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质量机能展开(Quality Function Deployment,QFD),是一种系统化的方法,从掌握顾客需求,再将需求转换成代用特性,订定产品的设计质量标准,然后将设计质量有系统地展开到各个机能零件项目的质量;而提出两种质量概念,是由于发现质量应区分成前道流程对本后道流程的影响及本道流程本身的质量能力。本研究尝试引进QFD,以作为台资高科技贸易公司服务质量及顾客满意度研究模式的延伸。本文中以台商高科技贸易公司为实际案例对QFD整体架构,根据质量屋步骤逐一说明呈现,提供了一些优于传统质量与顾客满意度活动的指导意见。
     本研究的研究对象为台资高科技贸易公司,目的在建立台资高科技贸易公司服务质量层面的衡量模式,并自此层面模式萃取出服务质量项目,再运用QFD有系统地探讨并确认出顾客的真正需求,了解顾客期望质量与认知质量的间的差异;后者则将顾客声音(Voice of Customer, VOC)转换成台资高科技贸易公司经营者可了解的语言,及有待改善的作业程序,找出台资高科技贸易公司如何拟定可以改善服务质量的具体可行方案及其执行优先等级,以提升整体服务质量并确保公司的竞争优势。
Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is a structured approach to defining customer needs or requirements and translating them into specific plans to produce products to meet those needs. Then, set products concepts or technology to overcome these potential tradeoffs or consider the tradeoffs in establishing target values. This research evaluates the quality performance and service quality of Taiwan high-technology trade industry and provides suggestions to improve the service quality.
     The Taiwan high-technology trade industry is the study case. The research purpose is to establish the service quality evaluated model for Taiwan high-technology trade industry and to extract service quality items from the model. Them, use QFD to probe customers’needs.“Voice of the customer”is the term to describe these stated and unstated customer needs or requirements. The research translated“Voice of the customer”in a product planning matrix or“house of quality”and increases the industry competitive strategy.
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