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     (1)在基础理论与技术方面,提出了安全数据字典的概念,阐述了安全数据字典的意义、形式和实现算法;应用GML作为空间数据集成的中间数据交换格式,实现基于不同数据模型的空间数据的相互转换;为了使数据及数据之间的关系定义更具抽象性和普遍意义,设计了基于XML的地质灾害数据集成语言(GDIML,Geohazard Data Integration Markup Language),用于定义数据源、目标数据、语义转换、集成调度控制、以及数据源检测等数据集成的相关描述。
The geological condition and environment in China is complex andfragile, and the disasters here are various, highly frequent and large-scale,which have threatened the safety of people’s lives, property as well as theregional economic development. In regions where geohazards are widelydistributed, the Disaster Forecasting and Early Warning Systems becomethe most important way to be used. Those are data-intensive systems,which require a lot of static spatial data and dynamic land-based&space-based monitoring data. Considering the complex types andresources of data as well as its large differences in format, there must be alot of format conversion, information extraction, and data integrationbefore it meets the operational requirements of the system. It costs a lot ofhuman and material resources, however, due to the lack of dataintegration standards and data service method, these valuable resourcescannot be shared.
     In this paper, the author did research on skills and methods of the geohazard data integration and designed a general geological disaster dataintegration system, which makes the establishment of geological disastersin the data warehouse more convenient and more efficient. Besides, theauthor also discussed the data sharing mechanism based on the user'sview of the data, which could help secure and share data.The mainresearch content and the main results achieved are as follows:
     (1) In terms of basic theory and technical aspects, the concept ofSafety Data Dictionary was firstly brought in. Then its significance, formand algorithm were elaborated. The author used GML as the intermediatedata storage format for the spatial data integration, to realize the mutualconversion of the geospatial data for different models. In order to makethe data and the relationship among all kinds more abstract and universal,this article, based on XML, invented GDIML (Geohazard DataIntegration Markup Language) to define data source, target data, semanticconversion, the control of the integrated Scheduling, as well as datasource detection, etc.
     (2) In the integrated approach aspect, data warehouse technologywas applied. The author used GDIML markup language and SecurityData Dictionary to set the data source, target data warehouse and theirmapping relation to realize the data extract, transition and load functions.Meanwhile the article had a detailed analysis of spatial data andnon-spatial data, meteorological precipitation data, on-site monitoring data integration method and algorithm design
     (3) This paper completed the design of geological disasters in dataintegration system in terms of the system requirements analysis, systemdesign, functional modules and detailed design of information. What’smore, the article made a detailed analysis of geological disasters commonfactor (live precipitation forecast rainfall, rainfall intensity, watershedidentification and characteristic parameters) to extract the principles andprocedures algorithm.
     (4) As the traditional database view cannot constrain the security offile sharing, this paper proposed a proxy-based user-level view of the datatechnology, and realized the complex data secure sharing which containsboth structured data (data of database) and unstructured data (data fromfile system).
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