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Nowadays, with the rapid development of economic, work and family conflict become the hot topic. And the related fields, such as organizational commitment, job satisfaction, turnover rate, subject well-being and so on, have also become the important part of researches. Therefore, to study the relationship of these fields can provide strong theoretical basis for enterprises to make further development.
     Based on bi-dimension theory of work and family conflict together with three-component organizational commitment and job satisfaction, this paper constructs a model of work and family conflict, organizational commitment and job satisfaction. By using both qualitative and quantitative data, this paper analyses the relationship of work and family conflict, organizational commitment and job satisfaction in the finance enterprises with spss. Then we analysize the results with theory and practice and bring forward the measure of reducing work and family conflict, and increasing organizational commitment and job satisfaction of the employees.
     This paper makes a review of work and family conflict, organizational commitment and job satisfaction. Then put forward the content of this study with the questionnaire investigated in the finance enterprises. The model includes the two dimension of work and family which are work-family conflict and family-work conflict; the three components of organizational commitment which are affective commitment, continuance commitment and normative commitment; three part of job satisfaction which are external satisfaction, general satisfaction and inner satisfaction. Based on this content, this paper put forward four main hypotheses and seven small hypotheses. We make factor analysis, variance analysis and regression analysis by using spss, and analyze the relationship among work and family conflict, organizational commitment and job satisfaction. We get the conclusion as follows: there is remarkable relation between work and family conflict and organizational commitment; there is remarkable relation between work and family conflict and job satisfaction; there is remarkable relation between job satisfaction and organizational commitment.
     Finally, by discussing the conclusions of this research, we propose several measures from two aspects. One is to reduce work and family conflict of the employees in order to increase there organizational commitment and job satisfaction. The other is to increase job satisfaction of the employees in order to reduce their work and family conflict and to increase their organizational commitment. The countermeasures are family-friendly policies, support of organizations, salaries and benefits systems and so on. These can help enterprises better regulate work and family conflict of the employees, increase their organizational commitment and job satisfaction.
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