515±0.038vs.0.494±0.029, P>0.05, hippocampus0.437±0.107vs.0.410±0.034,P>0.05).
     Conclusions:1、Cerebral cortex and hippocampus showed varying degree of apoptosis after CO poisoning.2、The protective effect of the hydrogen-rich watermay be through inhibiting apoptosis.
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