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In modern society, with the fast change of environment,such as the rapidly developing of science, technology and the world economy, as well as the consumers' diversified preference and the innovation of world finance,especially current economic transition, the modern enterprise business environment, especially in China, are facing with great fuzziness, discontinuity and uncertainty. In an uncertain changing business environment, enterprises must keep flexible to achieve high performance.As an important subsystem in the system of enterprises,enterprise financial system must remain flexible in order that the enterprise can adapt to the drastic environmental changes. Especially the capital market is not perfect and enterprise have some financing constraints.It is necessary for enterprise to maintain a certain financial flexibility to deal with the uncertain environment change and seize the investment chance in the environmental change. Based on such background, corporate financial flexibility is widely concerned and heeded. Therefore, this paper studies the enterprise financial flexibility focusing on four issues, such as why enterprises obtain financial flexibility? Which factors can influence the financial flexibility level? How do enterprises obtain financial flexibility? And how do enterprises use and improve financial flexibility? Through the discussion of the four questions, the paper studies comprehensively and systematically the financial flexibility problems and provides theoretical guidance in the financial flexibility management practice. The specific contents are as follows:
     The first part is the begining three chapters. This part mainly analyses the necessity of enterprise obtaining financial flexibility. Among them, the first chapter is the introduction, mainly demonstrates generally the research background, research purpose and research ideas, research methods, to clear the academic value, ways of realization and implementation method of this topic. The second chapter is the literature review. This chapter reviews the existing literature from the study perspective of the financial flexibility which provides the reference basis for the subsequent research. From the perspective of theory, existing literature mainly focus on the definition of financial flexibility and the necessity of remaining financial flexibility. From the perspective of empirical research, the existing literature focuses on the economic consequences of the financial flexibility from one aspects (such as debt flexibility or cash flexibility). Although the existing research have made a lot of achievements, but the research conclusion about the connotation and extension of the financial flexibility in the existing literature is inconsistent. This condition leads people confused about the financial flexibility concepts and other similar concepts.Also there is few literature to research the basic content and the factor of financial flexibility, which also provides the research spaces for this topic. The third chapter discusses the relationship between uncertainty theory, dynamic capability theory, contingency theory, financing theory,resource constraints theory, agency cost theory and flexible financial theory.Based on the discussion a study framework of financial flexibility is set up. In this study framework some basic contents are discussed, including the essence of financial flexibility, the measurement of financial flexibility,the classification of financial flexibility and the ability characteristic financial flexibility etc. Through theoretical analysis, this paper finds out that there are some essentially differences between financial flexibility and financial management flexibility, financial stability and financial conservatism. Financial flexibility is an ability which enterprises raise funds quickly and with reasonable cost and allocate funds to respond to uncertainty shocks and catch investment opportunity in the uncertainty environment to maximize the enterprises value. Financial flexibility is dynamic and has multiple forms in content. With financial flexibility enterprises can been moderated to the adverse shock. The innovation ability and the adaptability of enterprises to the environmental changes is improved. Through the theoretical analysis in this chapter, the theoretical foundation for the follow-up research is built.
     The second part is the fourth chapter, mainly to answer the question which factors can affect the corporate financial flexibility. This chapter firstly put forward an idea about analyzing influencing factors of the financial financial Factors that affect the enterprise's financial flexibility includes factors three levels, including the enterprise internal environment factors, the external environmental factors and the coordination factors between internal and external environmental of enterprise. Based on the former theoretical analysis, an empirical analysis of the factors affecting the financial flexibility is test. The empirical research shows that different levels of uncertainty, the corporate governance structure, shareholder background, enterprise management attitude to financial flexibility and the enterprise financial characteristics have some influence to the level of financial flexibility.
     The third part is the fifth chapter. This chapter mainly analyzes theoretically and empirically the method and the principle of obtaining financial flexibility. In the complete and efficient capital market, enterprises can maintain low financial leverage to obtain debt flexibility, sustained considerable equity payments to obtain equity flexibility and limited cash balance to cash flexibility. However, the capital market is not fully effective. In the real environment,especially in our country, enterprises also can maintain low financial leverage to obtain debt flexibility.But the enterprise is very difficult to gain external equity flexibility. So more enterprise always get internal equity flexibility with low cash dividend payment. For the cash flexibility, enterprises always control cash outflows in each business processes and at the same time expand cash inflows to maintain a high level of cash holdings. Enterprises should pay attention to some principle about obtaining financial flexibility that financial flexibility should been in appropriate amount and in comprehensive consideration and not excessive consumption.
     The fourth part includes the sixth chapter and the seventh chapter, mainly to answer the question that the enterprise how to use and improve financial flexibility. In the sixth chapter the global financial crisis in2008is looked as an adverse impact event, this paper examines abilities and effects of the financial flexibility in the crisis. Through empirical analysis, it is found out that when enterprises are facing adverse shocks, financial flexibility can cushion the decline in performance, ease financing constraints and promote enterprises to seize the investment opportunities in adverse environments. The empirical research also shows that financial flexibility not only has theoretical value, but also has practical value. The seventh chapter chooses Chaori solar and Yunnan Baiyao as cases which have entirely different financial flexibility management policies to analysis. Through comparison and analysis, we can find that it is very important to the long-term development of enterprises by applying correctly financial flexibility management policy. Enterprises should consider the overall level of financial flexibility, obtain orderly financial flexible, efficient use of financial flexibility and focus on problem that the long-term competitive advantage of the enterprise should been build by using the financial flexibility.
     Enterprise financial comprehensive research on flexible is conducive for enterprises in the uncertain environment to realize the maximization of enterprise value. The innovation of this paper is mainly reflected in several aspects:
     Firstly, some similar concepts to the financial flexibility, including the financial management flexibility, financial conservative, stable financial and financial slack are compared. Through the comparison it is clearer to understand the connotation and extension of flexibility financial. Therefor this paper put forward the system and the research contents of financial flexibility.
     Secondly, the paper discusses the ways and principles of obtaining financial flexibility from the theoretical and realistic environment and put forward the views that in the real environment of the listed corporation it is an important means to obtain equity flexibility through low cash dividend policy.
     Thirdly, the paper for the firs time empirical analysis and discuss the the factors influencing he enterprise's financial flexibility from the macro, industry and micro environmental uncertainty and the enterprise financial characteristics.
     Fourthly, combining with the enterprise practice, using the method of case analysis, the paper comprise the different use of enterprises financial flexibility management to provide some experience and lessons to the enterprise financial flexibility practice.
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