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Urban transport and associated environmental, energy has become one of the social issues of common concern. Improve the attractiveness of public transport, optimizing the structure of urban residents travel, take the road of sustainable development is the fundamental way to solve the problem. Rail passenger traffic as the big cities home and abroad, the main or backbone transport, socio-economic development of their city played an important role in promoting. By the end of 2008, China had 10 cities, rail transit built and operated, with eight cities has been approved and is under construction and another 20 cities are being declared or preparation.2050 the total mileage of China's urban rail transit more than 4500km. Can see large-scale development of China's urban rail transit time has come.
     Occupied floor space of urban rail transportation, energy saving and environmental protection advantages, not only ease urban traffic congestion, and help to improve the quality of living environment, promote sustainable urban development; but because of its construction and operation into a huge, low accessibility limitations objectively requires the principle of prudent planning and development. Network Distribution planning is the rail transit network planning in the core content of program quality will limit its distribution network planning function of the outcome of the applicability of rational operations and engineering feasibility. In the current situation, studies the layout of urban rail transit network planning theory and methods have important theoretical and practical value.
     Paper based on the idea of sustainable development, the use of urban rail transport, urban and transportation planning, systems analysis and operations research, graph theory and complex network theory approach, a broad conclusion based on the layout of urban rail transit network planning The passenger demand forecasts, in-line layout, Network Distribution patterns and layout optimization method is studied, and the current network layout of the line length, layout and other hot spots ring was explored.
     Articles by analysis of urban rail transit passenger demand forecast and the causes of the problems is proposed based on "scenarios" of the passenger demand forecasting methods and processes can be combined qualitative and quantitative goals to establish and predict environmental feedback to make up for lack of ultra-long-term forecast boundary constraints, while integrating a common development objectives intended to protect the passenger flow forecasting to achieve. To improve the prediction based on data quality, paper-like according to tour around Ge Cheng Cheng Shi verification line can be characterized by a number of closed areas, based on maximum entropy principle, to verify the total area and the road between observations and estimates the minimum as the objective, the establishment of a verification-based District of OD matrix model and algorithm checking. Xi'an residents with the 2008 travel survey data were checking, the results show that the method can reduce workload, improve data accuracy check.
     Paper summarizing the actual operations at home and abroad urban rail transit line functions, operating characteristics and the relationship between circuit layout pattern based on the single rail line will be divided into linear layout pattern, ring and combination-type three structurally and analyzed the various types of features and classification, functional characteristics and setting conditions. Rail transit line operations to optimize the overall effectiveness of the community as the goal line were established and the Link class line length optimization model, and the domestic real data checking. The results show that under normal circumstances the optimal line length is 14.5-37.0km, and inversely with the intensity of passenger flow. The conclusions and experiences of value close to that of the method is feasible.
     Reference to complex network theory approach paper proposed rail transit network layout structure and morphology characteristics of the four indicators of complex networks, and typical of pure radial, radial, and checkerboard ring network lines had a spreadsheet and analyzed. Meanwhile, the paper studies to the "line of network optimization model for the overall arrangement and method."'and the corresponding calculation of the genetic algorithm.
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