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“文化线路”(Cultural Routes)代表了一种影响当前“文化遗产”概念演变和扩展的新思路;作为文化遗产类型的依据,它日益得到承认并在遗产保护的实践中成为指南。然而在理论上,“文化线路”还缺乏系统的、有深度的理论支撑,没有形成一个公认的最终的“文化线路”定义和国际宪章。作为国内第一篇关于“文化线路”的博士论文,本文在以往对“文化线路”研究的基础上,对“文化线路”理论的产生和发展进行了重新的梳理和认识,讨论了“文化线路”的规范和限定,并指出“文化线路”的概念内涵和外延上存在的不足之处。
     在“文化线路”理论研究的基础上,本论文提出“无形文化线路(”Intangible Cultural Routes)的理论构建,依据文化发展和文化交流的涵化线索,给一些看似分散、实质相联的非线形遗产提供了整体保护的思路。本质上,无形文化线路是在传统的文化线路理论基础上产生的概念,它是对“文化线路”概念的补充和修正。无形文化线路理论强调了文化遗产整体上在美学的、科技的、历史的或社会的、心理等方面的综合性价值,强调了在特定的文化发展过程中,基于文化显著性上的纪念意义的完整的维护。可以说,无形文化线路理论既是属于文化遗产的无形背景环境(Intangible Setting)研究的一部分,也是“文化引导型更新”(Culture-led Regeneration)设计理念的重要手法之一。
Cultural Routes represent a new approach in the currently evolving and expanding process that affects the conceptual universe of cultural heritage, and this process has been more and more accepted in the conservation practical works at a national and international level. However, the concept of Cultural Routes is based on a fragile theoretical system, and until now there is no final definition and international Charter on Cultural Routes. Being the first dissertation on Cultural Routes in China, this dissertation re-thought the birth and development of Cultural Routes, discussed the unsatisfied aspects of this concept in intension and extension.
     The idea of Intangible Cultural Routes (ICR), which originally came from this dissertation and based on the theory of Enculturation and Cultural Routes, offers new perspective as well as new type for preserving cultural heritage. It links together the dispersive heritage which essentially unite, and protects the heritage for its cultural significance and Commemorative Integrity. Basically, the study on Intangible Cultural Routes is a part of the Intangible Setting Studies as well as the study of Culture-led Regeneration.
     The city emerging in Chinese colonial period, Wuhan is the subject of the research to develop the idea that the heritage given birth in the intercultural communication, could be promoted, protected and managed with the idea of Intangible Cultural Routes. The intangible line of Cultural Change from 1861 to 1927 was linking the three parts of Wuhan to be the representation of the outstanding value of Chinese cultural reorientation. With the help of the Intangible Cultural Routes study, not only could some of the heritage of Wuhan could be promoted to an international outstanding value, but also it could make clear the five ambiguous understandings of this city. Besides, in the ICR’s point of view, the city Wuhan emerged and shaped with the China’s modern cultural reorientation, by the reorientation and for the reorientation, so it could be defined as a Metropolis of China’s Modern Cultural Reorientation.
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