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Aesthetic taste has always been a central category in the field of aesthetics. In theideological history, the theoretical research on the aesthetic taste across differentperiods, such as the pre-modern period, modern period and the post-modern period.On the other hand, the research has also related to the philosophy theory, the Arttheory, culture theory and society theory, and so on. The taste therefore gradually wentbeyond the pure aesthetic scope, and has extensive and close relationship with politics,economy and culture. In this context, the development history and the trend in socialculture, the development motivation, and the structure models of taste in differentstratums, have hidden the factor of social power.
     This paper attempts to contemplate the Aesthetic taste by vision of power, and tryto analyze the appearance of taste of different stratums, to explore the truth behind theaesthetic taste of power relations from the relationships of natural property and socialproperty, of individual spirit property and social culture property, and of Aestheticadaptation and cultural intercommunity, etc. On this basis, moreover, this paperattempts to construct an existing form of taste, which is in line with the social justiceand the rule of aesthetic development.
     This paper is divided into six chapters. The first chapter starts from the hacklingof the historical development and evolution of the aesthetic taste theory, to focus onthe study of the vision of power in aesthetic taste theories of different period, and tofocus on the analysis of three representative figures: Hume, Kant and Bourdieu, whichformed a significant impact on taste theory in ideological history, discussion thesethinkers of intentional or unintentional extension and shielding on the power subject,as well as the specific cultural context. In the second chapter,the paper focuses on theanalysis of the relationship of aesthetic taste and aesthetic power, to study thecomplicated tangle and winding relationship from theoretical and historicaldimensions. The third chapter begins from the vision of power relations, analyzingseveral binary opposition models that the power structure of aesthetic taste reflectedin the social culture, which involves a few domains that draw widespread attention inthe study of contemporary aesthetic culture, namely the relation models between theEast and West, male and female, human and nature, city and rural cultures, andvarious forms of the corresponding centralism doctrine. We can further clarify everyaspect of power relations of taste, from the inspecting of opposition and strugglesituations. The fourth chapter is to analyze the relationship of the aesthetic taste andpower in Art field, including power influence embodied in the long development ofArts, the essence of distinction in Arts between the high and low, the elegance andpopularity, the power extending in classics inheritance process, as well as the criticalstandards derived from the standard of taste. The fifth chapter is to comprehend therelationship of the aesthetic taste and power from the vision of social life, especiallypay attention to the new changes of people`s taste of life in consumer society,moreover, the relationship of fashion and taste question is analyzed in this chapter.Finally, the sixth chapter of this paper attempts to combine the development situationof social taste at present, from the aesthetic and social angle to analyze and commenton the significance of taste on individual choices and social education, and attempts toconstruct a form of taste that conforms to the social justice and the aesthetic rules.
    1Herbert Marcuse.“Technology, War and Fascism”, in Douglas Kellner ed., Collected papers of Herbert Marcuse,vol.1, London and New York: Routledge,1998, p.64.
    2Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of Shaftesbury. The Moralists:a Philosophical Rhapsody, in Douglas den Uyl ed.,Characteristicks of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times, vol.2, Indianapolis: Liberty Fund,2001, p.230.
    1James Northcote: The Life of Sir Joshua Reynolds, Printed for Henry Colburn, Conduit-Street, London,1819,p.3.
    1Francis Hutcheson.“Of Beauty Order, Harmony, Design”, in James O. Young ed., Aesthetics: Critical Conceptsin Philosophy, vol.Ⅰ, London and New York: Routledge,2005, p.48.
    2Thomas Reid. Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man, edited by James Walker, D. D., Cambridge: Metcalfand Company,1850, p.431.
    3Allan Ramsay. A Dialogue on Taste. Lodon: Printed in the year MDCCLXI,1762, p.8-9.
    1Henry Home, Lord Kames. Elements of Criticism, Vol2, edited by Peter Jones, Indianapolis: Liberty Fund,2005,p.721.
    2George Campbell. The Philosophy of Rhetoric.1776. Edited by Lloyd F. Bitzer, Carbondale: Southern IllinoisUniversity Press,1966, p.161.
    3Hugh Blair. Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres, vol.1, printed by I. Thomas and E.T. Andrews,1802, p.18.
    1Lois Agnew.“The Civic Function of Taste: A Re-Assessment of Hugh Blair's Rhetorical Theory”. RhetoricSociety Quarterly, Vol.28, No.2(Spring,1998), p.25-36.
    1David Hume.“Of the Standard of Taste”, in George Dickie, R. J. Sclafani ed., Aesthetics: A Critical Anthology,New York: St. Martin’s Press,1977, p.596.
    1David Hume.“Of the Standard of Taste”, in George Dickie, R. J. Sclafani ed., Aesthetics: A Critical Anthology,
    2New York: St. Martin’s Press,1977, p.601.David Hume.“Of the Standard of Taste”, in George Dickie, R. J. Sclafani ed., Aesthetics: A Critical Anthology,New York: St. Martin’s Press,1977, p.602.
    1George Dickie. Art and the Aesthetic: An Institutional Analysis, Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press,1974. p.65.
    1Ted Cohen.“The Philosophy of Taste: Thoughts on the Idea”, in Peter Kivy ed., The Blackwell Guide to
    2Aesthetics, Blackwell Publishing,2004, p.170.George Dickie: Evaluation Art, Philadelphia: Temple University Press,1988.p.154.
    3Paul Guyer. Kant and the Claims of Taste, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1997, p.17.
    1Immanuel Kant. Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics, Translated by James W. Ellington, Indianapolis:Hackett Publishing Company,2001, p.5.
    2Tamar Japaridze. The Kantian Subject: Sensus Communis, Mimesis, Work of Mourning, State University of NewYork Press,2000, p.123.
    4Hannah Arendt. Lectures on Kant`s Political Philosophy, edited by Ronald Beiner, Chicago: The University ofChicago Press,1992, p.62.
    4Jacques Derrida. The Truth in Painting, Translated by Geoff Bennington and Ian McLeod, Chicago and London:The University of Chicago Press,1987, p.44.
    1Thorstein Veblen. The Theory of the Leisure Class, edited by Martha Banta, Oxford: Oxford University Press,2007, p.36.
    1Pierre Bourdieu and Loic J. D. Wacquant: An Invitation to Reflexive Sociology, Chicago: The University ofChicago Press,1992, p.229-230.
    3Lo c J.D. Wacquant:“From ruling class to field of power: An interview with Pierre Bourdieu on La noblesse
    4d`Etat”. Theory, Culture&Society, Vol.10(1993), p.19-44.Pierre Bourdieu:“Social Space and Symbolic Power”, Sociological Theory, Vol.7, No.1(Spring,1989), p.14-25
    2Pierre Bourdieu. Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste, Translated by Richard Nice, London,Melbourne and Henley: Routledge&Kegan Paul,1984, p.174-175.
    3Scott McLemee:“Loic Wacquant Discusses the Influence of Pierre Bourdieu, Who Died on Wednesday, and
    4His Last Projects”, The Chronicle of Higher Education, Friday, January25,2002.Herbert J. Gans. Popular Culture&High Culture: an Analysis and Evaluation of Taste, Basic Books,1999,p.141-142.
    1George Dichie. Art and the Aesthetic: An Institutional Analysis, Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press,1974, p.71.
    2Francis Hutcheson.“Of Beauty Order, Harmony, Design”, in James O. Young ed., Aesthetics: Critical Conceptsin Philosophy, London and New York: Routledge,2005, p.48.
    3Thomas Reid. Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man, edited by James Walker, D. D., Cambridge: Metcalfand Company,1850, p.430.
    4Tamar Japaridze. The Kantian Subject: Sensus Communis, Mimesis, Work of Mourning, State University of New
    York Press,2000, p.123.
    4Theodor W. Adorno.“On the Fetish-Character of Music and the Regression of Listening”, in Andrew Arato andEike Gebhart ed., The Essential Frankfurt School Reader, New York: Continuum1, p.270
    2Hugh Blair. Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres, vol.1, printed by I. Thomas and E.T.Andrews,1802, p.9.
    3Edmund Burke.“On taste”, in James O. Young ed., Aesthetics: Critical Concepts in Philosophy, vol.Ⅰ, Londonand New York: Routledge,2005, p.183.
    4Adam Smith. The Theory of Moral Sentiments, edited by D. D. Raphael and A. L. Macfie, Indianapolis: Liberty
    5Fund,1984, p.19.Alexander Broadie.“Art and Aesthetic Theory”, in Alexander Broadie ed., The Cambridge Companion to theScottish Enlightenment, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2003, p.287.
    1David Hume.“Essays and Treatises on Several Subjects”, vol.1, Essays, moral, political, and literary, Edinburgh:Printed by James Walker,1825, p.5.
    2Alexander Gerard. An Essay on Taste, London, printed for A. Mlar in the strand, A.Kincaid and Bell, inEdinburge, Mdcclix,1759, p.206.
    1Jerrold Levinson:“Aesthetic Properties, Evaluative Force, and Differences of Sensibility”, in Robert Stecker andTed Gracyk ed., Aesthetics Today: A Reader, Rowman&Littlefield Publishers, inc.,2010, p.104.
    2Adam Smith. The Theory of Moral Sentiments, edited by D. D. Raphael and A. L. Macfie, Indianapolis: LibertyFund,1984, p.20.
    4David Hume.“Of the Standard of Taste”, in George Dickie, R. J. Sclafani ed., Aesthetics: A Critical Anthology,New York: St. Martin’s Press,1977, p.598.
    2Ted Cohen.“The Philosophy of Taste: Thoughts on the Idea”, in Peter Kivy ed., The Blackwell Guide toAesthetics, Blackwell Publishing,2004, p.172.
    1Hannah Arendt. Lectures on Kant`s Political Philosophy, edited by Ronald Beiner, Chicago: The University ofChicago Press,1992, p.66.
    1Frank Sibley.“Aesthetic Concepts”, in Joseph Margolis ed., Philosophy Looks at the Arts: ContemporaryReadings in AestheticsⅡ, Philadelphia: Temple University Press,1987, p.31.
    2Pierre Bourdieu. Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste, Translated by Richard Nice, London,Melbourne and Henley: Routledge&Kegan Paul,1984, p.6.
    5George Santayana. Dominations and Powers: Reflections on Liberty, Society, and Government, New Brunswick:Transaction Publishers,1995, p.1.
    1Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez: Art and Society: Essays in Marxist Aesthetic, Translated by Maro Riofrancos,Monthly Review Press,1973, p.115.
    2Herbert J. Gans. Popular Culture&High Culture: an Analysis and Evaluation of Taste, Basic Books,1999, p.3142.Jonathan Loesberg. A Return to Aesthetics: Autonomy, Indifference, and Postmodernism, Stanford, California:Stanford University Press,2005, p.2.
    2Richard Shusterman.“Of the Scandal of Taste”, in Paul Mattick ed., Eighteenth-Century Aesthetics and the
    3Reconstruction of Art, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2008, p.110.Pierre Bourdieu.“Artistic Taste and Cultural Capital”, in Jeffrey C. Alexander, Steven Seidman ed., Culture andSociety: Contemporary Debates, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1990, p.206.
    2Richard Shusterman.“Of the Scandal of Taste”, in Paul Mattick ed., Eighteenth-Century Aesthetics and the
    3Reconstruction of Art, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2008, p.110.Theodor Adorno. Minima moralia: reflections from damaged life, translated by E. F. N. Jephcott, London andNew York: Verso,2005, p.145.
    1[德]G. G.莱布尼茨:《中国近事——为了照亮我们这个时代的历史》,杨保筠译,大象出版社2005年版,第2页。
    1Cees J. Hamelink: cultural autonomy in global communications, New York: Longman,1983, p.3.
    1John Locke. Two Treatises of Government, edited by Mark Goldie, London: Everyman Paperback,1993, p.154.
    2Sarah Blaffer Hrdy.“Raising Darwin`s Consciousness: Sexual Selection and the Prehominid Origins ofPatriarchy”, in Colin Blakemore and Susan Iversen ed., Gender and Society: Essays Based on Herbert SpencerLectures Given in the University of Oxford, Oxford: Oxford University Press,2000, p.187.
    2G.W.F. Hegel: Philosophy of Right, Translated by S.W Dyde, Kitchener, Ontario: Batoche Books,2001, p.144.
    3Jane Kneller.“Discipline and Silence: Women and Imagination in Kant`s Theory of Taste”, in Hilde Hein andCarolyn Korsmeyer ed., Aesthetics in Feminist perspective, Indianapolis: Indiana University Press,1993, p.181.
    1John Locke. Some Thoughts Concerning Education, Posthumous Works, Familiar Letters, in The Works of JohnLocke, vol8, London: Rivington,1824, p.116.
    1Theodor W. Adorno. Aesthetic Theory, translated by Robert Hullot-Kentor, Minneapolis: University ofMinnesota Press,1996. p.197.
    3Robert Joyce. The Esthetic Animal——Man, the Art-Created Art Creator, Hicksville, New York: ExpositionPress,1975, p.10.
    3Henry Home, Lord Kames. Elements of Criticism, Vol1, edited by Peter Jones, Indianapolis: Liberty Fund,2005,4p.3.Thomas Reid. Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man, edited by James Walker, D. D., Cambridge: Metcalfand Company,1850, p.429.
    1Wolfgang Fritz Haug. Critique of Commodity Aesthetic, Translated by Robert Bock, Minneapolis: University ofMinnesota Press,1987, p.129.
    1Anthony Giddens: The Constitution of Society: Outline of the Theory of Structuration, Cambridge: Polity Press,1984, p.35.
    2Henri Lefebvre. Critique of Everyday Life, Vol.Ⅲ, Translated by Gregory Elliott, London and New York: Verso,2005, p.3-4.
    4John Fiske. Reading the Popular, Boston: Unwin Hyman,1989, p.6.
    1Theodor W. Adorno. The Cultural Industry, edited by J. M. Bernstein, London and New York: Routledge,1991,p.40.
    2Thorstein Veblen. The Theory of the Leisure Class, edited by Martha Banta, Oxford: Oxford University Press,32007, p.53.Pierre Bourdieu:“Social Space and Symbolic Power”, Sociological Theory, Vol.7, No.1(Spring,1989), p.14-25.
    23Campbell. C. The Romantic Ethic and the Spirit of Modern Consumerism. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.1987.Jukka Gronow:“Taste and Fashion: The Social Function of Fashion and Style”, Acta Sociologica, Vol.36, No.2(1993), p.89
    2Gilles Lipovetsky. The Empire of Fashion, Translated by Catherine Porter, Princeton: Princeton University Press,1994, p.45-46.
    4Edward Alsworth Ross. Social Psychology. New York: Macmillan.1919. p.107-108.
    1Pierre Bourdieu. Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste. Translated by Richard Nice, London:Melbourne and Henley: Routledge&Kegan Paul,1984, p.2.
    3Richard Hoggart. The Use of Literacy: Aspects of working-class life with special references to publications andentertainments. London: Chatto and Windus,1957, p.277.
    2Matel Calinescu. Five Faces of Modernity: Modernism, Avant-Garde, Decadence, Kitsch, Postmodernism. DukeUniversity Press,1987, p.66.
    4Theodor W. Adorno. Aesthetic Theory, translated by Robert Hullot-Kentor, Minneapolis: University of MinnesotaPress,1996,p.32.
    1Michael Moriarty. Taste and Ideology in Seventeenth-century France, Cambridge University Press,1988, p.107.
    2C. Wright Mills. The Power Elite. Oxford University Press,1956, p.323.
    1Harold L. Wilensky:“Mass Society and Mass Culture: Interdependence or Independence?”, AmericanSociological Review, Vol.29, No.2(Apr.,1964), p.173-197.
    2No l Carroll. A Philosophy of Mass Art, Oxford: Clarendon Press,1998, p.180.
    1[英]休谟:《人性论》,关文运译,商务印书馆2009年版,第513页。2Adam Smith. The Theory of Moral Sentiments, edited by D. D. Raphael and A. L. Macfie, Indianapolis: LibertyFund,1984, p.79.
    2Wolfgang Fritz Haug. Critique of Commodity Aesthetic, Translated by Robert Bock, Minneapolis: University ofMinnesota Press,1987, p.135.
    1. Adam Smith. The Theory of Moral Sentiments, edited by D. D. Raphael and A. L. Macfie,Indianapolis: Liberty Fund,1984.
    2.Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez. Art and Society: Essays in Marxist Aesthetic (Translated by MaroRiofrancos), Monthly Review Press,1973.
    3. Allan Ramsay. A Dialogue on Taste. London: Printed in the year MDCCLXI,1762.
    4.Alexander Gerard. An Essay on Taste, London, printed for A. Mlar in the strand, A.Kincaid andBell, in Edinburge, Mdcclix,1759.
    5.Anthony Giddens. The Constitution of Society: Outline of the Theory of Structuration,Cambridge: Polity Press,1984.
    6.Andrew Arato and Eike Gebhart ed., The Essential Frankfurt School Reader, NewYork:Continuum1.
    7. Alexander Broadie edt., The Cambridge Companion to the Scottish Enlightenment, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2003.
    8.Colin Blakemore and Susan Iversen ed., Gender and Society: Essays Based on Herbert SpencerLectures Given in the University of Oxford, Oxford: Oxford University Press,2000.
    9.Campbell. C. The Romantic Ethic and the Spirit of Modern Consumerism. Oxford: BasilBlackwell.
    10.C. Wright Mills. The Power Elite. Oxford University Press,1956.
    11.Colin Blakemore and Susan Iversen ed., Gender and Society: Essays Based on Herbert SpencerLectures Given in the University of Oxford, Oxford: Oxford University Press,2000.
    12.Dabney Townsend. TASTE: Early History, Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, Oxford University Press,1998.
    13.Douglas Kellner ed. Collected papers of Herbert Marcuse, vol.1, London and New York:Routledge,1998.
    14.Douglas den Uyl ed., Characteristicks of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times, vol.2, Indianapolis:Liberty Fund,2001.
    15.Edward Alsworth Ross. Social Psychology. New York: Macmillan.1919.
    16.George Dickie. Evaluating Art, Philadelphia: Temple University Press,1988.
    17.George Dickie. Art and the Aesthetic: An Institutional Analysis, Ithaca and London: CornellUniversity Press,1974.
    18.George Dickie, R. J. Sclafani ed., Aesthetics: A Critical Anthology, New York: St. Martin’sPress,1977.
    19.Gilles Lipovetsky. The Empire of Fashion, Translated by Catherine Porter, Princeton: PrincetonUniversity Press,1994.
    20.George Santayana. The Sense of beauty, Being the Outline of Aesthetic Theory, New York:Dover Publications, Inc.,1955.
    21.George Santayana. Dominations and Powers: Reflections on Liberty, Society, and Government,New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers,1995.
    22.G.W.F. Hegel. Philosophy of Right,(Translated by S.W Dyde). Kitchener, Ontario: BatocheBooks,2001.
    23.Henry Home, Lord Kames. Elements of Criticism, Peter Jones ed., Indianapolis: Liberty Fund,2005.
    24.Hugh Blair. Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres, vol.1, printed by I. Thomas and E.T.Andrews,1802.
    25.Henry E. Allison, Kant’s Theory of taste, Cambridge University Press,2001.
    26.Hannah Arendt. Lectures on Kant`s Political Philosophy, edited by Ronald Beiner, Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1992.
    27.Herbert J. Gans. Popular Culture&High Culture: an Analysis and Evaluation of Taste, BasicBooks,1999.
    28.Henri Lefebvre. Critique of Everyday Life, Vol.Ⅲ, Translated by Gregory Elliott, London andNew York: Verso,2005.
    29.Hamelink, C. J. cultural autonomy in global communications. New York: Longman,1983.
    30.Hilde Hein and Carolyn Korsmeyer ed., Aesthetics in Feminist perspective, Indianapolis:Indiana University Press,1993.
    31.Immanuel Kant. Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics, Translated by James W. Ellington,Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company,2001.
    32.John Locke. Two Treatises of Government, edited by Mark Goldie, London: EverymanPaperback,1993.
    33.John Locke.The Works of John Locke, vol.8, London: Rivington,1824
    34.Jacques Derrida. The Truth in Painting, Translated by Geoff Bennington and Ian McLeod,Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press,1987.
    35.Joseph Margolis ed., Philosophy Looks at the Arts: Contemporary Readings in AestheticsⅡ,Philadelphia: Temple University Press,1987.
    36.James Northcote. The Life of Sir Joshua Reynolds, Printed for Henry Colburn, Conduit-Street,London,1819.
    37.James O. Young ed., Aesthetics: Critical Concepts in Philosophy, vol.Ⅰ, London and NewYork: Routledge,2005.
    38.Jonathan Loesberg. A Return to Aesthetics: Autonomy, Indifference, and Postmodernism,Stanford, California: Stanford University Press,2005.
    39.John Fiske. Reading the Popular, Boston: Unwin Hyman,1989.
    40.Jeffrey C. Alexander, Steven Seidman ed., Culture and Society: Contemporary Debates,Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1990.
    41.Loic Wacquant ed., Pierre Bourdieu and Democratic Politics-The Mystery of Ministry,, PolityPress,2005.
    42.Pierre Bourdieu. Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgment of Taste,(translated by RichardNice), Routledge&Kegan Paul Ltd.,1984.
    43.Pierre Bourdieu and Loic J. D. Wacquant. An Invitation to Reflexive Sociology, Chicago: TheUniversity of Chicago Press,1992.
    44.Peter Kivy ed., The Blackwell Guide to Aesthetics, Blackwell Publishing,2004.
    45.Paul Guyer. Kant and the Claims of Taste, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1997.
    46.Paul Mattick ed., Eighteenth-Century Aesthetics and the Reconstruction of Art, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2008.
    47.Robert Stecker and Ted Gracyk ed., Aesthetics Today: A Reader, Rowman&LittlefieldPublishers, inc.,2010.
    48.Robert Joyce. The Esthetic Animal——Man, the Art-Created Art Creator, Hicksville, NewYork: Exposition Press,1975.
    49.Richard Hoggart. The Use of Literacy: Aspects of working-class life with special references topublications and entertainments. London: Chatto and Windus,1957.
    50.Rebecca Kukla ed., Aesthetics and Cognition in Kant’s Critical Philosophy, CarletonUniversity, Cambridge University Press,2006.
    51.Thomas Reid. Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man, edited by James Walker, D. D.,Cambridge: Metcalf and Company,1850.
    52.Theodor Adorno. Minima moralia: reflections from damaged life (translated by E. F. N.Jephcott), London and New York: Verso,2005.
    53.Theodor Adorno ect. Aesthetics and Politics:The Key Texts of the Classic Debate WithinGerman Maxism, London﹠New York: Verso,1977.
    54.Theodor W. Adorno. Aesthetic Theory, translated by Robert Hullot-Kentor, Minneapolis:University of Minnesota Press,1996.
    55.Theodor W. Adorno. The Cultural Industry, edited by J. M. Bernstein, London and New York:Routledge,1991.
    56.Tamar Japaridze. The Kantian Subject: Sensus Communis, Mimesis, Work of Mourning, StateUniversity of New York Press,2000.
    57.Thorstein Veblen. The Theory of the Leisure Class, edited by Martha Banta, Oxford: OxfordUniversity Press,2007.
    58.Matel Calinescu. Five Faces of Modernity: Modernism, Avant-Garde, Decadence, Kitsch,Postmodernism. Duke University Press,1987.
    59.Michael Moriarty. Taste and Ideology in Seventeenth-century France, Cambridge UniversityPress,1988.
    60.No l Carroll. A Philosophy of Mass Art, Oxford: Clarendon Press,1998.
    61.Wolfgang Fritz Haug. Critique of Commodity Aesthetics, translated by Robert Bock, Universityof Minnesota Press,1987.
    30.[德]G. G.莱布尼茨:《中国近事——为了照亮我们这个时代的历史》,杨保筠译,大象出版社2005年版。
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