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Yiqizhixuening granule is effective recipe to cure gynecologic hemorrhagic disease especially dysfunctional uterine bleeding belonging to the spleen-kidney insufficiency type which professor Ma Bao Zhang summurizes from long-term clinical practice. To probe hemostatic mechanism of Yiqizhixuening and to provides powerful experimental evidence for clinic, we break routine thinking of animal model for experiment and select several experimental animal models and design "models association" to study using technology of in situ hybridization, immunohistochemist^ serum pharmcology^ radioimmunoassay. Result:
    1.Both of solution and pharmacological serum of Yiqizhixuening can increase contraction function and smooth muscle's tension of uterus isolated from the whole body.
    2.Yiqizhixuening can decrease mouse bleeding time ,coagulation time and also decrease prothrombin timeN activated partial thromboplastin time of rat.It shows that Yiqizhixuening has multiple-channels coagulation function.
    3.Yiqizhixuening can regulating mechanism of uterus local hemostasis: Yiqizhixuening can promote the mRNA expression of estrogen receptor and progestogen receptor in uterine tissue by in situ hybridization method; Yiqizhixuening of low-dose can increase endothelin expression in uterus tissue by immunohistochemistry method.
    4. Yiqizhixuening has two-way regulation to the function of HPOA: (l)The low-dose of Yiqizhixuening can improve ovarian coefficient, but the high-dose of Yiqizhixuening decrease it slightly. It shows that two gropes have notable discrepancy.(2)The law-dose of Yiqizhixuening can increase FSH> LH> EZ> P in serum of immature rat, but the high-dose of Yiqizhixuening has down-regulating trend. It shows two groups have notable discrepancy. (3 )The law-dose of Yiqizhixuening can increase expression of ERmRNA in immature rat's hypothalamus, but the
    high-dose of Yiqizhixuening can not. Two groups have notable discrepancy.
    Conclusion: Yiqizhixuening has multiple-levels, multiple-channels multiple-targets hemostatic and regulating function to treat dysfunctional uterine bleeding.
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