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Chemiluminescence (CL) detection has been widely used in many fields due to its attracting features including high sensitivity, low detection limit, wide linear dynamic range and inexpensive instruments. However, the relatively poor selectivity of the CL method itself limits its direct application to the analysis of complicated sample. The use of some analytical methods combined with multivariate calibration can be considered a promising, faster, direct and relatively less expensive alternative for the multicomponent analysis of mixture. This paper focused on the multivariate calibration of chemiluminescence combined with artificial neural network method.
     This thesis includes two parts. In part one, the principle and structure of artificial neural network (ANN) were introduced, and the development of ANN in analytical chemistry was also summarized. Part two is research report, and the obtained results are listed as follows:
     1. Simultaneous determination of dichlorvos and omethoate using stopped-flow chemiluminescence with the aid of artificial neural network calibration
     In this paper, artificial neural network and stopped-flow CL measurement was combined for the simultaneous determination dichlorvos and omethoate. The method is based on the different kinetics between the two analytes in Luminol-H_2O_2 CL system.The mixed CL intensity was monitored and recorded on the whole process of stopped-flow, and the data obtained were processed chemometrically by use of an artificial neural network.. The proposed method was successfully applied to the simultaneous determination of the organophosphorous pesticides in some vegetable samples.
     2 Simultaneous determination of captopril and hydrochlorothiazide using chemiluminescence with the aid of artificial neural networks
     A chemiluminescence system combining artificial neural network multivariate calibration for simultaneous determination of captopril and hydrochlorothiazide was proposed. In the presence of rhodamine 6 G, Ce(Ⅳ)could oxidize captopril and hydrochlorothiazide, respectively, to produce strong CL emission, and the two CL dynamic characteristics was significantly different. The CL intensity was measured and recorded on the whole process, and the obtained data were processed by the chemometric approach of artificial neural network.The proposed method was applied to the simultaneous determination of CPL and HCT in pharmaceutical formulation with satisfactory results.
     3. Determination of malachite green based on chemiluminescence reaction of Luminol with ferricyanide
     A novel chemiluminescence method coupled with flow injection technique for the determination of malachite green is developed. It is based on the enhancement of malachite green on the chemiluminescence reaction of luminol with ferricyanide in sodium hydroxide medium. The linear calibration range of the chemiluminescence intensity to the malachite green concentration is 1.0×10~(-6) to 1.0×10~(-4) mol/L. The relative standard deviation for 1.0×10~(-5)mol/L malachite is 2.3% (n=7), and the detection limit is 4×10~(-7) mol/L.
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