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Light pollution associated with urban artificial night lighting gradually increased,and many international accidents of light pollution happened. In recent years, manyresearch projects on artificial light ecology have been conducted in Europe andAmerica. Comparatively, even if about90%species resources of the East Asian-Australasian Flyway inhabit China, there is few studies on the research in China,which resulted in many potential photoecology problems existing in lots of parts ofour country, and seriously hindered the development of ecological lighting in China.The research explores the relations, as basic science research, about―artificial lightingstimulus----behavioral responses‖aiming at typical species of nocturnal migrantbirds, and in turn offers datum of samples, research findings of the typical species andbasic research methodology of photoecology for conducting further ecologicallighting research in China.
     The research project achieved the following findings:1) through literaturereview, Chinese and international recent progress in research related to “migrantbirds’ protection-based outdoor lighting photoecology‖was summarizedsystematically. In particular, we selected the typical species of nocturnal migrant birdsthrough case studies on photoecology accidents related to the East Asian-Australasian Flyway within Tianjin area.2) We conducted observation and fieldinvestigation on artificial night lighting environments at the typical ecotone in Tianjin.3) based on quantitative experiments, we got the basic datum about behavioralchanges of Siberian Rubythroat in the daylight environments around sunset in autumn,and then obtained the threshold values of visible light illuminance and UV radiationaccording to its behavioral changes.4) by―comparative experiments‖using five LEDmonochromatic light and mixed while light in dark room, the research recorded andanalyzed behavioral responses of Siberian Rubythroat under same illuminance, andidentified the differences on the bird‘s behaviors under different bands ofmonochromatic light compared with natural lighting conditions.
     The three innovative contents are:1) the research obtained basic datum about thebehavioral features of typical migrant bird--Siberian Rubythroat responding todaylight, which filled the sample blank related to the photoecology research.2) The research concluded the quantitative relations between the monochromic light stimulusand behavioral responses, and also found the spectral sensitivity of SiberianRubythroat.3) Through image processing technologies, the research achieved thequantitative statistics analysis on behavior observations with large sample data.
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