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The17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China hasestablished self-innovation ability improvement and innovative state constructionas the core of national development strategies. The Outline of the Twelfth FiveYear Plan for China Economic and Social Development has pointed out thatshould take scientific progression and scientific technique innovation as thesupport of the transformation of economic development modes. The role ofscience and technology (sci-tech) finance has been increasingly obvious in thesci-tech innovation process in China, and attracted high attention of governmentsat all levels, scholars, enterprises, universities, research institutes etc. TheMinistry of Science and Technology cooperated with the People’s Bank of China,the Ministry of Finance, China Banking Regulatory Commission and ChinaSecurities Regulatory Commission has issued policy papers about sci-techfinance. However, the policies of promoting sci-tech innovation and sci-techfinance usually take sci-tech innovation as center and locate sci-tech finance asthe financial service tool for innovation, and aim to resolve the fund needs ofsci-tech achievements transformation and industrialization, while ignore thedemand of sci-tech finance self-development and the need of coordinateddevelopment between sci-tech innovation and sci-tech finance. Sci-techinnovation and sci-tech finance as the joint promoting forces of knowledgeeconomy, their coordinated development is benefit for the sustainable and rapidgrowth of knowledge economy, and vice versa. Therefore, this dissertationreveals the coordinated development principle between regional sci-techinnovation and sci-tech finance, studies the coordinated development models and mechanisms. The research has great theoretical and practical significance for ourcountry and regions to promote the coordinated development of sci-techinnovation and sci-tech finance.
     On the basis of analysis and review of foreign and domestic related researchon the relationship between sci-tech innovation and sci-tech finance, thisdissertation analyzes the interaction principle between regional sci-techinnovation and sci-tech finance system, then describes their composition andanalyzes self-organization characteristics of regional sci-tech innovation andsci-tech finance system. Meanwhile, it gives the connotation of coordinateddevelopment, analyzes the motility and resistance of their coordinateddevelopment, establishes the coordinated development system dynamics modelbetween sci-tech innovation and sci-tech finance, and reveals the complexdynamic relationship among the elements of regional sci-tech innovation andsci-tech finance system. It determines the order parameters of the system,proposes the coordinated development model, and then constructs the coordinatedeffect concept model. After that, it puts forward the core ideas and managementthought of coordinated development between regional sci-tech innovation andsci-tech finance.
     The dissertation analyzes the developing state of regional sci-techinnovation and sci-tech finance, and judges the coordinated development degreeby coordinated degree measuring model constructed in this dissertation, andfurther determines the main driving forces for coordinated development betweenregional sci-tech innovation and sci-tech finance. It designs coordinateddevelopment models including government-oriented type and transitional type aswell as market-oriented type from the perspective of driving forces and positivefeedback loops, and then compares the three different coordinated developmentmodels. The dissertation gives the selecting conditions and methods forcoordinated development models, and puts forward its transforming path betweenthe different models.
     This dissertation establishes the structure model for coordinateddevelopment mechanisms between regional sci-tech innovation and sci-techfinance. Combined with three coordinated development models, it constructs thecoordinated development mechanisms between regional sci-tech innovation and sci-tech finance, which includes government coordinating mechanism and crosslearning mechanism as well as information sharing mechanism andenvironmental guarantee mechanism. According to the developing states anddemands of different regions, based on effectiveness maximization principle, ituses rough set method to determine the priorities of coordinating mechanisms byquestionnaire investigation for sci-tech innovation subjects and sci-tech financesubjects. The method can provide scientific basis for establishment and perfectionof coordinated development mechanisms.
     From the two dimensions of coordinated feedback effects and coordinateddevelopment performance between regional sci-tech innovation and sci-techfinance, this dissertation makes comprehensive evaluation. Firstly, it usesGranger causality analysis method to test the coordinated feedback effectsbetween regional sci-tech innovation and sci-tech finance, and uses the bootstrapsimulation technique with high reliability of small sample size to provideaccurate and reliable inference critical values. Secondly, it uses DEAimprovement method to evaluate the coordinated development performance ofsci-tech innovation and sci-tech finance in different regions, and introducescross-evaluation mechanism to realize effective sorting of decision making units.The evaluation purpose is to provide scientific basis for the design of coordinateddevelopment model and construction of coordinated development mechanisms.
     Based on the above research, this dissertation takes Heilongjiang province asempirical research object, analyzes the operation state of sci-tech innovation andsci-tech finance in Heilongjiang including the state of sci-tech innovation andsci-tech finance, coordinated degree, coordinated feedback effects, coordinateddevelopment performance, and then it selects and designs in detail thecoordinated development model for Heilongjiang. Through questionnaireinvestigation for related subjects, it determines the construction approaches andemphasis of coordinated development mechanisms for Heilongjiang using roughset method, and puts forward countermeasures of coordinated developmentbetween sci-tech innovation and sci-tech finance for Heilongjiang.
     The theoretical and empirical research on the coordinated developmentprinciple, model, mechanism and evaluation models can offer advantageoustheory guidance and scientific method support for sustainable and rapid growth of sci-tech innovation and sci-tech finance in provinces and cities.
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